Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 May 2002, p. 26

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26-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, May 14, 2002 If you have any questions these professionals can answer, please write to: c/o iTe Canadian Ch-ampïin 191 Main Street E. Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 or Fax tn: 878-4943 HALTON HILLS SPEECH CENTRE Northview Centre 211 Guelph St., Suite 5 (905) 873-8400 www.haltonspeech.corn Q. Myfather had a stroke about 2 years ago. He has made great recoveries physically, however, we often have a hard time under- standing him ami meeting his needs. His speech is quite slurred, and he gets veryfrustrated when he can't exptain to us what he is trying ta say. Wha can we do to help him? A. Often afier an injury to the brain, a person may have weakness affecting the facial muscles such as the lips, tongue or jaw. 'Mis results in slurred or difficult t0 undersiand speech (dysarthria>. The area of the bt-sm responsible for planning the movemeni ot these muscles may also be affected (apraxial. A Speech-Language Patholotsist would be able t0 find out what the Pr. Tony, Wan'sc Tooth T,91k STowne Dental Group Tony H. Wan Milton Mail - 55 Ontario St. B.Sc., DD.S. (905) 876-1188 Can You Ever Keep Your Wisdom Teeth? Wisdom îeeih are a valuable asset tb the mouîh when ihey are healthy and properly posiiioned. Often, however, problems develop ihai requit-e their removal. When the jaw isn'i large enough 10 accommodale wisdom îeeîh, they cas become impacied (unable to corne in or misaligned). Wisdom teeih may grow sideways, emerge only pari way from the gum or remaîn irapped beneaih ihe gura and bone. problem iv ani ta provîde specific ideas about hcuw ic help. Here are some suggestions to keep in onid hen speaking wîîh a * Wisdom îeeih only p pet-son who bas dysarthria: for battenu 10o enter at-e - Encourage communication when the petson is weil resied. Pain, swelling, jaw stuf> Communication miay not be as clear irben the petsots s itred. - Allow additîonaltime for the pet-von t conumunicate thoughts There iv a chance th~ and messages. damage adjacent teeth. - Have the petson talk stower and exaggerale movements of the lips and longue for clearer speech.- A cyst (fluid-filled sac - Encourage the petson ta lit in an upnight position. 'Mis il tut-es such as bone or toi increase breath support and posture for betier speech production. Patients should ask the - When speech is difficult ta, understand, encourage the petson ta n fterwso e remord the message or use a différent method of communication igofterwsmtl (such as geturing, drawing or writing) ta get the message across. wisdom teeth will cau For futther information on dysaribria or any other speech, Ian- having them removed, guage or tmallowmng problems, please contact the Flalton Hilîs that you have them evý Speech Centre at 905-873-8400. to be on the safe side. eeth is generally recommended when: ariially erupi. This leaves an opening 7und the îooth and cause as infection. ïness and general îllness cao result. ht poorly alîgned wisdom îeeth will i forros, destroying surrounding struc- *oth rmots. edentist about the health and position- cth. If your dentist isn't sure that your se problems, or if you decide against your dentisi probably will recommend aluated and x-rayed periodically - jusl Hawkins Animal Hospital S Debbie Hawxkins B.Sc.. DVM, MRCVS Doctor of Veterinary Medicine 550) Ontario Street South, Milton Li (Pizza Hul Plaza> Debbie Hawkns Phone (905) 875-6888 - B. Sc., DVM Fax (905) 875-6853 Canine Parvovirus Enteritis Canine parvovîrus is.in nmy mini. tht mîlsi deadly canine virus ol the fast tira detades.Tht s virus causes se vere dehlîlalîsg and otles fatal illness. the sympioms Seing varnititsg. diarrbea. dehydratioit. lîss ofI appetîte and ofien deaih. The virus causes ilnevs by desiroying the usner lining tif tht intestine. The resui of ibis is rapid debydralion wiSh voinit and diarrhea and secondary bacteriat infectiton thorughiîui ihe botdy, affeeling