24-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, May 14, 2002 - IoFast growsIng WhOlOIaSlBdistribution I I companyotterlflul-tIMa POsitIOn7S JO 2, t¶ ¶f~fP ,f~frfoillwing. Mon.ý-Fri., day shift Ofllyi Autmotie Salspersof ARE you interested in joining Our professiolail bealth care teamn? We resourre ae permanent part-tente RN Century Pifes Golf Club Accepting Applcatons for Chefs and experrenced cooks Apply in person to 523 Carlilie Rd: Carlisle, Ontario or Fax: 905-689-8820 MaintenanCel Housekeeping Superviser reqoîîed for a new Long Teîm Cale Faclty in Oakvlle. The saccesofol applîcool wll te reonsible for the hando on mantenance of the facilîty as well do super- vision of the f-fouoekeeprng and Laundry departmenl. Salary $34.0005pus beneftso Fac inhume f o. 905-669-6724 Oakvilo Hea ihcare Divosion, Afin Phil Vino IS COMIG TO MITN Wednare corrent y &sîfngfourdMîto Liftneegeiened: ASM LE& CERAERS tAdec mark o ym2h entSral esor& Prlase ciffornotath 1RDC onMain . hon W E. My 5tE :3 an N w E e ry aprawl receutn o u ilt a thedxeranc ba PRESOPEATORS EEA LBUES CARENTERS& IK/PAER Ndional c ompa41h/fhr.Ptnia hrz logtfrhrîng maetpsiin valb ttnoofothcdo Ioth 10 cr0Manon t 9:0 mz N * evefrîspicatw lreev c qt hyra uchb *5T1 Tpoi5n 81... 1978 RESIDENTIAL FRAMING CREWS euiied îmmedîaiyt Competîtîvo raton Contact: Rick 519-220-9015 or John 519-220-8064 TEXTILE MACHINE OPERATOR Burfrngton manufacturer/distributor has an mmediate opening avaifable for an enthu- sastic, hard-workng individual. Must be wing f0 fearn, poaaeaa an excelfent work ethic and be capable of working in a team. Some mechanical aptitude would be an asnet. Thi sa an entry-level poniton, but there ns tremendoun g owth potentiai w ithin the or ganization far the right applicant. The pC- asitondoes ievolnesoCme phyn çal lfting of praduct. Ths o a fa l-ime pCsitoncu, entiy based on eight hour day ahifia. Applicants should fax theer resumnes fa 905-634-0992 or e-mail te kobe@ktbeabrlta com (Do telephone calta please) BONUS! Classified Ads appear at... www.moff caa fi ce >WOf.C f Cali Centre Rep(s) $30-$32,000 ...-t Join aur weat Mssssauga cirent who wrl be refocatrng to their new Corporate Head Officesain East Oakvrllel The Clirent Set.- ce team requres eapersenced Cail Centre Representattvea who posseon above- averge communicçation and interpersol skrf s, enthusrastiç attitude, Word/ Eacel As the position wil be oupportttfg n-boumc caif s from clients acroso Canada, ycL must be avaiabie for rotatsng 8-hour ahift, hetween 8am-8pn1 Legal, bankrng o mortgage reiated eapertence ta preferred. - ww.theselectiongroup.COm Tel: 905-238-1300 Ext. 222 Fax 905-238-0753 7BOOKKEEPER & OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR Position avalable n Eaht gurlingion for the rghi p son f0 loin oui fast growueg business. Responoubilili nclude tbookkeepîng of hvetal small compatl lncloung payîoll), tandlung the cooludentual matl 0fte owmor uooventory conhio. wantaniy tracki answetung nf phonos, st op Of apPOntenth i pointiral cohiomers, mail ouls, dnd ahihtin so d n oportlono. Sound bookkeeptng sklls (complets month end), Inernef knowledge & a mosical bu( grosnd is an assel Ifhe ability fe, work n an entrep oesral enironatnt wrffr a positive affifade ftoi trîbofe fo oui eistung on a growing company We inite you f0 send yor resame n confidencet ssingwillem@orgafls.ca CUST12)MR SUPPRT PERSON (FULL TIME) Ta receive and process castomer arr l'n generate quotations and ACCPAC data e RequîrementS: ACCPAC (Windows) perience- Please send your resume, incf i safary expectationS f0: MICO-Medical Imaging Clinics of Ontario Atin: Office Manager 1235 Trafalgar Road, Suife 306 Oakvif le, ON L6H 3P1 Fax: 905-845-7161 ACCOUNTANT Oakvîfie car deafershsp requrres an ex: lotion [enced Senior AccountantiOffice Mat; to oversea the accounting functions day-to-day office operatrons. Wrf IbE cal & sponsibl e for alilfnancraf aspects of deafership, reporting directiy to the CE Ohs 10- ai Manager. Must be self-starter wifr bfemn-solving skils & knowiedge of f Prevrous or reiated saperience preten Lo-, Faxrosumne to Lisa 416-386-308 (preterahy Acc, paced envrorime annraned anreq- nentory, ome ce nskîttsndaed cummuniriale Wa prennure. mage FIT Sr«OI cumputerined pc tuoguahir (readu atrnoispl(Ifee'A $8 75/hi Email: dol WÉj thisiki eI di oe le-i iii e We offer: Please fax or mail applications have previvus comipnter expefiiiice -Great produci uine To Eden Bouse Care Facility ap> and wiilg Io woik in a ian~ s aI r omsso R2 uepNH lent Chier reated office duies w 1bi Sl ar omsinR ,G ep ,N H 6 8 vuired $25K year -Car llowonce Fax #519-856-1274 Ivori- Tlhe ideai candidate must have -Great management support Thsank qoe for your interest on!e those ducation as weIi as Preuroun warehoune Yoeu offer. nelected will be cotacted tien I0 incude Shipping, Recervina. srnwokei heavy lifting inoved, Cusiomer cere son or tli Computer koowtedae an asset Must team ployer weolt arl othern aod work weiI under -good communication skills $1 2/hia Willingness ta succeed. e vta prînter- Trainnrg prouîded (bot Apln ta- rîntîigl. 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