jThe Canadian Champion, Tuesday May 14, 2002--5 School programs might not get the axe afterall BvýýT1M WHITNELL ;nack and breakfast programs for elemenîary Liîeracy and Food For Thought, are under- bas its own resources, it leverages resources. The lîkelihood of lost school board naitin istr ict ic~r.iiol oarù vstaI iiCi ilOls .110iù Ilepovsiffleai ii cc .0iv yh) Oi funding shouldn't sound the imrmedi- announced last week they're recommending "When schools have to cut loose a resource allows us to leverage funds in the community. the three programrs have their combined fund- like this it is a tragedy. I would say we regret That's the chunk that keeps it alive," she said. ate death knell of three popular pro- ing removed as a cost-saving measure and it's what is happening to education in our commu- "We have to tul this challenge back to our gramrs for Halton students. unknown if more education funding nity," said planning counicil executive director community. Nobody wants this program to dis- However, it likely means organizers of those announced by the provincial government Joey Edwardh. appear. We'll convene some meetings and see programrs will have to seramrble to make up the Friday will make a difference. "Whatever the reason for it, hungry kids if we can develop some interim funding." difference or perhaps ceaIe back what's offered The board paid out $ 125,000 in those areas don't leam well." The Fond For Thought pro- The hundreds of parent volunteers associated in sehools. this sehool year. gram, ironically, expanded by three Halton with the two programs affected will be notified The Drug Abuse Resistance Education I-laton Regional Police, which administers schools just last week to more than 20 across of the situation, said Ms Edwardh. (DARE) initiative for grade 6s, and the the DARE program, and the Halton Social the region. As for the fate of DARE, Halton police Sgt. Celebratîng Literacy and Food For Thought Planning Council, which oversees Celebrating "Righi now, <we) are not an organîzasion that ilse PROGRAM on page 18 Hearing begins in murder case The prelim inary he îring of'a Mississauga man charged with first- degrce murderi n the sIaying of Murraîy Parroti beg în Fridîy in OntaionCourt (provincial division) in Burlinf, n. The Crown is expecied Io c. iii even witnesses durîng the four-day hearing,. whîch is held to determine if enough evi- dence exîsts to go to trial. A publication bain preveni 7heb Champion from repooîing details ni etsi- mon y- a common patiein peii nary hearings. s Mr. Parroti's body was found itear the train tracks. jusi north nf Milîside Drive, August 3 1. Mr. Stokes was arrested and charged wîth the murder of the Milton man in St. Catharines September 5. He remains in custody. The hearing wîll continue May 27 in Burlingion court. DENTAL MATERIALS Charles Goodyear nventedao denture base mteriol bock in the miîd 1800% This moterioil was collet] 'Vulcanîte Vulcanîte is o dark rown, semi-ri196 ubber Since then, denture base mterials have corne a long way and vast changes and improvements have been mode. Today very modern plastics and acrylics are used. The artficial teeth on a denture were mode from such materioils os base and ivary Preciaus metols such as gold and sucver were also tried. Even wood was sed ta make teethi Fnolly, porcelain and plastic teeth have replaced the frmer mterials. Weve came ai long way sînce the days of 'wooden teeth". Denture technology has been castly împroved for denture weairers, and they are continually dîscoverîng new techniques and materiails. Today, more thon 5 million Canadien odulrs are weorîng dentures, Thts more thon one aur of every four people in Canada. You do not need oi referral s mply ccall aur office direct, VVE CARE ABOUT YOUR SMIEt' MUON DMmEEwuN Garry Trenton, Dentunist 159 Main St, Milton 905-876-2000 Moaw R CTRC SLTS