18-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, May 14, 2002 Next budget meeting May 29 Programn situation frm UDETonpae io ufo fcflt e ai poin- Hi torical, one of bh feý j i g-~ht îlo t lic as liad pci- cnt iicway M nLii l iycai budget. However, an updated lst of further commitments that the board is eitber legally man- dated to provide or staff feel are essential was presented at the meeting. t amounted to another $19 million in costs, or 7 per cent, being added to items for the new budget. Among the additional corn- mitments cited are: $9.3 million in debt repayment on capital programs before 1998; $4.9 mil- for capital projects on exîsting facilities valued at more than $ 10,000, sucb as roof, window or carpet replacements; $1.3 million for continuing and aduit education programming; $500,000 for legislated ministry and special education initia- tives; $160,000 for board mem- bersbip fees with varinus profès- sinnal organizations; and $260000 for the Bronte Creek environmentai program. lions, but it bas already been stretcbed tbin in Halton due to a lack of funding, saîd Ms Kisko. "Everybody is robbing out of tbat area because il is one of tbe very few wbere we bave tome flexibility." The next public budget meet- ing will be beld May 29 at 7 p.m. at the board office in Buriington. Trustees are expeet- ed to approve the final budget sometime in Junc. as originally thought a'tram SCHOOL on page 5 Joe Prasad, co-ordinauor of tbe program. also said be wasn'i sure wbat will bappen if tbe $80.000 in public scbool board money is losi. "Obviously, we're disappointed and we'Il bave to see wbere wc go from bere. We are aitbe crossroads wib ibis knowi- edge. Tbe chief sîrongly believes we need officers in the scbools as a proactîse stance. Every grade 6 cbild in the public and Catholie boards in Halton is exposed Io iC.' Sgt. Prasad saîd the program costs baîf a million dollars to run annually. The DARE Halton fundraising commit- tee generates mucb of tbe funding, sncb as via an annual golf touroey. wbîle tbe Halton Catbolic District Sebool Board donaied about $75,000) ibis year, be saici. Halton police cover aboîut 40) per cent of DAREs cîîsts. -We bave a specîfîc f undraising cornm miniee. We'll bavc tiiivst large coîrpoîra- tiuns andl ask for bclp. Sgt. Prasad said ofi a probable initial plan of action. WiII maintain funding One piece of giicd news for DARE s, tbat the Caibolic boardf bas no iinmediate intcntibon ofi aliering uts lunding commit- mient. ss \ere assare ibai tbe (public> board ss Ls considering reducing its support foîr ibis program." saîd Catbolie board Business Superintendeni Joe Bîreti. -Altbougb we dîscussed tbe merits of doing ibat. we dîdn't feel ibat ssas an appropriate tbing to do until we knew \vbat tbe funding %vas and wbai tbe total balance ssas on tbe budget." The Caibolie sebool board's budget bas yei 10 be approved. The DARE program 'graduates' about 5.000 students eacb year. said Sgt. Prasad. A police officer comes into a grade 6 class for one bour per week for 16 weeks. Pupîls bave to write Lin essay along the w ay. A 'graduating' ceremnony atended by parents and senior police officiaIs is beld Lt tbe end of tbe program. The provincial govemrment announced Frîday ibat it would be providing $350 million in additional funding for Ontario sebool boards nexi year. Tbe board is in the midst of tense budg- et deliberations and expecis to bave trou- ble staying witbin ils means, so it bas identified areas wbere savings can be mnade. Board officiais continue to barp about wbat îbey say is tbe inadequacy of tbe provincial govcmment's education fond- ing formula. Scholarships available from women 's club The caîl is now open to female bîgb scbool students for- îbree Awards of Menit scbolarsbîps from the Canadian FederLtion of Unversity Women. lnîeresîed appiicLints must be plLnnino iii pursue unis ersiîy studies iin tbe coming scbool year. Tbree scbolarsbip ($5010) recipienis isill becbosen tbrougbout Milton. Applications are available iin cb scbool's guidance depariment aninmst be posîrnarked no later iban MLay 15. Tsso acîditionLil Awards of Menit(SI50 wIl bei\5 irded tii graduaiing studcîîts f'rom E.C. Drury Scbool for the Deal ,înd ils ACE priigrLim. Lrgest selection of plant mnate nal mnSuhm Ontirlo1 -Fd 8-9, Jý'8-6