Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 May 2002, p. 7

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The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, May 14, 2002-7 'OUR READERS WRITE Milton charîties Ieft out in the cold: reader Dear Editor: net te eppost When I read about tbe monies the Town receives mayer and ce trom Mohawk slots and then the indecisien as to what et the meney sbeuld be donecsitb i. I become upset. pated decline Let me tell you why. WelI, the1 Going back just betore the siots came te Mohawvk, agreementa the Charities Association ot Milton was provtding our amoufit t h community qulte welI. We were tnaking good nney its the Two ai bingo. It was so good thaithte government sas.the et the barga potential and cbanged the rules, which cut the anieurit prinised te we were making in hall, clubs andi et We were just earning te cepe ss ith thjs bleu ss heu gatiens. on the horizon appeared aneiber beasi --ibe siets. I", Ile Pc Alter severat meetings with betb the toue and the let- tertes people, the chariies association ssas coni ied Teacher upset over opposition to teachings about Holocaust Dear Editor: As a bîgb sehool hisîory teacher. i1svas sbocked and saddened by a recent article regarding oppesitien te teacbing about the Holocaust. 1 truiy believe that the Holecaust and tbe events tbat surround this borritic trne are some et the nost important istoiy lessons one cao iearn. No, they are net pleasant; indeed. those wbe know tbe truce scope anti nature efthtis tragedy cao rarel's speak about il without becoming overwbelmed with emetion. This. bess ever. is ne reasen te eliminate sucb topîcs trom the scbeel cu- riculum:, ratller, it is the very reason i sbould be included. Every day our cildren are exposed te violence andt ragedy via the news reports, televisien amd varieus uther sources of' media. Yoeung people are bombarded with H-ollywood images out terrer and atrocity. ail in the name et entertaînmeut. lis ibtlese images wbîch make ialk et topics lîke tbe Hlecausi se necessary u gives meaîing and value te tings- ssich se nany eteuir cbîldren bave become accusîomed. li's one îbing te say ibat six million Jews were murdered ai the hands of the Nazis; if's semnething quite different te view footage ot the alied liberation et the concentra- ien camps of Europe. Il bas some impact te read in a book about tbe tortore and experimentation pertormed by tbe Nazis; if's anotb- cF te bear it directly trom one wbo survived il. Our society is one wbicb doesn't lîke te tatk about unpleasani iings, and tbe Holocausi is by far one efthie events wbicb reacb- es deep irto our seuls and screains for answers. Tbe senselessness, the violence and the utier depravtty ibat accompanied NaLt atroc- ities are se great tbat il is easier te avoid, or worse, sugarcoat the event. 1 have seen tbis first-band iri textbooks tbat discuss tbe Holocaust in but a tew pages witb seme well-cbosen pboîograpbs. By attempting te conceal iblis part et istory, people are, i essence, contributing te the Holecaust ie tbeir ewri way. We study history te learo about our past and aveid repeating tbe mistakes of our ancestors, but bow car itbis be dene wben tbe îrutb is buried beneath bureaucracy and bias? How cari we expeet our students te îbink criîically and analytically about tbe past wlien tbey are enly provided switb part efthie story? Wbat value do we give ibis eveni if we do net present it inilus detail? Lisving istery isiorical events totd by these ss bulîved tbreugb îbemn are by tar tbe mosi valuable souirces et interma- ien tbat sve bave. Hearing stories îold by ibose svbe experienced the evenis puts a lace and a mneaning te ibe inftemuatien. u iîb an impact and insigbt ibai gees far beyond :tny iexibook er video and gives a real bumanness te fibe isieiy. AIl Germans are net. nor ever were Nazis. lndecd, great care muai be taken te make ibis ditterentiation clear in the mindis et stu- dents. Hewever, te avoîd tbe topie altogetber is tbe greaiest disre- speci uce can gîve te tbese wbo suffered and died. as wcll aîs ibese wbe lived îbrougb ibis unspeakable nigbtmare. The only îbing worse is the eutrigbt denial efthie Holocausi altogeiber. The tact ibat one parent bas responded in ibis way is a frigtening reminder, ibat anîi-Semitîsm is indeed alive and well in Canada îoday and is. perbaps, the besi example of wby studies et ibis trne in history are of parameunt importance, for je many ways. we bave net made mucb pregress. 1 commerid the îeacber of iis clasa for incerporating Holocausi studies ie b er ctassroen3. 0ur new curriculum places se mucb empbasis on learning as mucb as one can as quickly as possible ibat oten the mosi valuable tessons- about lite and the seciety we live ini - can be overlooked. Naines and dates witl eventually be torgetteri. but true leamning, appreciatteri. and understanding will lasi a litetime. Tbe 1-olocausi uas a borrible event. but one that ultimatety îaugbt us ,vbal cao resultilrom baie, inaction. and indit- terencu.. We cant afterd te remain slent. Jodi Cross Satok Crescent se tbe stuits. witb promises trern both our ouncilthiat tbe cbarities would sec a share 1 1 y trom tbe slots- making up tbe antici- ie ai bingo. loitery people tullilled ibeir part efthite and bave turned over a censiderable2S x 100V 4 te Toue. Loaded, Leather, one ower. Balance of fa( uwn et Milton tIsais net keepîng ibeir ed tP29 ,aie by net li.uding over ssbat ihey bad$3 9 5 ib te charmtes. Ibhis bas li s eveial sevice laci cbarities scramblitug te mcci iheir obli- -SrigMlo Lpeto mi heu ihai are sut tering. Fendy vi FRI -aHD uuple ~ Do CIEVROET4DS Milton HWY. 25 S. AT DERRY RD., MILT Internet access that's twice as fast as high speed phone.. ,-1s Oiter ends Jure 30, 2002, Monthiy raie after 3-month offer is $44.95. Professional installation etter is $49,95, regulariy $99.95, Downiead speed based on transier speed ot 2Mbps for COGECO vs t Miups for figh suueed phone. Net availatule in ail areas Seme restrictiens may appiy, TON

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