20-The Canadran Champion, Tuesday May 14, 2002 Take some extra precautions to curb thieves, sav Halton Regional Police As warmer weather approaches, Halton Regional Police want 10 warn the public to taise extra precaution keeping your bouse and car secure when working in the GeneralC oittefr 1fie T orHalo uiswl A ppto 0 ermit tOn Aealnfmeni for a pGolfo C-oire golxcoonesiondPatoof ted olou se Oce> rleofeot videonReonRad3, gwy Rod nesCrîbied0e andtheown Hon i aOohe oduthîa Pblpoedetigonaine aplicon an app lnapcatio prmiîh sotbihentpofaiautforîtes liaJ olfîlcdouseda O s olfcused oloaurse O fcourtis located on 1004v 10 0e 40 hcaesI0 acres)plîn t e e iinofgonasTono) aloHilsay Regnal o ncîatl 50mty s of HofidNo. agarad sciagen pltioms o on approval auforitie cosîîocîn o) asa27-fiole golf couine exlansionse 0an aousocaed clionasto taenl prnmaey15h (284 aces) fontîng 1.100 metîeo on Regional Road (Hghwafi) 25 t.300 mettes on fie 10 Side Rond 0acd 600 mettes on thle 3rd Lino The propoed re-zonîng application, RotaI (RU) -special Zone, s in accoroaoce wiifl the Town of Haion Hils Off iciaI Plan - Rural Aiea deignatior for tflese lands. A Regional Officiai Plan Amenidment Sas aso feen vobmited for the soblect lands as mell an for Oheer fands ocated wtfin te Niagara Ecaîpment Plan rna. If y00 wîvfl 10 0e ntififed of thle Town of Hatoni Hils Council decinion on thle propoved zoning hy-law amendment, yoo movt maIre v written reqaevt 10 the Town of Halton Hlîs ait1 Halton Hlîs Drive. Georgetown, Ontaro L7G 5G2. If a pernan or public body iflat files a notice of appeal of a decrsonof the Town cil Halton Hlît on respect o the proponed zonîng hy-law ameodmenit doen rot maIre oral uhmînnronn a a publc meeting vi make wrtten oahmnionnn lothe Town o Hattn Hln hefore ihe proponeti zonrng hy-law amendmenl iv adopled, the Onaro Mncpal Boatd may dismîno al ot part of the appeal(n). PurîSer information iv avalahle in the Planning Deparimeolt, Town f Haton Hîtî, i Hallon Hîtîn Drve. Halion Hîtî, Onaro L7G 5G2. ALL INTERESTEO CITIZENS ARE WELCOME DATE/TIME: LOCATION: FILE NO: May 2lst, 2002, 7:30 p.m.. Councli Chambers, Civic Centre D14/Eagle Ridge 9 garden or cntertainîng guesis otusîde. - Lock the front doors and windows, especîally when gardening/mowing the lawn in the backyard. This alsur includes when enieriaining in the hackyard. . Lock ail garage doors. Bicycles, powver tools. gardenîng tools. lawn equip- ment. sporîing cquipmnent ard nitoney aie the ktnds o)' propcrty ihat airehcrîîg îaî gcicd. *Vehîcles shOrclcl tickepi lrîcked l wttn îlot ini usc, which includes ,wben îlrcv are in the garage. - Lock sheds when flit irn use. - Do flit lease valuables, osalleis. purs- es and keys in plain view inside your vehicle or withrn the residence. - Report any suspicious vehicles or per- sons immediately tri the police. - If you plan 10 be away frîro crur res- idence. have a friend or neîghhîîur drop hy tir look aller ycrur honte. As sveli, insure thar vocir mail and ncwspapers are ptcked up and sornenci ows ithe lawnvo1r gîve the appeaiancc that youi bouse rirai ilccul)ied tois. For more information, calli Ilaton police ai (905) 878-5511, cxi. 24(15. !e yei' TE.ETRT rake a seat. Cal ire number. 