The Ganadian Champion, Tueuday, May 14, 2002-25 If you have any questions tnese professionals can answer, please write to: ti)Itie i ujnflai,i .. iamj.ui; 191 Main Street E. Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 o. r x to: 878-4943 HALTOCO COMM v.NIe Y Tina Doney 86 Main St., Milton conne Francoz PHYSIOTHERAPISTS 876-1515 Recenlly, sumeune recummended that I gu lu see a physiother- apint. 1 dun't knuw much about physitherapy. Can youutel me about what a physiulherapist dues? Physatherapy is a aomi oi heaih tare and She prnarv goaatoi a phyxither- apixtisixta proitiate optimum health. foctian and inahility. Moare speititatîx physitherapists help with any prahiain nvoving Iniveenit A ihysioiher- apixi mili evaluate and av-ex. thetoction ai ditlerent hody yvleninvand han any prahters aith thtse systenis lead to thanrges nia ivahiiity. F or evample. your nay ont e ale Io a i hecas ovein have a sort kiiee orr hatk frnaaruscleaorIaaienistirain. You ni.ihavie panand ls, of strengthhbease vonhave rtsehly urgery or a r rhrritanhIv on have had a stroke vauir max vtbabl e ttr i ove vor l r am ifcsie way. Ira uhave recettritx Sd .aheain atatt. vion i ay n bcable trr an yur daly attivires as helare. Wh,îeaer the rersinfru irobrilernis atS physîatlîeraprst.s tarihelp. A physiherapist an provide.iaiioipleie assesîîent orîî rrprrrleiri.andr make a trearmeni plan a ih viratir hep sou tri redate paru.,iiprive ioirrt ment. sreapîh. alante. artd enduravtt. nd ger akto trimtrrum lealth'. Whal iraining does physioherapy require? Physithrrapîsts have a unixersîty degrer in rhysrrriherapv anS have tri Se reisîrred wmî thSe Cottege of PhysiotherapissaifOnario, inv dr ta prat- ire. Il anyane iv pravîdînu you wth physîioherapy serices, sou shauld ensure tha haver shte is a registered phsitherapist. Hum dol1 fod a physiotherapist? Physiatherapints are iotated ru the yellors pages ai the telephane hoak. They wark in hosptats. lînîcs in the cummunty. or bhey caricnte ta yaur home. In the province of Ontaria, yau do nat uecd a doctors referral tir attend physiniherapy. However, tiv nîmnwys a gaad idrua Iciletyaur dotar knam that yau are havine prabiems and old ike ta attend physîatherapy. Your physician is an important tramt member in yaur healdu tare, Please contact Tina or Connie at the Halton Community Rehabilitation Centre, 86 Main Street East, Milton 876-1515, for questions about physiotherapy. Bricrwood Cosmetic Surgical Centre Dr. S. C. Brown M.D., FRCSC 408 North Service Rd. E. OakviIle 905-849-4282 Q 1 have some brown spots on my handsoand face plus somne broken veins, how con 1 gef rid of fhem? A: Removiflg unattractive lesions and smoothing skin texture is now easier, more comfortable thon ever before. The Aurora skin rejuvenation system uti- lizes advanced technologies based on proven science. t uses a unique combination of electrical energy, light and cooling to treat facial veins, superficil pigmented lesions (such as age spots, solar lentigo, skin irregularities) without damaging surrounding tissue or skn. This system can be used for full face skin rejuvenating but can be modified for spe- cific individual needs. To make an appointmeflt for a free consultation please cal! Michelle or Sharon at 905-849-4282 Elayne M. Tanner BA, BSW.,M.S.W.,R.S.W.,DIP. SOC.ADM Gounselling & Psychotherapy Milton (905) 854-0801 Elaye M Taner www.etaSolutionls.COM Q:I have tried many timtes tu make changes in my life, but each imne I wind up back in the samte ld place. Lv this a prublem for other peuple 100? How can 1 change Ihis pattern? A: 1cannot comment on your particular siuation wihoul more infor- mation, but the scenacto yau describe in a fuîrly common complaint. Ofien, the raadblark la creaing laxing change is pain that one han expe- rtcnced in îhe punt.ItI ofien adns like a anchor, tiîg us to aur enrîter lîmen and making il impossible ta moxe forwacd. lu order t take those stepn, therefore, we sametîmen munt firni go backwacdn. Wat 1In by tis is that we ofien have t10examtue paînlul punI memorien and expeni eces, in order ta gain new unders adîngs. no that we c' oRntie ourselves tram the puni. We need ta become aware of the tremendous amaut of euergy that ix reqnïred t0 hald auto the patn. we must some- how fiud a way ta forgîve those thut hurt u. Undentund that 1 do not meun ihai we have la, accept whuî they dtd. but rther ta relîze ihat they dtd whai lhey did becaune îhey dtdn't know better, or, thcy didu't ihink, or muybe lhey wcre il or hud bren so budly hurt by ailiers ihut iheir awn ubility ta cre for nameane wun dumugcd. Whatcvcr their reasan, they did no treat yan budly becunse you dcserxcd it but becanse of their own deficits. I aher words, yau do ual have lobe uhumcd of yaur pusi because yau did nat cause it. Yt, if wc gise up aur old fumiliar pain, we have la face the unknown. Il ix human naure lo be frid of change and thos, many of us slay ancharcd la the pai. Whcn we lcam la let go of tic pasI, we free up new cncrgy with which l aklIe thc future. 