tSe tajor organs i.c. Seati.liseand kidneys. To ittake miaters ,vorse. the virus ailick.s the buse inantir. irhich dis- aSles the hîdy's itsune systere and ils aililî lii saiurally recoser. Il untreaied. tht sviusrnay tasse e iaîh mtîin 24 Situres h i tS reatilent tSe prîthabiity ildeath iv vtllquitie Sgh.Sut-vivosit'par- vas trus have ot cl senit itans daytin ithe v eterinars Saspital. reteiviîîg critîcal tintenîsive tare. l'arvovirus is shecd te the tetes aIfiuigs bhai happei t lite tact-v top i Se vit-livcas reîîai n active ios lhe rossi esen îheîîuglî t eeecîîîgleniperatut-es 'luppies and adult iliis tbit at-e sut ailequatets v acîntei againts par- 01101 tus titi Settîneie îtecied quitiereadily 5v îîîgeslîng te stitus fnus the geîîîîîd. As a ttinsecluence. aduit dîîgs shîtuli(te sacînated oin a yeaely hasts tir adequate protlection.î luppîes shîîuld rectîve vaccina- titin agaînsi parsît alîîîg u ilSitîher canine înlectiîîus di sease sevet-y 3 iii 4 ueeks sîaeîîng lt-tnt age 58ireeks theîîugh Io lb6t 201 meeks. depending lin wich type tif' vaccine us eing used. Yîîue veicrînîrian wîll design a prîtectîve vaccine prittactîl liter'ut- puppy - ai the fîrvi check up. Aloîng uitS a peopet- vaccination pt-tgrant. you cas peteci yîîur pnppy fronmtîîeitracting the disease. by ensurîeg thut il does net vîsî t-oras irbere dîîgs tif unknîîin vaccine satus have veniured. This includes pat-ks. school grossunindsieiralks. Until your puppy has carepleici ivs vaccines il is safevi in your airn backyari. Alhaugh i i empling to take yîîu neir puppy ouita i he ahove places, just remembLr thai you mili have many years aheai to do this. 50 irait until the puppy iv prîîporly prîtecied. Weht Mauugem.ta-11 Ntt-it- 15 Martin St. 905-693-9594 laie 0: recently purchased a herbai product that supposedly alded ln weight lose. It contained a substance caled ephedrnne. 1 stopped taking t afier a few daya because 1 got shaicy and my heart raced. What exactly iq ephedrine and why Us Uit being used for weight loas? A: Ephednine is a chnmicai compound Ihat is (oued in the dremi stems of the 'Ephedra sinica' plant (bene knowne as 'Ephedra' or "Ma Huang). Ephedra han a stimulant effect on the centrai net-nous systerri, making the heart beai (aster, increaning blood ptessore and raising metabolic rate. Is main use for the last 3,000 years has been as a bronchodilator, efteciively opening small airwnyn in the longs and alleviating nasal decongestion. I lis excellent in small doses to safely treat asthma, allergies, colds and sinus infections. The problern occurs when individoals start osing prodocts that con- tain ephedrine and caffeine for weight ons. Unfortunately, daily usage ofl thene prodocs over an extended peniod of time ns instruct- ed for weight os. The highee dose and the longer yoo take ephedra, the greater the incidence of side eflects, such as racing heartbeat, nervoosnesn, insomnia and hear palpatations. Long-ierm use cen have more seri- ous sude effets that include high blood presure, stroke and seizures. Heobal Magie cames ils own mie of niandardized/renearch-grade quality herbe that are specifically desigtted Ici aid weight Ions, and are completely ephedrine an caffeine free. Bath safe and effective, they provide goci appetite conirol wthout the side effets o-f ephedrine. The herbe are combined with a proper eating plan 10 pro- vide maximum resuits, helping yoo 10 achieve your weight losn ~uxn Sanley hma a BA.in Soclology andl an S.8.W. ln Socal Woe*. 