1-80-409434 Looking for a comfortable way to carry a mortgage? The Great Rate Mortgage from TD Canada Trust delivers a rate guaranteed 10 be 3/4% below TD Prime for the full five-year termi. And that cao add up t0 thousands of dollars in savings! With set monthly payments throughout your term, you know exactly what pour mortgage costs will be. If înterest rates drop, more of your set monthly payment is applied t0 the principali. And that way you pay off your mortgage faster. The Great Rate Mortgage gives you the added flexibility 10 conlVert 10 a fixed rate mortgage whenever yoo ike*. And if you convert within the first 12 months of your termn, youll gel 1 % off the postcd 5-vear fixed rate in eflèci at that tlim& Why put living o)n hold? Make the m-ove to miortgage savings today! Canada Trust B anking cao be hscnfral *Surtîe conditions appi>. Appict e sdenilpoeri ol nd is sabjecite, meeting TO Canada Trust lcnding eniterra. 011cr may tic changed. wthdrarsn or exicnded ai any ime. wiihout notice. Nul avattabie in combination wiîh any other raie dscouants, uffers or prontotionis. Morgage toast tic approvcd hy Jonc 14 and funded by Ang. 31i, 2002. Raie tiacînares wiih TO Prime and may dîffer icnrporariiy from TO Pnime until adjasîed monthty u refleci the laiesi change in TO Prime, tif raies risc. more of your montriy paymeni wlt go ioward inieresi. Ai a certain point yon will have opions tu, choose from regaeding paymeni arrangements. Ask for details. +Thc icrm masitice longer than the number of years rcmaîning on thre Great Raie Montgage. OfiMsi conven ta a 5-ycar term EquityBaiidcr Morigage or a reglar non-dîscoanied 5-year termn high ratio mortgage. tAssumes ineresi rare dues not vary oner the tenu. Hortons' charity fiteled hv coffe sales tomorrow Fueling up ai Timn Hortons tomnorrow will do a lot more than just cure ihati morning fatigue. Canadas doughnui shop chain wili once again donate al] the proceeds froin iornorrow*s cotfec sales Io Tim 1-orions Camip Day - which ihis year alone will otter 9.,)00 underprivileged children the opportuniiy to attend summciir camp ai sarions 'isý n Canada and the United States Foui million dollars was i aiscd durrrîg the 2001 Camip Dax fundrarser. with organiLeis hoping ici surpass ihat mark ihis' year. Timn I-orions sites in town are locatecl ai Derry Road and Ontario Street, Steeles Avenue and Thompson Road and Martin Street and Market Drive. Burlington and Milton libraries host teen contest Do you have a story or poem you want to sec in print? Young writers have the chance 10 show off their talents by entering the Take Flight and Write Teen Wriiing Contest. spon- sored by the Milton Public Library and the Burlirîgion Public Lihrary. Students in grades 7 lii 12 can enter up tir îwo short stories and three poemis. The wrnners wrll receive cash prizes and will hase the chance to read iheir work ai an awards ceremrmny ibis laîl. AIl winnrng eniries wrll he published on the libraries Vseb pages. Coniesi kits are available ai hotb librarres. Ail entics niust he reccived by the libraries before Juls 3!1 The Grand Chalet Italian Restaurant Offers a cozy ambiance in a country setting. Our restaurant is open daîly for: Lunch - Tues. thru Fri. 11:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Dinner Tues. thru Sat. 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. Sun. 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Exceptional casual dining with authentic talian cui- sine specializing in traditional foods from the Italian regon of Abruzzi Evmry Wodnosdmy lB "Spiducci Mgk'" (Our famnous Italian style Shish-kabobs) Latin Mght ovory 2nd and 4th Friday of the month Dance Latin style ALL NIGHT! Dance Lesson Schedule 2002 Freestyle June 7 Dance Exercise June 21 Cail ta reserve lessons Join us for Brunch Father's Day June 16, 2002 Ca/i for resevations Catering also available 324 Steeles Ave. (905) 878-7934 A rmortgage that leaves room for living. We1 a rate 1hsr mm we coeid've h ed proiesnnai an The Great Rate Mortgage: 3/4% below Prime for the full 5-year term.