Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 May 2002, p. 19

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The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, May 14, 2002-19 Connecting Halton project is underway thanks to nw "rrint rom nrovincial 2vernment Imagine a communiiy wbere an leciriînii. service can lbelp citiLens identily the location of community services sncb as alter b1our ncd- cal chies, social service agencies and gov- emment offices. Then imagine an electronic application to promote the sale of local produce to restaurants and grocery stores in the Halton commumity. Al ibis will be possible througb the Connecting Halton projeci. "The money (rom tbe Province kicks ibis projeet into igb gcar," saîd Regional Chairman Joyce Savoline, adding tbe projeci recently received $50.000 in tnnding trom tbe Ministry of Energy Science anid Tecbnology. The rnoney is 10 be used t0 develop a busi- ness plan under the Conncct Ontario programi. This t unding is n addition to $50,000 in com- muniiy tunding ibat was secured f'or tbe projeci ii June 200(0. The Connecting Halton Steerîng Comimittee, led by Halton Region, is composed ol 23 rep- reseniatives from a wide variety of sectors sncb as education. bealtb. police, municipal and regional governiments. utlîties. libraries, business, environment and agriculture. Over the next tew mionfibs, cacb ol ibe steer- ing committee representatises wilI bold work- sb<ips with g; oups and indis iduis 10 generatc ideas, comments and opinions on bow infor- mnation technology cao be used on a communt- ty-wide basis to improve tbe quality of life in Halton. Tbe business plan is expected to take Up 10o ne ycar to complete. -Connecting Halton directly supports our sîrategic objective Io provide accessible and resourcetul government to the people of Halton,- Ms Savoline said. -Togeiber. working witbounr partners. ise will be able to improse upon bow w'e deliver our programs and servic- es and mccltbe growing demand f'or electron- ic and other new sersvicc(lelivery channels.- Organiiations pari îcipaiing i n the Connecting Halion projeci include the Towns ot' Milton, Oakville. 1-laton His and Burlingion, the Milton. Oakvîlle. Haltan His and Burlinglon public libraries, I-lton District School Board, I-laton Catholic District School Board, I-laton Healthcare Services, Halton Regional Police Service, Halton Social Planning Council and Volunteer Centre. I-laton Agricultural Advisory Committee. 1-uman Resource Development Canada. Oakville Hydro. Conservation H-laton, Bell Canada and the Bustness Information Technology Network. Walk in memnory of a loved one hosted by group Bereaved Familles of*Ontario putting on Walk to Rememiber On May 26, Halton and Peel residents \vill bc able Io rLnem ber loved ones wbo base passed on during the W.lk to Remember. organized by Bereaved Families of Ontario. The walk will begîn ai Centennial Square in Oakville, located ai Navy Street and Lakesbore Road, at 10 a.m. The walk will last until 1 p.m. Some people will walk in the name of a triend or a co-work- er. Others will be walking in memory of a spouse, child, parent or sibling. "Extended (amulies and friends wbo bavent been tbrougb a similar loss usually dont have the understanding or skills that are most needed by those wbo are bereaved," explained Wendy Dean, executive director of Bereaved Families of Ontario. "Frequently people are too worried about upsetting the cbîld or parent to allow them to express their grief." According to Bereaved Families of Ontario, traumatie life events cao lead to furtber complications and dangers. hurt indi- vidual family members and damage the family as a wbole. Walkers will bave the opportunity to make a donation or col- leet pledges for Bereaved Families of Ontario on walk day. Pledge forms are available at www.bereavedfamilies.org or by calling (905) 813-0363. Be mindful of the environment when opening your pool As summer approaches. tbougbts turn toward aftemnoons spent relaxing by the pool. But before you begin the process of opening your pool this year. Conservation I-laton wants ta remind the public ta keep a few tings in mind ta avoid damaging the envirooment. The water accnmulated as a result of rainfaîl and mnelting snow can be dumped on tbe lawn or garden. If draining the water ino a ravine or loresi, do so at a pressure low eoougb ibat soil erosion and slope faîlure don't occur. Wben backssasbing.-, avoid disposing of pool ssater \vbicb contains ceemîcals into the nainral ensirooment. Most urban-area pools are designied Sa ibe filter atomnatical- ly drains backwasbed suater int the stomi sewer system. The backwasb water contains sedîments that can cause sedi- ment pollution damage 10 surface water if drained directly ino it. If the water is spread across the lawn. some water will be lost tbrougb infiltration, some sediments will be filtered and most rematning pool ebemicals will evaparate ino the air, causing no damage ta the enviraiment. What wiII you do with the money you save? TI Auoai L/10,k M*94! Annual fuel savincis for Jefta TDI Automatic compared fa: Doily Commute: 150 km 200 km 250 km Ch5s AIG,Soo, $76224 $1,016.32 $1,27040 (2 3L Aonofid $68397 $911.96 $1,139.95 (1,d 6L utofi $60570 $80760 $1,009-50 (251AoA,00 $751.11 $1,009.48 $1,261.85 Oi2dZs.o &eA0 $63650 $848.66 $1,060.83 mpnz.A,D 2OL Aoo,oc;t 5 1,022.71 $1,363.61 $1,704,51 Toota Com $63650 $84866 $1,060.83 2 41 1_________ Along wîîh improvements in diesel science thot include quieter engînes ond more power, Volkswogen's advanced TDI engine con caver more thon 1,000 kilometres on o tank of fuel. Wîth speciol finance and leose rotes avoulable thraugh the end of Moy, you con sove todoy, while yaur new Jetto TDI wilI ensure thaf you sous on fuel for years ta came. Georgetown Vol kswagen 199 Guelph Street - 905.877.5285 Drivers wanted Mon- Thurs 9:0Oom - 8:30 pm, Fr, 900 am- 600 pmn; Sot 9:00 arn - 5:30 pm FUR- 1 ý PlIl FII Ml CI,,,, Sý- 2bO -n .d .-W C., 1. 5ý, 3 9 31,20ü2- ... e-- -, f SO 658 d- sj 620 - ý' pýu.ý'h" b, ýt

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