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Eiectrîc drivers si 905-878-6936. 2001 Cîsîc, 4dr, A/C /CD. 27,000km. $16,900. 080, warranty. 905-875-2268. 90 Pymouth Voyager LE 175,000km, 31OL. oaded, rusa great, some runt, $1,700 000 9 878-7001, eveningu. Need A Car? Credit Challenges? ý'APPL[VhOOD Can HeIp! LEASE a sem o> pie-omnof CAR or TRUCK mî>h the RESPECT and PEACE o> mnd you desre9 No credît - Siow credit- Banknaupt Deater trs downsn Cati Bob Kanary in Milton @ 905-693-9017 or col.: 416-524-2127 or entait: bkanarvlaacoç.com Givo us 48 hours and stnrt driving! GORRUD'SMake it SALES & LEASING CHVROET OLDSUO NEW & USED To bease or perchas 410 STEELES AVE. your car on tract A FAMILY BUSINESS t-wy 25 S. at Oerny Rt WITH FAMILY VALUES W -tBUt SELL - LASE 878-2393 LARGEST SELEOTION O 8500 VEHICLES IN MILON fl-O THO 875-2277 SIFIEDS WISE RIDDELL FINANCIAL GROUP At Wise Riddel Financial Group. aur peti are Our Strenth' Car aîgaslztOîas sa leader the ansarascu and fînaaaiat services inl.sdutry. priîag ssusd fînaacîat adaîce sînce 1979. CASE COORDINATOR- INSURANCE & INVESTMENT ADMINISTRATION As a Case Curdîsatsi puai rate i» te ta facîl the prscessîag and cardinatan a> Lfe nsaraacî isaestmest cases foai adepeadent Adasars. Yaa spansîtîlîtîus mît> bu ta iem applcations fias ai dermrîtîag perceptive. aserve endîsg cases tot campietias and prasîde admrinistrative nappait. strong maîti-askif gas llies, attenton >0 dtail celles> communicatian sklts and inssvaufîuClfi mli muke yaa as effctve addtan ta aur toursPt sus rlevant experience is esseirtiat Pleasci fue es rne Ita Gise Rddeil liûarica urîp, 905-829-00V ofai rs îîawiseriddell@wiseriddOII.coI *Pleaae rrctai1e natarg sopcaiiCitO rç Personal Lines Broker/CSR Aî ai asý5iý j r/ iui ai asu, Bnkers Liai Fax: 905-845-9149 Entail: tstuîuinr Aire Tacey Sruart Qui'y appt COit r? 10/ hcf ! pj lfi KIDS, Kîds, Kîdo Agen - 2+ manted for TV & -a Movie Jobs' Na Fees' 77- Mes/ Women t6-65 pente needed for came. No etras. Parents cati 416) 221-3829 .510 09g A Global company eo- îîng pandîng. Jo/n the mal onat. nesevotution Nom. P/T F/T a> home on the D.0 internet. 2moremo- ne.com/global 416- -4149448. V6 CAFETERIA heip ater- 5000oo and mîdnîght shift. -Full tîmo positions. Ap- plcants must be reti- abe, haee 2 ponts or more caeteria experi- once. Must have omo ransportation. Please tas resumos f0 905- 876-1519. FREE tranng. Crve 4 Un. Schoof Bus Drivers Wanfed. Cati f905> 877- 4448. Laîdlam is an 7 equai opportunity Com- pany. HELP Wantod Pull- ij Time ton R.J.R. Lamn and Gardon Cane Must be boeliable and energe- tic. Cati 905-878-5737 'Non 905-875-4748 LOCAL c-leanîng com- BL pany han openîng for /5 Catime905-875-9978. k SEEKING eepenioncOi Rd. home cleanîng staff. Mil- ton anon. Fuli-fîmeors Part-tîmfe. Top pay. Ca 905-693-9027. THE Dickens is l0k/ng for fuit time lino cooks. Apply in poison ask for Leon or Kevîn ai 189 Mill St. WANTED: Peopleo bar gty for tnancial treedurr >0 mor in thoîr spurE tîmo. Free traning. Ctl Jacob 4f16-633->8>9. STUDENTS W-1 0 YES YOU! le i Summer Work îod- $18.05 Base/Appt " Shutrehîpe avait, " Fuit traning prouîrfud r Cent nusals/service *Conditions appit Call Now! tltate Clt 905-842-804 ýand erk/os tudoris crnisas Ur ru- nun- NOW HIRING their Mature Manager yoor (Permanent) i ex- at botti locations ikiîig SatuiOk/ni reui- 4 Lakesasie Rd0, W t (BrutitpVlage Maii. '441 La0sl-rie Ra i P/T (Bronte unly) 4 FPPLY IN 5EPSONf rt "TCBY' -U The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, May 14, 2002-23 510 510 510 510 510 510 Hetp W H~d eIp Wutnted Helpr nt. t* fnted HIsI Wan*d ftGp UUd ----------------- ýr f * ý) 'àà Milton & Waterdown * Top pay itiaraîiireeni fiUsrly pluis oism/sion & bliase *Fuir pace ta aisik *Na cierteis îoqLirud e F/T & P/t Postîoss Auaî latte a Fluettle Wurk Haîji Cati 905-308-6118 $2004)g, O Bonus More Nom Business 100 Nom Conventionats Predictabte Mies Business s oouming ai Canacas largesi irîîckluad carrier Schneier National mVire suer $150 milion of new business tis sear alune, sur business s growrg and we want you ru Se a partofut t A $2.000 sien-on bonuswil e given ru experîonced arvers andaa $1,0ua sign-un bous rurecefli L anivîngscss5ue graauates. 