The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, May 14, 2002-21 1? i Chu *SOFAS FORL *SofasCas d Sectionals of Starting From (7 o) the F sest Custom Fabrics.> l à Imag ine, Genuine Lu Z-Boy ut 1.. pr -ces that w il De) ght youl lu Burlington Power Centre * ( &Bant St. a 905-331-7600 ENGAGEMENT YOI P I 'I U Ilt is vice qreat pleusure (nid lappiiov:, (ha! ive, t'îcki anîd Ross Irsjdei, lsfilvr7ii, apiî/ !)onna 4tuceaind Jack Fleel. of Cîunfridqye. upoiitiviiq oi f ~Elaine Brigden and Greg Fleet oni July 2th Stc and ii Poe iii iliO/hed a! the emOpîi, CiîîîîîvCntre aiSa! 5tV( qJýi al 800 9 le icis/i for (hcmin (s b1c /s/sas hý, b eirfiCliiorro ie1/ BIRTHDAY BIRTHDAY ONE bedroom suite in luaury Bellaîre Condo- miniums is Brampton. Mrrored slîdîng doors, brasa trîm, marble laor/wîsdow illa, ce- rumîca, luminaus ktch- en ceilîsg, ise apptîusc- es. Luaury recreation facilties iscluded pool, whirlpool, sauna. 24 haur securîty. $1 41,900.00 (905)458- 6056. 20 Brock Roud 6500 sq., ofaiopen retaîl cam- mercal space wth great esposure on busy Brock Road. 3kms sarth af 401, south cf Guelph. Hîgh ceilîngs. 2 loadîng docks. lots of parking. 800 amp service. Cal Tîm 905403-8012 or emuil mahogany2@rog9 i SMALL prîste offices, beautîtully appoîsted. Hwy 25 & 401. t-905- i277-9347 or t-905-275- 6834. Ibo CALL Redwaod- 1-866- r357-0471 1 -yr 4/40, S yr eq25.ty mr/49gAgepo- 625. AmRt 4Alsaro grams, regardlesa af in- -came or credît. 1 and 2 bedraam aparl- ments. Newly resovated sn quiet building. 2 ap- pliances, utilties nclud- ed. On ile tausdry. Fram $845. 905-875- 4989 1 bedroom apurtment for rent. Nu pets. Frst and last, $750/mostb. Asalable îmmedîately. P/U application Berga- mus Home Decor, Dowstows or fao 905- 876-2205. 2 bedroom basement apt. Appliances, sepa- rate estrance, separate driseway. Na pets. Ask- îsg $850/month. 905- 876-4552 or 905-878- 9995. ACCEPTING applica- tions for 1 and 2 bed- room apartments os aduit floors. Asalable July lst, August lst, September tsft. For mare information and as appoîstment cati 905-878-5345 ufter 6p.m. ACTON Apartmests For Rent: 1 bedroom & 2 bedroom apartmests for immediate and future occupascy. Open 7 days/week. Same Day Appraval. No Dogs. 519-853-4374 APARTMENT asailable July 1sf, 3 bedroam, 1 1/2 bath. No appliasces. $1,000 plus. 905-875- 2468, leave message. EXCEPTIONALt Newty renovated 1 bedroomn upurtment with spuciaus brck atft. Quiet Main Street building. Al appliances. Frt & last. $950 plus hydra. 878-2326, Monday to Frîday 9-5. GUELPH Lise, Mlton. 1 bedraamn, new carpet,i treshly pinted, ridge & stase. Parking sud gardes. $645 plus. Na pets. 416-787-1125, evesîngs 416- 761-9410 SPACIOUS 3 bedroam apurtmest wth balcony sn quiet building. Avalable June 1. $975 plus utîhties. 416-727-3394 GLENEDEN MILLSIOE TOWER GLEN DEN 8e Miiside Drive. COURT Mion APARTMENTS 122 Bronte Sreet, i &2 BeUîssm Apis. Deuxe vBung South, Miton IUva 010 Twn me are sou accepting location applicasions for 2apirans 1 bsurssm aparlmens s LaUfl5iy tacilitivs For more intormation Ui ies incudes anr to make an OnS isHvîesidn appointment, Manaers Please cati Opes 7 Uuysý 905-878-5375 Lais uav approvai Building Managers cati: Leonard & Penny (9651879-1249 185 185 FOR Runi: Gaod location sn Mltas suituble tor non- smokers workîng couple wth reterencea. Na pets. chldren welcmne. Second level ot hause wth 9 teet ceilings, 3 bedraamn or 2 wth dînîng. Avalabte June lt a, $110000 plus utlties. Apply ta P. Boa 163, Mlton, Ont. L9T 4N9 LA RGE sewly decorated, mais floar, shured mnd ers house, secluded rural Cumpbellsîlle near 401. $400/ma 905-854-0359. ROOM tor rent. Shared ktchen/bath/taundry, $500/monîfi. inclusive. 905-878-7510. Mlton. rJWne Mniu ses 1bfhrs, Milton achoof district. Short Term or Long Term (min. 4 monthsl Cail Brian 905-876-2498 jWLCOME& WAGON -New in town? *Getting married in 3 months or more? *Having a baby? *Establishing a new business? PLEASE CALL US Community Wetcome Lindu 905-854-1563- Doris 905-332-4799 Eize 905-693-0313 Baby & Bridai Tracy 905-876-4330 Businesrofesional Lin 905-854-4100 12' Springbok atuminum bout wîth 1îOhp Hondla mo- tar with traiter, gaa tank and aura. $1950. Excetient condition. 905-632-0068, Burlngtan. 1986 Thundercrutt Magnum 190- 198t c/w cuddy cubîn! toitet. 4.3L, V6 cobra autdrîve, new wînd- ows/screens (2000). 1995 EZ taw traiter, singte aset, ike new interior, neyer lefi in water, tîsh inder/ campas, seatas5 adulta. $9000. Cati 905-876- 4733. LEGEOZAIMASON- Steve, Suzanne and big sister Lauren wetcomne Tyler Steven. barn on May 2. 2002 ut il 46pm. 7Ibs, 10 oz ut St. Joseph's Haspital. Watchivg over us lu Noah Mathew Our unget tram ubave. A Grandsan for Jack & Leona Masan and Bill & Joanne Legedza. A nephew tar David and Daug Mason und Jenny and Michelle Legedza. A specîi thank-yau ta Dr.D. Lamaont, Nurse Sue and the rent ot the L & D staff ut St. Jaseph Haspital. 0 ýIZ?1I -j Announce your child's bfrth in The Canadian Champion and your child will b. featured with photo ini ont Bby Edition in January 2003. Is someone special you know gettng engaged? Announce your special moments in £bc Canabtan rbatpion'g Cali for details. 905-878-2341 905-875-3300 AmiT NlON Toiuesa, a lsi, Npapsi i Il IMLHIMIAE 5 RIEZ? ZELLEN * 7 1