Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 May 2002, p. 22

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22-Tho Canadian Champion, Frday, May 10, 2002 Milton &District sSecond Annual Plant Sale Monday, May 13th, 2002 6:30 p.m. Milton Fairgmunds Brick Exhibition Hall Annuas. Perennial, Shnabs & Gardening supplies 1 ~at resonable prioes Proceedsused to beauti1fr Miton GARWOOD, Katharine At the Hamîlon Generai Hospitl on Monday, May 6tb, 2002 in ber 551h year. Lovingiy remembered by ber bus- band Henry. The best mother in the word 10 daughters Amanda and Nicola. Dear sîster o Tony and Andy. Proud member of the Womens Institule. Caring regstered nurse aI Eden House Nursing Home. Jack of ail trades, and a frend 10 al people. Visitation wiii be beid on Friday, May 101h, 2002 from 2:00 pm 10 9:00 pm aI the McKersie-Kocher Funeral Home 114 Main S. Milton 905-878-4452. The Funeral Sernice wii take place on Saturday, May 111th, 2002 aI 2:00 pmn aI St. Georges Anglican Church (Guelph Line in Lowvile). As an alternatne 10 flowers, donations to the Canladian Martan Association 128 Queen St. S. PO. Bon 42257 Mssissauga, ON L5M 4Z0 woutd be apprecialed. WITMER. Lois Alwood Lie-long resîdent o Mlton and 29 year Toronto Star emptoyee. Borni March th, 1908, died May 5th, 2002 at the Milton District Hosptal. Predeceased by ber parents, Cyrus and Caroline Witmer and brother Harvey Witmer. Frienda isiled aI the McKersîe- Kocher Funerai Home, 114 Main St. Milton 905- 878-4452 rom 7-9 pm on Thursday. The Funeral Serice wil be heid on Friday, May 1 Oth, 2002 aI il1:00 am from the Funerat Home Chapel. In lieu of ttowers, donaions to the Toronto Star FreSh Air Fonid 1 Yonge St. Toronto, ON M5E 1E6 wouid be appreciated. HARDY, Jean Remembening a wondertut Mother and Grandmother on Mother's Day Always in aur thoughts Wayne & Joan SUSAN TICKI (DEARDEN) n ionîng memory of a dear tniend, who passed away May 10, 2001. Many the thoughts t give to you As the long hours go by. Thinking o the thinga we used to do and say, lust you and . Sometimes they make me amile, Sometimes they make me cry. But are rectous to me alone Memories of you and . Love your Friend Lusa n oving memory of HELEN WATS ON who leh us suddeniy, one yoar ago, May 12, 2001. Mother, Grandmother, Greal-Grandmother, Sster & Aunt God caiied your name an softlly That oniy you couid hear No one beard the toosteps 0f the angeis drawing near You neyer saîd I'm eavîng You nener said goodbye You mre gone betore we knew il And oniy God knows why The angeis sang Amazing Graco The Lord came down and touched your face Then Ho whisperod sot and low, "ils tino 10 go." Forever in aur Hearts, The Watson & Melanson familles Nanna Wo once had somettling special hal noney could nol buy. Wo bad a very spociai grand- mothor and had 10 say goodbye. Our memonoes and ber photos are ail wo have to touch ot a vory speciai grandma who we miss so vory much. Forover, in our hoarla and in our lhoughls. Love you and miss you very much. our Grandchildren & Great Grandchitdren APPLIANIti - trae, 2 door: Stove; Maytag automatîc wasber, dry-t or. Aso apartment set. Under warranty. 905-E 637-8328 BUY/SELL staîr lifts, wheetchair lifts, hospîtal beds, scooters, etc. Cati Silver Cross 905-847-I 5504L CARPET i have sevorai 1,000 yrds. of now Slaînmaster & 100%/ ny- ion carpet. Witi do living- roomn & bail for $349. ln- cludes carpet, pad & in- stallation (30 yards) Sleve, 905-639-2902 DIAMOND ring, ladies, l8kt white goid, solitaire w/baguettes total 1.5 carats. Hardty worni. Ap- praisal $15000. Best offer. Cati 905-975- 3680. GARDENING manure tripe mis - cow, sheep and goal. Picteed up or deivered - hag s or yards. Teggart Parms, Steetes Ave., W. of Wn- ston Churchill Bled. (905)826-1408 Toit free 1-877-218-2448. EARLY BIRD SPECIAL 16x30 0.D. KaUak Pools with dec and fence. limiited quant% yfrom $4.995.00, 25 year warraoly. 