8h. ham ,wked m ( (hHerbaiMaic Prou-amfor 0- ix umaau. andl la a Uulned nul rtloalcouna@l@r.1 Q: -When 1Ilook, ai-hat needs to be done, from some home renuodelîng projetsto laisn and garden improtements andetîojnvi getting ai the nor- mal spring-cIeaning jobs, Ijiîst dont Inou tshere te)uart. Do ion ale anc vnggestions? " A: Whon spring arrives, me have an awakened energy after tho long min- ter aids sense of urgent-y as me embut-k on the aunual sprng-leaning eeent, bath indrors uni oui. Homever, tehen the unsual spning-cieuning takos on un udiei dimension lise home remnodelimg, insieuniotas moul as those toms uni gardon projett ton, thon it t-un ho overwhelming. But il doesnit haie to be. The key in uny projet-t iv panning. Jumping mîto projettv ithout aiiay pre- planning, înclodîng those spring-cleaning jobs uni tho gardon, mIlt-ast yoo time uni money (nai to mention frusration!) in the long mun. Planning Tips Consider tIhe size of the projet-t. This mIl affect the tools uni materials yo neei, as irelI as tho tîme it mIl tLake. Thtnk about your budget. Although curefol planning wili minimize surprise conts, aloir for the unexpectei (adi un extra 1001 to 20% to pay it sale). Tuko it one projet or one room at a turne. Shonld 'yon do these projecev Yorself? Betieve it or flot, it isnt lmays cheuper to do it yourself. Professionats have tho exportent-e uni ois to do tho job (aster uni, sometinuel btter. It couli make sense to do pani of thoemot-k yourself uni use contrat-tors for tho pantions of your projett hut wml tuke tho most timo or at- e honi yow ability. Not only silI thus help yoo koop your cool ... nom you t-un enjoy your extra freedora ih your family or doing ohor hings youi lise ta, do. Spring ix bre! So, put your ideas. projett and budget on papor. Noir is tho time to cati tho professionals ta help you widuyaur plans for your inside ani outside prajocts uni evon ta help you complote somo of thase major tasks. From tho lame uni gardon, te organizing your office or your favourite maom, or, 10 help yoo wid your home improvemonts uni repaies, or, oven ta help yo idu houe spring-cleaning chants, it is boslta cati thom nom. Mast of att, ibon each jaIs is done, Reward Yourney. ROSS As the spring season arrive%.,tee speni more trne ouiioors in the sun. The sun is an important source of lîphi and energy and our bodies îired sorno sun- light to work properiy. but toc, much sun can ioad to healih problems. Sunlight contains ultraviolet or UV light. UVA rays penotrate deep into the layers of the skin and contibuir most to eariy aging and wirnkliu and te, the devoloptuent of skis cancer. UVB rays cause sunhutu. but ihey aiso cause cataracts. and contribute to early aging of the skin and skincancer. Oser 60.000 Canadians ieveiop skin cancrr each year. but ai leasi threr-quar- tors of those cases couid ho prrvenied if we iook more cure to proteet onr skie durîng chiidhooi. About 80%r/ of the skie damage from ithe sun happons by the ire reach i9 years of age. How do you proieci yoursilf and your famîiy fromt sun damage? The Canada Sue Guide offers tho foiloing tîps. Minimize Sun Exposure Schednle onidoor physicai actîvities before 1laarndn afier 4 pm. -Always keep chîldeen unier the a go of one ont of the suei -Waier. snosv. sand und c oncrete can refleci and increaso thr sue's bureiug rays. -Don't ho fooiod hy ciondy days. skie doosut have tbehohot to hum. Seek and Create Shade -Look for natural shade fromt irees aud buildings, or use umbrelias. Cuver Up t Cover heads. necks und ers with a broui brimmei hait when onidoors. -Proteot at-ts uni legs wiib loose-fitttng. Iightiy irovee cottun cloting. Use Sunscreens -Use a sunscreen thai protecis ugainst hoth UVA and UVB rays and bas a sunt protection factor (SPF) of ut leasi 15. -Appty a geroas amouet of sanscreen ut least 20 minutes hofore ail outdoor activities and oeapply if yon pot-spire ortif you go into the muter. A tan ts a stgu of skiu damnage. Thene v n siuh thing -as a safe tan. Any reac- tion te dthe sunt, a hure or a tan, is a lige that the skin has ait-eady been harmed. Mauy poople holieve that tans fmom salons ane safer dha tant front the suet, 1 and thul getting a hase tan front a salon will protect thetfromt sunit-elated skie dameage. Neither of these is loue. UV lighl causes skin damage no matter whet-e it corntes frotu. riot 905-876-4999 or SHOPPERS suj webste utl:tiuih Open ta midnight, 7 days a week www.empynesthomecom n-roitn Carniage Square, 265 Main St. E. bue5îhu, 905-878-3311 MN CASEI Don't Forget Your Sunscreen m ýnY q i Pýtrýrtian nf wi,ýcinm le,

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