4-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, May 14, 2002 Horticulture trade is booming, but lacks people c~ or' o'i il'lic Iandsu.ipiig and ioi iiuliluii idtstry is bouining.l" but can unly griuix il the labour force cxpands xx lb i., says a Landscape Ontario ofiial. *'\s'ccaniiot fmd enougb peoiple 10 work in the trade. ls aciuaiiy a limiting factor of horiculture,- Executîve Director Tony DiGiox annî said at a press conference Thursctay. -We're in a trade deficit thai touches everybody.' Since 1998, the horticulture indusiry bas seen 10 per cent growth each year, with the exception of last year, which saw a 14 percent jump. The growth in hobbyist interests are blatantly apparent with the success of recent horticulture showcases and the creation of the Home anti Garden Television (HGTV) channel. commented iL . 11 1,I i d iist Soi lCa I oi h eCoine fthe nîinisic cn ile i ci cd item pi uduccd iii Canada. hie added. -The i caSOI fi - lithe plîpl I i vi s isthe dernioraphit of' the hoiom' ecocratihin. As we cail gel oidci. sic put aside ouricll nis rackets and sic start gardening --irv- itîg to create filie paradises in our back- yards." the direcior said. "W're riding that dcmograpbic wavc." l-owcver. if' the industry is going Io continue along the path of expansion, more labour is needed, he continued. In an effort to promote horticulture as a carcer option for youth, Landscape Ontario is involved in numerous high school education programs and offers tours of ils 50 acre facility on Fifth Line. The organization is aiso in discussion -(Lui ,dicainIos haveisca 1nI llenî Schlî onithie site hic'sud Mi. l)i(iivis -nîHorticulture s îone il*iliiisc il ades wxhcrc thcr's sonîcthing l'or cxcrv- boidy. iiicluding kids.' ('ommon mrscoiccpti(ins aboiti pesti- cide use arc aixo castinîg a shadiixxon the îndusiry. Mr. DiGiovanni said. -Lcs han 2 per cent (of pesticides> ix used oun ornamenial horticulture and ni' that 2 per cent, 901 per cent of what's used is 2,4-D (a chemicai compound), which is a herbicide," he explaincd, referring to some activisîx claiming DDT is common- y used. "If a municipality is going 10 look ai Iis properiy and look at the heaiîh impacts, they should be looking at it bascd on those numbers." ~~~~~MILTON i::tt O 4N PRE-AUTHORIZED TAX PAYMENT PROGRAM (PTP) JOIN NOW FOR THE 2002 FINAL BILLING The Town of Milton bas expanded the existing PTP prograni b accept etrolîment application mid year. Enroil between May 01 and lune 13,2002, and have yoor final 2002 taxes wtbdrawn automatically. Due to time constraints. applications flot received by Jane 13, 2002 will not be eligible to participate until 2003. Applications will be mailed to you witb your final tax bil (early June), or you are most welcomne to pick up an application at the Corporate Services counter at 43 Brown St., Milton, or fil ouItbe application form below. Don't forgetritat a void cheque mnust accoanpsny ail applications, and only accotants dhat are a) fully assessed (botb land and bouse value) and b) paid up to date, will be accepted into tbis prograni. T».prwgrwm 0# choffl frei Montlhly Plan: 10 withdrals per yea, thte firt business day of mith montb, Febtuary ta Noveme Due Dat Plan: 4 yearly witdramwals, on te last business day of Fébnaary, Aitil. lune and September For fu pronm details, please oact the Corporate Services Depmemnt at (905) 878-7252 ext. 2193. ---------------------------------------------**cg aloig doted lUae"------- TownOf Milton APPLICATION FOR THE PRE-AUTHORIZED 4 milomN St 5H2AX PAYMENT PROGRAM Mtn, ONd C<9dW5H2 1 bereby agree te al tenus and condtions outined an tbe FTI> Programn and autbonze my bank to draw and issue paynents to tbe Town of Milton for payanent of property taxes. Enclosed witb tiis application is a void cbeque. Cheek One: U Montbly Tex Payment Plan Q Due Date Tex Payment Plan Tax Roll Number Proertv Address Owner Naine(s) Mailing Address Phone Number Fax Number Transit Number Njame of Financial institution Branch Address Accotant Numnber Branch Phone Nuniber Signatuei___________1,____________ Date_ ______________ Date Signature2 **For joint accotats, al depSitont must sgn if more than one signature l required on cheques isssaed agatatat the accotant. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Landscape Ontario Executive Director Tony DiGiovanni neys h. hopes ta have a fuli-timne achool et the Fifth Lins site. Mainvuew Animal Hospital Dr. Larry Landsborough Dr. Landsborougfl Erica iouison R.glstered Veterlnary Technicien " Medical, Surgicai, Dental and Diagnostic Services " Accredited Veterinary Mobile for Housecalîs " Grooming " Daycare " Professional Service (eitr" 17 Wilson Drive, Unit 1 Milton, ON (Corner of Main & Wilson, across from Rona Cashway