416-798-7509 1-800-668-7564 NEED A Comput- or.. Dont bave cash'? The original IBM PC, tuai $1 a day... no money down! AOL & Interest Free for 1 year! The Buck a Day Co. 1-800- 772-8617. wwbucka- day.com PIANO Sale. May 23rd- 251h. Oner 100 nom and used pianos. For ap- poinîmont or informa- ion cati 1-800-281- 7172. SPAS ... Spas ... Spas... Broken partnorsbip forces sale. Oner 30 spas sth11 in wrappOr. Must ho sold aI cost or beiow. 905-567-9459. DAYCARE avaitahie in my homo 6:3Oam _ 9pm. Meals providod. Nr-w Matamo deoglon me a cati if you need a hedgo. Suppiy or plant. Cait Fred. (519)853- 5694. STUDENT wanted Mil- ion ares for yard dlean- ap. iawn cutng and generai maintenance. 547-227-4312. WANTED Att-China, Sul- ver, Crystai, sewîng ma- chines ... Douiton, Moor- crot, Quita, Glass, Watches, camera] audio equipmonl, dotis, paint- inga, cottectibies, es- fates. John/ Tracy 905- 331-2477 WANTED Women age 50+ to form New Age Book Club. Inlerested? womensbookctub@hot- mait.com TOP PRICES PAID FOR MOORCROFT ROYAL DOULTON,BDES)FiCI Aseda fùsrfin ceUbW: *Antique furniture,* siler, clean houshold frmiture. One item er the whole estate. cin6nt eice oveer 16 yers. cail #xe Champi Classifeds and plate yotf ragme Uk for OeuY 4$.69 pOu$ UtS1 A frecec seSale Kit is haddl $0help mAake your saa haqe s»«Wss 905-87Y-SSO IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE For o Toronto Fsate and a Qakîllie Fatale Sale te ho held ai the Agrculturat Hait on 9,hýr 9 c5 Milico ritisdMIrtosr.n F or more comploe listin g. auctinnsfind.com/doncoll1ing Auctioneer: Don ColiIng (905) 877-0117 SHRINERS AUCTION Saturday, 118h Ma y 2002, 10:3Oam Viewing 9:30ani 12 Lindsa~y Court GeorVtown (ilasswarc. Ma-on Jarrs, Lamps, Dl-hs,. Cltreks, Watche,. Candies. Sptcr Rack, 'Fins, Gravy B:swt, Pots & Pans C:rtee Makers. fea Pot-,. Dishe, Apple Peler. Drapes. Curtains. Cti rece Pictune traine,. Oiginal Oît Panings (Canadian Arti-i),L.Iuggage Bar Supplies. (arbo'ys. Winenack, Woker Baskets. iny. Books, National tiengraphic. titirce Chair, CD's, Eleceins lypewriter. Sewing M/c, Rorwing M/c. Ernd Tables, Leaiher Chair, liling Cahbinet, Lawres tingan. Haînmond tir'ain. lhp Evinrude OÙtboard Motor. 46jnch Mîtwer Deck, Lawn Mowers, Screen Dotîr. Fibregiass Insulation Bundles. Paini Tray s. Bedroomn Suite, Tables, Siriks, Inieritîr Dtnors, Electnic Bar-B-Que. Lanter. Aniu Sausage Stuffer. Crystal Chandelier. A=gan Proeedtroîn this acttstt>arrtrrrthu henclitrit -SHRINERS HOSPITALS FOR CHILDREN" Snack Bar. Ternis - Cash or Cheqeswitn appropriate ID. Payments are flot dedctable as Caritable Contributions. No Bidders Premiums. No Reserve Bids. Auctioneer and The Credit Valley' Shtine Club flot responsibte lot an>' accidents in connection with this sale. AUCTIONEER - DON THOMPSON INTERHOP, Instant Litai Accesa. 3,0020 pop's, Cana- da/USA web solutions. 24 bout support. 1-877-688- 8126, or www.interhop.net 1989 Sable.Oniginal owner. Hwy dniven. $2000 or 080. 905-878-1960. 1991 Ford Escort P/M. sunroot, nom tires, great for student! $1700 000. (905) 876-3023. 1994 datte green Jimmy, 4.3L, V6, vortec, 4x4, fuity loaded, 208,000km. Certifled and omission tested. $6,500. 905-854-2473. 1994 Pontiac Sunbird. 2 door, 179,000km. 5-speed. Tires, one year otd. $2,000 0.6.0. Phono (905) 693-9154, 1994 Taurus, Supver, tinted windows, V6, 3L, good condition-runs meit. High kms. $1 750/as is. Catil(lo- cal) 905-978-0535 after 3:3Opm. 1998 Grand Caravan 3.8, V6 engîne, quad seating, am/fm stereo cassette CD player. Traiter towing package with fuit sîze spare. Electnic drivers seat. 905-878-6936. 2001 Civic, 4dr, A/C /CD. 27,000km. $16,900.00 080, warranty. 905-875-2268. 90 Plymouth Voyager LE 175,000km, 3.OL, V6, toaded, runs great, some rust, $1,700 000. 