'Men we rau begin la make real and lasting changes. These sîrpu can rarely lie luken lone, bol under thc guidance ofa n .sied and qualified puy- choiherapiol. who believes in iis same viewpoinl, you wilI quickly begin la make the desired changes. Elayne Tanner & Associates. Inc. Wiih my aooiae, ainabeIo ii aler a varieiy of services inciading raediaion, eroup, emiaaeand acceist ia aayer and igai services. Co.identiatiiy guaranieed. *, s n TANNUNO _Az DAWN POULFS 3S55uppu buN00-(905) 335-5050 The concept of indoor tanning may be new for some people, but it s a common routine for many thou- sands of peole here in Milton. We have proudly operae eSun yen Tanning Spa here in Mlton for the past 6 years. Over those years we have offered our clients the most advanced tanning technology and professional service available anywhere. A controllable indoor tanning environment is your smartest choice to develop your own natural tan. Developing a tan outdoors is not as precise and can put the tanner at a higher risk of contracting erythe- ma, better known as sunburn. Once your tan has cautiously been established indoors, you are better able to enjoy outdoor activity with an increased degree of natural sunburn protection. Consequently, one of the funictions of a reputable indoor tanning facility is sunbum prevention. At Sun Haven our staff is extensively educàted and certif led through the largest recognized indoor tan- nintassociation in the wodld. We also strictly adhere tote standards and regulations set out by Health Canada and our own uncompromîsing policîes take indoor tanning to the most professional level possi- ble. If you have any question s regarding indoor tanning please cati me, Dawn Phillips at 905-878- 2324 or drop by our spa at 550 Ontario St. (at Derry Rd.) De assured; when tanning ai Sun Hayen, you're lanning smal' Tel: (905) 876-0940 Fax: (905) 876-2934 420 Main Street East, Suife 204 Milton, Ontario L9T 1 P9 A: Liu Mlkgan MACFP IHU 1 jusi gui my refond cheque for last year's taxes! What should 1 do wiih My Iax refund? Congratulations! Chances nec you received this refond hecause you put extra mouey tto your RRSP. Now (bat you have it, yau necd ta îhtnk ahout how to gct the hest value out l it. -You could use r ta reduce non-deductuie debht-yen could pay off your credtt cards or make an extra payment agaionst your mort gage or car loan. -Yen vould put il utao a high interest savings account to hutld yaur emergency tund Ilor unexpected future cash needs. -Yan could tnv'est t uta saur awn or vurur spoues RRSP for a htgger tax refund vent star. -You could tnvestit inia an RESP for a childs or grandchildsý future educatran needs. -Yau could invesi t in mutual lunds f'or your future long-term capttal or c.ash flîtu needx. -Yuru could gve it o a recaguized charîty and reduce your taxes nent year. -You could rcgîster to take a sktll-upgradtng course ta tmproxe yrrur employahtlîty. Any ai these wauld he posttive steps toward your famitys future finaucial mcli heing. Wr mould lave ta knwmhai yau would do mîth your refund. Came tell us ai Milton Showcuse, Thampson Rond Arenu, May 23-25. We mîlI have excellent prices for aur dram. Golf club bag lFidelity lnxestmentsl, Big Bertha golf putter (Aim/Tîimurk hIxestmenis) 35 mm SLR camera (Mackenzie Finuncial), Golf accesnorylcooler hag wiih surprises insîde f AIC Group of Fonds). UMONEY lEFGON. i CONCEPTS5 Caada __c GREG J. LAWRENCE B. kc, D. CH. FOOT SPECIALIST I CHIROPODIST 350 Main St. E., Milton, Ontario, 1-9T1P6 (905) 878-6479 1 A Princesa Anne Dr., Georgetownl, Ontario L7G 4W4 Greg J. LawrenceMeerf (905) 702-1611 B. Sc., D. Ch. ebro the Ontario Society of Chiropodists end The Ontario College of Chiropodists QDo you make custom-made footwear? :Yes, we carry custom-made Birkenstock san- Adais and shoes. The new line made by The Orthotîc Group, includes sandals, casual & dress shoes, running shoes and clogs. Many of these styles are new this spring. n order f0 manufacture such footwear, we take a plaster cast of each foot and send them f0 the Iab. The footwear is made with a custom-made orthotic footbed according to the cast and prescription to make the weight distribution equal throughout the bot- tom of the foot. Custom-made footwear is pertect after being on your feet ail day in the summer months. As the warmn weather approaches many individuals prefer to wear sandals instead of enclosed footwear. This is when people neglect to wear their orthotics. Many extended health benefit plans cover the cost of custom-made sandals. So, if you would like the f ree- dom f rom your orthotic or just want to walk around in comfort, give us a call. The clinic offers extended hours. No referral is necessarj. R R p G 1 C 1 H 1 p 1 d ll,,Ib"",