Sehool board's budget stili CanbTa Qaînpto A Metroland Community Newspaper Vol. 143 No. 17 Tuesday, May 14, 2002 52 Pages Horticulture industry lacks Austen & Noble Fn PoetYurn en specializing in residential and rural properties Auto Business 205 Main St. E. 878-7217 1-800-413-5701 SrngUti16 $1 .00 (GST included) 1ulip time John Woods of the Milton Horticultural Society takes a close look at a tulmp entry stili partially wrapped for transport. The entry - part of the groupas show at the mail Saturday - was a collection of tulîps in three different vani- eties. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE ,,Debtfrom group's 0MB challenge retired1 By RICHARD VIVIAN The Champion A hefty debt incurred by the Friends of E.C. Drury Park (Friends) has been retired - with partial credit going to the development community, includ- ing H.D. Investments. "The retirement of that debt is due tu the very hard work and generous support of Milton resi- dents and the deaf community," Friends repre- tentative Met Cutter said in a tetter to The Champion. "Wc are very gratefut to the many people who have contributed their time and/or financiat sup- port over the past three-and-a-half ycars." The group was bitted about $50,000 for tegat services defending a îown councit decision 10 refuse a proposed geared-tu-seniors huusing devetopment on tands known as Drury park. Friends spoke against the devetopment during an Ontario Municipat Board chattenge made by the devetoper, B.D. nvestments, to tee the coun- cit decision overtumned. The chatlenge succeeded and the development is currentty under construc- tion. Numerous community initiatives where hetd to pay down Friends' tegat bilt prior to, during and fottowing the chattenge, inctuding donation soticitations by Cnuîncittnr John Challinor tate tast year. The majority of the debt was paid through these initiatives. "Therc's a tot of different groups, businesses invotved," Mr. Cuter totd The Champion refer- ring to the fundraising efforts. Costs were further reduced when the tawyer representing the group forgave a portion of the bill. But it was a fundraising cati 10 Councitior Brian Penman that resulted in the debt retire- ment. As a councittor, Mr. Penman told The Champion he didn't feel it woutd be appropriate to donate, but he wanted to see the issue resotved. He then approached the development community about the matter and collected in excets of $ 12,000 - paying off the debt. "I think that the development community feit that there was some animosities and some hard- ship that had been created in counicit. I think there was a desire 10 put this thing to rest and put it ail behind," commented Mr. Penman. Comment......6-7 Business 1 Classified ...21-24 Dateline......BlD SM* 08m11yV * a *Cbanet e Commece *HeatMw'LS* eFbsedl *Honm Deper m Honte Hardware* à Sheridan Nurseres* e 81port Chek * aClamlc CeIers* Meadouvale FumNure *- Future Shop* SeaiV * elack's Plîotography- Amerîcan On-Llne* *Seloctsd arsas Only 1 - wMqýý