Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 May 2002, p. 8

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8 h aaia hmin FiaMy102002 SC Q LPR Mark Your Calenldar Tuesday, May l4th a 7:900 to 8:30 pul H.gk Fosteu Hall, 53 Brown Street (neit to Tmu Hall) Mlton Hydro lis committed to helping you understand the new marletptace. Plan to attend one of our compllmentary f act flndlng sessions where we wlu dlscuss: I"/ - Choces in the new marketplace - New players in the competltlwe market '"MUSTANG MESSENGER", Jeuf Vandevalk HoIIy Cambruzzi EmiIy Willoughby MILTON DISTRICT 8109 SCHOOL MDHS students beware oit/w legendarv t ash and hurn. T/te frightening anticipation o'niid terni mai hi' eorer. but t/te worst s iiit Io come ... Exan. Renieniber Io keep your pood vomk /habits, unless you are wililinttio welt'omte suonniet si/tool ai tour wii'ked sunîî'î bas/t. In Th New Are you looking t0 get rd of some of tbose pesky community ser- vice hours? If so, you could loose 10 hours by volunteering for the Milton Community Resource Centre in the annual Far tor Childrctt. ou Saîurday June 8îh, from 9am to 3pm. You would be required 10 assist in a number of fun actviîes. They will provtde yuîu wîh volun- leer kits that include frec botdogs. sunscreen, and lots tof ther great goodies. t's a great fiay to help your comtnntîy and yourselî at tlie same time. For more informationî go into studerîl service,, OAC's and ail tlîose graduatîîîg cati relax, tickets foîr prîîm arc finaux titi sale' Ater the bard \vork ofthte prom comniittee. the price lias been reduced îo only $511 per ticket. That s a great value' Ibis years pronî s poing to be beld at the glantourous Raile Snake Gotlf Club on June 25tb. and is expecîed tii bc a lot ol Iunn For more infor- mation îalk 10 tbe pîxiniconimittee. tibo nilI be elling tickets iii tbe front balîway. Do yon love music?! Of course you dIo. Sudetits celebrated MDHS sprtîIis week by isîentng to tbe Sr. Jaz Baud and snpport- îng tbem belore îbey lf for tbe Music Festi n Calgary. Tbe Baud is ready 10 face tbe natonals witb tbe aîaiiîng talent tbey demoîtstrated and tbe sebool beind bernt. Good Lucklî WeILl.the event tbat we bave ail been wailîng for is fînally here. MUF, the inîramural ultmale frsbee competilion Il begîn on Monday. Tbe event wll be beld during every pertod four. trougbout tbe week. Signunp is by tbe large gym. Spokes 'n Slopes. Rîsk Watcb. and tbe Milton SaIety Conrnttee will bc bosiug îwo bicycle rodeos dnrîng May. Vounuteers are ueeded 10 belp ont aI the cvenî for varions Iasks The tentative dates are May l4tb, and l7th from 10-12. If you are inîerested. please sec Mns. Scbofield. Tbis may be an excellentt way 10 gel in some of tbose communuty service bours. The teacber/student badminton toumnament took place aller sebool yeslerday. We wll let yon know wbat bappened next week. LasI week. the gol eam wenl ou nt thIe rain and a very wet course 10 play în a tournameut. We wold like 10 congralulate tbe subole team, especially Jtf Anthony and Robbîe Falls.,subo won tbe loumnameul. Yon gnys rock!!! Yea/î. nel . ./tat'ittttmoting le/ttit ai', tic ni t atie tutt itmtre tîmîe oui ojvout wvee/,etidEtjox xttur.ie!/. be/tit' te Mîttdat nîîîîx kick in. Megan Bouer Lyndsey Jones Rob Parker Hey tuire Drurtîns! Ail griduating sindents are ltiidinin ibeir grail prit tfiles, îîulining lil(lii qutrky persttial characteriviics and itteintirable Drury sheiianigaiis. Sît,in iis edîîîîîîî tf Daîlîne l)rnry, we senti tinot utideictiseireportier aîîd studeni leader, Steve McDlîugailtlid titi nhtt beys nriîîtin *r flis. Wbi aie yîîu wiiting Itiii .'. et's GtO' Fmounrite I)rurý Memory: 'llite I ieiry Ciittee Hîtuse fixer ihe last 4 years. Steve bis coulîe iii ihîîrîîîîgbl y CII' itysgetding soi itut. finie AthtibMc. Keainc' t rurs<s amnai Liîerary Cîîllee Hîîuse i ider tl ierc tic tittsaclitied guitdance l "[lie Wi,,ird" Iiiiseit . Steve lias been uiie'Iilî pregtriitefilsit tllei.tin il literatinre toi situe ilt flie audiîence ,ai tIo teefltouise ti Ma\î 291tl. lits ,îîîîî ail vetii lis grîîxeîî ti bc an excel- lent îigliirtunitois n rdulgu in flic inf aiititis wfiltanid s îituliry pîîssessed hi Mi. Keine athle tinparaillcta .lentto iii ciisliilasitalls andtl rtisitallî ilttied Spariits SIese ,ilstt t.tn i nîtiIte sece[lie tiitiurtul tisiliî ofiilier- ar\ getituts Rilîts tI ic bîîîeîin IoIbtiiss etIrs cttlec liuse. Fulure lAmbitlion: Toli Lith le diittil,: ofiiMi. Itirni Vueaitgsil Mr i iittimtil, tc and iltottiieit ltie udo1mlMtm laîie, 