Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 May 2002, p. 6

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6 - The Canadian Champion, Tueaday May 14, 2002 SCOMMENT %%Wrn4 GREAT POU~R WITW GREAT POWER COMES GREA,,S C ZEIROÇ Awareness can protect your assets from thugs T here are enough bunps along the road of lite withou t alling vîctîm to scam artists. And the best protection againsi such lowlifes- whn would pieeto1 lazily steal the hard-earned mnoney of others than to roll up theiîî owfl sleeves for a hard day's work is awareness. As seen iin the bank card scam that camne to light here over the E ister weekend, it pays to be vigilant. If you weren't a victim, be glad. If you don't want to be a victirn Halton Regional Police suggest cardholders take precautiOns. Cardholder safety tips were published in a story on the bank card scam in Friday's Champion, but il can't hurt to go over them agamn. *Neyer let your bank card out of sight when conducting a transac- tion. s " Neyer ]end your card to anyone, including friends and family. "Memorize your PIN. Don't write it down or tell it to anyone. " Don't select a PIN based on the obvious - name, street number, telephone number or birthday.___4 If ou elive omeneis watching your transaction too closely or O UR READERS WRITE Thanks to ail who cleaned Up fairgrounds Seeking court injunction the best way to Dear Editor: lic use. deal wîth aduit video store, says couple The Halton Agricultural Society would like to recognize and extend our appreci- ation to our good neighbours for the care and consideration regarding the Milton Fair Grounds. What a pleasure it was ta hear that the neighbourhood dog owners gathered ta clean up the grounds. Not only did they dlean up after local pets, but also the garbage. With this display of community pride, the membership of the Halton Agnicultural Society is apprecianive and happy to keep the grounds open for pub- Box 248, 191 Main Si. E.. Milton. Ont. L9T 4N9 (905) 878-2341 Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified: 905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 Ian OliverPublisher Neil Oliver As rrrari, Pub/rn/reri JiilDavis Fdrrrn ru C/nuiil Karen Smith Fr/nai Wendy McNabA/e /u i, Stes c Crozier 't iriil irci leri Casas 01111 ir riiinag I'iîî (oies Prod<r/onManaeru ' Last spning, the Milton Fair Grounds experienced in excess of $6,000 worth of vandalism. This is a substantial loss for a non-profit organization. In an effort to curb vandalism, our vol- unteers canvassed our neighbours to ask for their help. Again, we were pleased with the attitude and care displayed. Our neighbours' efforts to provide a safe and dlean environment on the fair- grounds for everyone's enjoyment is greatly appreciated. Haton Agricultural Soclety Board of directors The Canadien Campin, /ubiished eanny Tirsday and Fiday ai i19i Main St E .Mtrin t . L9T 4N9 (Bin 248), s cnie ni The Metroland Prrning Pubishiig & srirbuting Lid. routi oi siriirban comparues nhicli indu/nes:Ajaxickering News Aderiirîn lliqinn Healrr (nirien, Barrie Asance. Bain/'s Ba/ This Weîk, Bolen Eniirpnuse, BamptnpirGiardiai, BurliniiiPostfni irrligiiiShropprrrg News. City Parerr, it(y ofiYrk Guarirarr Clligwiid!Wasaga Cnnecrrsn. East York Mînîor, Erî A/vocale Cisrriny Rorrtes, Eroicoke Aar/iru, FamirirauglirPst. Fînesen Yong, Gergeown Iidepîidiii/Actii Fee Pess, Haliniiisiess Tiîs Hirira Bsiess Trmes, igston This We Lirisay Ths Weîk, Mariani Ecinoiisi & Suni, Milaid/Peaiqssheie Mii inSiroppirg News. Mssssauga Bsirnrss limis, Mssssarrga Nws. Sapanen Gide, Nassagawe/a News, Sîsmanket/Aîîîira FaBinier SiNrumberland News, North rork Mni dakîili Baser akairi Shopprirn Newssdiirmers Hockey News. rlira Tiday dshasa/Wiriiy Craiirirdori P,r rry Thirs Week. Petebornsîilh This Weelr Prciîni Cutiid nre> R irmnd hiirIiThorihrll ,Vaagharr Lbrrai Scalirrisgh Miii rSri titi leUiiiidge. Arrersig saccepied on rie Lnitiirratinte rrevern i tofa ypo- graphiiea uir r.rr aporn ion mtntedeiiîs iraspace ioiciie lis titi 't rii e lni rgeiinr vo«n i easonaiia'iowaîce ior îîriir:ýi oi ni curgid tir brrr rie ibaance.of hri(ivoosii ereil î. î..' p. i nli rri'irl. canin raide mîItt ici hr seives thc idliti)i tetinnine arvreiiselecis er Tie Miltn Cana/tan Champon ir a Beciabie P'rreic (The JIfl/nving l htiei n'as, uddass'd fia lMa v' GoirîKranî:- and11 nie'nîbîrs oîj )lt ('1M il and a iapv n'as fphd lit/i The Chiainia.) l)ear Editor: 1 bave read wîth interest tIse sto- ries and lenters in 'Me Champion in regards to tbe adui video store Exxoiica that bas recently opened in îowîî and the controversy ovcr the bylais thai the Town bas in place to deal with tbis situation. 1 m-usi tell you tbat lor 32 years 1 was a peace officer in ibis province and during my career 1 witnessed the passing of many municipal by- laws that were questioned. as is the case now. Flawcser, when a law was being challeisged. iwa neyer lefi to lawvers îto resas e --because. ines'itably. one lassyer sides witb the municipaliiy and tbe atber sides with their client. Instcad. law enforccment officers did ibeir job- they enlorced the law that was on the books and iben tbe lawyers fought il out in Iront ot the courts- who ulimaiely made the decision thai resolved ibe con- iros'ersy. 1 would suggest thai the besi way îo resolve. ibis is Io (a) bave appro- priate charges laid. ihus placîîîg the issue îmmediately before the courts. and (b) obtain a cajiri injunction I0 close them dosvn. for operaîing a business without first being issued a proper business per- mit. Personally. my tamily îs opposed îo this store and what il represents by setting up in Milton- not onty because of the products tl deals in and ihe negative effecis these prod- ucts can and do have on a commu- niiy. but also because the owiner bias blaîanîly snubbed bis nose ai tbe ios n and, thus far, gotien away Il ibis is permitied to continue. tl will bave set a dangerous prece- dlent. Ted and Dorothy Hilton Milton Got an opinion on a local issue? If so, fax us your letters to the editor to (905) 878-4943. Pud by Steve Nease THE CANADIAN CI-LvPION R.

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