1 -800-44-PRIDE Il1-800-447-7433) Sun. tOam ru apm St 0am toi pm schneider.comn DRIVERS FfT Wîth G L'a At/e taor/ou 5>0 & auto trans.Able ta driue t loirveusIs Toronto or emul aur driver w/ qoaid ixsawedge o> Mise Jak Bsrt fi locai elivres Ab/e taoiftI 5Dirs Gi casie/do car and drver for local dn/îir Cali: Mark, 2-4 pm Haton AutaParto Plus 281 Spearo Rd. GaoIt ON 905-845-2118 VIl' -f Find the job you've always wanted in Qt afed £Wmpn 8501 H"y 25 North Full Time Dayshift Customer Service Apply in person or by fax 905-878-1583 GENERAL LABOURER For Refrigerated Food Processing Plant n Milton, 7Fax resume: 905-878-9010, Attn: Gerry Duchene Or apply in persan: Start Fresh Foods 2705 Durante Way, Milton CLEANERS For Refrigerated Food Processing Plant in Milton. Fax resume: 905-878-9010, Attn: Gerry Duchene Or apply in persan: Start Fresh Foods 2705 Durante Way, Milton Wed. May15/02 * am5pm 1di nrhBurlingon onvetion enre KySill6ys oaed: pia ww eined O PBefraDtor Databas be Inisraor Inforenticonlash P ogm Paîdy iencoewor. op etione enumenat/ON. wn ofte eninc neesaySWe tr aineted:apîat Cateiemn Rucesfoprtre De oMNGERTRaIee r (Asait ,Rsume) 51 740 &525x DAbeIcnatioaldîisttonuolcrusc Busto nt Sco th E) p ossitiie isclad com ipcnaltocateqios, ick ait tibatorpiactu îa.Comdpensmhatio tnbationaruaty etl. oeeraeîzaîa utl cumîat Ro a sd oraryntervAiewy up ofer a cfurk iî sa mhn cal a pt eitud freFareOe: 95-33-074 InrChemcalFree envîronnenn Opruiisfor advancement ~ o Excellent benetît package ig-00 è In-store advanced cutting classes - a Pay-back school incentive program . "' - AIl equipment supplied except shears e Hourly wage and commission toil f ree 1-888-888-7778 ext. 1552 1 rec ge r str Ihu n Stg prorne csmpas fLrtsoi Burliaglas. Osai ns atc ou i Teiduasea cndfat orfe wl o90-8es 80s - Hîghan ppchtiomnmlad 3 5 byeaîs Drve waiehsusheexplence s a sopaiy rnaiela ie îguîzd dsbutinhaig sperfeoceancasetcmay seesilt a sprae a tSklîhRI -T xelencamicat i siersesosa ig schlain muand 35 yes aasut Cadarasîdses exfeceineat reuetasapackag sclud b andcsmpetîteincestsepan ast P/ase s t oerd aa a resam ta Quar povda eChlenem aLtd. acae Fax: 905-336-9263 Email: Joaase Madafies@Cuadiachemicais.cam Atetion Cîtectar Humaîr Resaices Na phase catis pieuse. Os/y trosascandidates wth relevast qaalificationsa wll op caatacted Fast gowlng wholesale distribution compsanyoftring fuli-tlime positions in M following. Mon. -Fi., day shlft nonlr Cstamor Srvicllnside Sales& Dta Entry aast e able ta moiti-tank, remanstiate excelles a hîghachaervieacutîsa abwell a prleaucocise ephoeese, atie s cmpeShppîgrece tsaeeasyAsae heand i/Ring îeIoaed. Castalsts pcedaîls nd smat. ter resaed ofcedas ns e> as a icammol cati mihathersasd wvioskwaeaseî presaure. Wage $t2/aî. F/T Srson/ad Printor- Taning pîaaîded (sat campaterîzed pîîiîsig). Muet te fluent sn the Esgliîst language (read/write), eseîgetîc and maîk is a luam atmaaphere, Wllîîîg ta do aaîîaas tasks. Wage $8.75/hi, Fax: 905-823-3697 or Emai: dorothy@master-distributiofl.com We thank ait thos wha appiy hu'sver aslv thane aeiscted tr as interview wil ne castacted ASSISTANT RECREATION DIRECTOR People arîented perses wîth ftnss background ta urganize actîetîes os and off site for the resi, dents of Bsningtons inst apartment commani- ty.OQalification mast incisîde NLS. Fins> Aid, CPR. Ried Crans Instructors ana Oms transpoila ion as anse>. Kssmledge of mater treatraest hetyfai bat welnî ttiot trais. Must be able Ifa mark 1fleaible hours mvith minimal supervision. Thîs 's a rue-yeai coniract mth the posaîhîity sf fait-tîme empisyment. If ysa are îterested in a chalsrg- îeg panifionsis a frîendiy nssîkîng eeeiiiis:crt me saat ta heur frnm ysa. Fax yoor resume with caver tetter to 416-364-6087 or ornait: ifo@otirn.com