1 ltîlîl. ue tisre Ilwýies îke Mr.t-Itrncîse i st [rIL .KuI.k sttîie balls ladites tStsterhlis liii is' 1hAll 5115 Chec tk test sîýýcek iloie 1) Iiggesl Nislsake: Nîti irsîeîut itio Irrn Bits sRuL e t Siesebc es iitake i ihus.liiiiil tsItII(IlihICit il t titilvs Upttltiti lic t',h îîebîit Ib iis seir. Nittitli nîîîîlîl lticsae ecît ahle ii sgt' fnitte ilt f tut lies Mis ii. Rs naitd,îîîliaxier. but lsit lie tiinltl have beet i of i on I Duis 'sîîuitatite sriii esgorts tcits.BlthfileItgirls and bitss rueby tcaiiis lui[lie t lii titonileiliesdilitilit andi titi iltit ikickeil ornîe serîtîns biititî Saut, %ne Aere unailoi i et exact scorîes ori deLiils in ibe bîîuî iskckîng. but biture tiichlec k tck. We pvîîîîîse tii litsec nuire biiiiiy infoirmiationi.antI biiiii scosIrevicerytîii Iamous For:[lits "ng rett t. A tinîrîîîc slîuîîI euti lii st tsiilîîîîîell . 'tt"e ut oia in iiiiktk"tinttif flis' antial '~Se'nirs ScltîIio eacl t ecitss,.l'lite t etcliers«' idihu Vuceiiesiis îlie sure itlieck httk rctenek fov a raîîiîîn nîîeu ic ultte slîîîn ofsxîîî itis.Heck titi se taîî't slîîn iliton. ,%enettopîîîg sîîîîî niiviv like "ilrîn iînîti". Must Emharrassing Memor ' : Lîrltet iis sear nuietnAe oilflic Dteliie Drurs Cren cametiti u u tiSî've iatd aske flmitil lie' nariled Iotii ise us a land n thil iaid he sad1 "laîelînc n liai.> 1'b,î's rîght Steve ... Looîk wsuitîsi.ughing tutux. We are.. Halialia! Weilltatht iiireaulrs, ihats i titi iis cdi titi ioI laielîne Drars i Make su re sîîîîîcoule'îoutî ii cet'îîîîîur btseball. tenntis and rugby ietitisin lie upttintg neeks asiîiey are stîtedulcdIolitSIRIN ittt the nen'o seasîn wtb tictcartît, griceand eeîg y saicîtarat trîstiîc oti he inigui , titiby Sparans. Aist.rircîîcîîeî Io) geltihuîse Grad Prtofiles in tid.y! Have ytiurselves a uîerry lutile neekeni and selisecesu ntest nýeek! !BISHOP REDINO 111011SCHOOLP Mark Ryan Lframboise Pyne Royal Report By Mark Laframboise and Ryan Pyne Bisbop Reding extended ils record-breaking streak Ibis week in Track and Field. B.R.'s snperîority in Shot Put conîinned wîîb Chris Karnel snrpassing bîs owu record wiîb a îhrow of 15.18 meters in tbe Senior Boys' event. Midgel Boy, Mike Camu, also claimed gold wbîle setlîng a new 12.97-meler sebool record. Meanwbîle, Ian Butcher continned bis dominance on the îrack as be eclîpsed a fifteen year old sehool record in the Midgel Boys' 800 melers Ibis past Saînrday at the Cardinal Carter lnvitation. Runnnîng a lînse of 202.96 seconds, be erased a mark sel by for- mer O.F.S.A.A. silver medallîst Michael Wyman. The Senior Boys' Basebal eam Iaced off agaînsl Oakville Trafalgar last Wednesday. Reggîe Taylor and Conan O'Brien led tbe olfence as the gnys scored six us in the fonrtb innîng 10 claîni a 12-7 vîctory. Good luck as tbe season continues. Tbe Varsiîy Girls' softbaîl team began ils season w/lb a resounnîg snccess on Monday versus tbeir cross-îown rivais, Milton District. Casey Ferguson and Anianda Robicband îeamcd togellier 10 pîîcb an 18-0 sbntonî sictory. Congratulatons on yonr fiue efforts ladies. Recenlly, B.R. 's Junior Girls' Soccer leans laced St. Tbhomas Aquinas in a cballenging game. Following a scoreless fîrsi baîf, in wbîcb Kasta Sitarz' play fias ontslanding, tbe girls pnlled îbrongb. scorîng îbree goals in ibe second hall. On Tnesday evening, the ladies îravelled 10 Q.E. Park wbere, follow- îng a rongb game. the îeams fînisbed in a I - I salemate. Keep np the greal work! This year's producton of "The Wizard of Oz" proved 10 be a îremendons snccess. Bîsbop Reding's diverse acting talents înclnded everyîhîng from emoîionally cballengcd Tin People 10 absent-minded wizards t0 lcowardlyl lions. Oh my! The B.R. Players' and Stage Crew's numerons boars of bard work and preparation made Ibis year's play one of Bishop Redîng's finesi performances ever. This year was the first 10 integrate the skîlled vîsual effecîs of the sebool's Media Arts classes wîîb the vivîd backdrops created by the Fine Ants Class sîndenîs. A huge tbank yon goes 10 everyone, boîh in front and bebînd the stage (and tbere were manyl. wbo helped 10 make the event sncb a dramatte trnumph. Yesîerday. ibe Bisbop Reding Mnsic Depanimeut beld ils annual Music Nigbl. The evcning was an ontstauding snccess wîth the Senior, Junior and Jazz Bauds demnonstralîng ibeir fine accomplîsbments Ibis year. The choirs and guilar ensembles also provîded those in atendance with lively ententainmenl. Tbank yon t0 ail who conîribuird.

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