B12-The Canadian Champion, Fridlay, May 10, 2002 BLAZER 2-DOOR 4x4 43 titre 190-HP Vortec V6 Enine- 4-Speed Automatic Transmission- Air Condtîonîng -4-Wheel Anti-LoCk Brakes -ANIFM Stereo with CD- Tourinq Suspension FM 91 eU SlAI RaiL Eken wnb w à Rm audu 640w aM mo pa »Mfi 1 -M o .m ., HIGH GEAR: TRUCK & SUV EVENT NO -CHARGE AUTOMATICI CHEVY AVALANCHE Z71 4x4 Industry-exclusive Cnert-a-Cabîa System Vortec 5300 285-HP V8 Enqîne- 4-Speed Atomatîc Transmission with Overdrve and Tow/Haul Mode- Autotrac-Automatîc 4-Wheel Orive- 4-Wheel Disc à 4-Wheel Anti-Lock Brakes- Air Conditioninq- AMIFM Stereo with COD 1711 Aluminum Wheels . Pouer Locks/Windows/Mirrors- Remote eyless Entry b298' '2519S PERe MNTHn(3 230 004W SUCLUSES FeEIGHT PAnEsNT PeUrrSeN & secueITY DEPSIT ChaEn STAR FE RaM. Cl rm l erIun bu m. z~2002 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER LS 4x4 4.2 Litre 270-HP Vortec In-lne 6-Cylinder nine- 4-Speed Atomatîc Transmission .Huai-Zone Air Conditioninq- Auttrac Atomatic AWD- 1611 Alamînum Wheels- Power Locks/Windows/Heated Mirrors- Indepeodent Front Suspension 48 MONTH S5AenLau OR CASH PURCHASE PRICE $418* $35,498' PEe aonelSu,965 DOWN E XSCLUD)ES FREroNT PAYMENT PLUS FR1040 & SECURTO DEPOSIT 36 MONTK SmARTLEAsi OR CASH PIJRCHASE PRICE %538L $429418' PER MORTIII54040 D OWN ECLUDES FREIGHT PAYMENT PLUS MR160& SECURITY DEPOSIT U79,'R5IO200i TRUCK OF THE YEAR. 2002 CHEVY SILVERADO EXTENDED CAB Vortoc 4800 270-HP VI Enine- 4-Speed Oatomatic Transmission with Overdrive and To/Haul Mode- 4-Wheel Anti-Loch Braes- Air Conditionisq with interior Air Filtration System -AMIFM Stereo ith CD- Chrome Grille - Deep-Tinted Glass 36 MONTH SoAnTlEUsE Oe CASH PURCHASE PRICE $358* $27,598v PER MONeeIS2,9en eOWea EUCLUDES FREnrue PaYaeeo PLUS FREIGHT & secaeRnv DEPaSIn iMZ:72002 CHEVY S-10 ExTENDED CAB Vortec 4300 100-HP V6 Enine- 4-Speed Autocratie Transmission ith Overdrivee 4-Wheel Anti- Loch Brakes- 3rd Door- Sport Package includinq Spotide Soi, 16" Aluminom Uheels, Sport Suspension and Sucket Seato Air Conditioning -AMIFM StereU ith CD 48 MONTe SeoniAs[ OR PORCHASE PRICE $26SI $23,598t PER NONTI5,23U SUN ECLUDES RIH PeAMENT RLUS FREIUIIT & ALSO SEE YOUR DEALER FOR GREAT DEALS ON MANUAL TRANSMISSION TRUCKS. E 1 H EVRIIET a * a a * aN- caMME e - e a ca *1. 1. 1.1.1 ~ 000er applies 10 vehicles delvered on or betore July 2, 2002. General Motors WUll provîde the dealer wirh a credit eqainalent tv rhe value of atomatic transmission: lazer/TrailBlazer <994)/Avalanche Z71 4x4 ($,14)/S-1 0 ($,r40)/Silverado Exended Cab (St1,114). General Motors iii aso pay the Dealer he equivalent GS1/QST/HST o these credits. These credits have already been applied t0 rhe "Cash Purchase e, IK ~ ~~Pces" and SMARTLEASE payments conaned wirhin rhis adverrisementr Used on a 3.91//641//6.4//5.91//.4% annual lease rare, 48/48/36/48/36-mvnth term for Blazer R7/TralBlazer R7/Avalanche Z71 4x4/ S-1t Ebot Cab R7B/Slverado Exr. Cab R7J. $0.t2/km charge vner 60,000/80,000 km fot 36/48 months. Option ro purchase ai lease eodis Or1,898/$7,052/$26,343/$12,479/$16,757 (Blazer R7/Trallazer % Cgdo...e R7C/Avalanche Z71 4x4/S-10 Bt Cab 57B/Silverado Exi. Cab R7J), plas applicable taxes. Other lese options avalable. *VtEocludes reight o $875/$875/$1,00/$850/$1,000 (Blazer R7B/TrailBlazer R70/Avalanche Z71 4e4/S-10 Ext. Cab R76/Silvetado Et. Cab R7J). Licence, insrUOCe, registration, PPSA, administration tees and raxes rot inclvded. VThe SMUOTLEASE monthly paymentisiv or avalable wih and for calclated on he 'Cash Prchave Price" as shvwn. The dference betwPev the pnieU for the SoveoLEASEofvier and the "Cash Prchase" viier is deemed ander provincial discîovre laws o be a cost vi bvrrvwing, whether vorflot the same represents actual interest, ynd is reqired rv 0e expressed as an annual percetage rare o 4.719//2.721/0.431//4.25% (Blazer R7B/TralBlazer R70/Avalanche Z71 4x4/Slverado Ext. Cab R7J> rtV)iOtiers apply as indicated ro new or demonvrator 2002 mode/o Blazer R7B/Traillazer R7C/Avalancire Z71 4v4/S-tO Ext Cab 57/Silverado Ext. Cab P17J eqipped as described. Qufers app/y 10 qualiied resU/i customers inrte Onitario Chevrolet Oldomobîle Dealer Marketing Association area only (irclading Outaouais and eaclvding Nrthwestern Ontario). Dealer order (vn Cash Prchase ynd Lease viters vnly) or trade may 0e reqaired. Lmted ime oiier tsar may flot be combned mirO other aBfers. Dealers are ne o ser indviduel pnices. ea yor rdealer for conditions or detals. ATesia cvnidvcted bp the US National Hghway Traffîc aiety Administration (NHTSA(. 11OI'smOD91