905- 878-7001, evenings. Need A Car? Credit Challenges? (ýAVPPLEWOOD Can HeIp! LEASE a new or pre-owned CAR or TRUCK with the RESPECT and PEACE of mind you doserve? No credit - Slow credit - Bankrupt Dealer tom downs'? Cali Bob Kanary in Milton @ 905-693-9017 or cel,: 416-524-2127 or email: bkanarvt(lacoc.com Give us 48 hours and start drivingi r C 1RýPRATICHEALH ASISANT Go/ng Oakv//e 1C ORCICELHS IST noerance brokerage rquîred if youre vibrant, wmn1 gtntmed and g eeko înd/vîdja/ te Cil lk clg ihlots of peopic i na cariog W C~7rcO/ lîlease drop yttur resume oH to Dr. Marlene Turner, 95 Main St., Milton Monday May' t3 brrween 5-7pm or fax to (905)693-1601. Appron. 25 hunes pet week. Mechanial Designer Reguired A steel fabrication company iocatrd in Milton reqoires a ftti-timte experienced Mechanical Designer to work closeiy with our Sales Team and customers ro design a wîde range of mate- rial handiing components. The successful candidate wilI be highiy orga- nized, self-morivated and experienced in AutoCad 14, Mechanicai Desk Top and sys- temn iayouts. A full compan>' benefit plan is provided. Please include salut>' expecraions witb your resomes and fax no 905-876-3163. PROSPERITY ONE CREDIT UNION Is a full service financial institutinn wirb 3 Branches in Milton, Acton & Georgetnwn serving nver 8,500 members. Wr are currenrl>' accepring applicatinns for: PULi TIME MEMBFR SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE/ IN CHARGE 0F EXTENDED HOUeS (ACrON BRANCH) The successfnl candidatr wll bave a Grade 12 dipînnia, business cnllge certificare: 1-3 years related ruperience and/nr training, or equivalent combînation of education and experience, srrnng sales aptitude, excellent communication and con- tomer service skills, ahiliey tsi prncess financial transîctîon in an accuraie and efficient manner and must have gond cnmpurer skiils, and tht ahil- ity t use a varier>' of cnmputer prngrams. Tbis person must also he able te wnrk earended boots -Tuesdlay- Sarurda>'. Qualified applicants sbould fnrward their resumes to: Fran Burton Prosperity One Credit Union. 350 Qucen Street, Acton, Ontario Fax: 519-853-4443 Wrankliprloob, ,ih-i Retail Asst. Mgr/Sales Consultant Full/Part Time if you lîko cualomer service and onjo>' a varitt> of activilies on a daîl>' basîs, work wîîh minimal supervision, no ovening on Sun. shifts, ploaso fan Platinum Kitchens. Baths & Beyond Fax: (905) 878-2224 No enp. wiîh kitchen/bath industry needed - Wo provîdo fuit training. Cust. Service/Sales esportonco an assel. 1~E Fasi gowlng wholasala dIstrIbutIon compan aiYrlng tuil-time PosItIons la tollowlng. Mon. -Fri., day shift onlY:» Customer Srvic iIside Salsà DataEtr Must he abiele omalti-taak, demonatrale excellent costemer service akia, aCte ta take citas concise phone mensage, ane prevînus computer enguience (preterahty Accpac) and willina te wetk te a faat- puced ennîreament. Othet reîated ottice dutîts wîlt Ce assigned as requîînd. $25K veut. ShinaarIRecaivai- The ideai candidate muet have a CîgC ectteni edecatton as oel an prevînea arehause nopetience, Dttes te includeý Shippîng, Receîvnag, Inoentety, sonne heavlfting îeeeived. Cestomer sente ce skiits and Computer knewiedge an aseet. Ment commenîcate oeil wîlC vîhers and mark oel ender pressue.e Wage $12/hfr FIT ScranffiPd Printr- Tranng proded (net computerized prnting). Ment e fleent in tCe nliîse langeage (tead/wrîte) eneretelc and work in a team almosphere Wiiing te do earîoos tanks. Wage $8.75/tir Fax: 905-823-3697 or Email, drathy(@nastar-distribMtiofl.COml Wo tnarik ail those a-Ci applv tîowever on/v thooe oelected tor an interview oit/Cbet ontdcted SERVICE ADMINISTRATOR Canadian Inkiet Sysîems. a leadîng dîsîrîhutor of industrialintkiet and laser prîntîeg and codîng solutonas ocated in Dakile, is currentiy aeekiag a Service Aciminisîratne for tîr gromîng Service Croup Conversing frequenti>' mîîb cunlomers, you bave an encellent commandi of the Eagliab language andi knnmiedge of French moatd Se a definîle acvanlage. The qeatifieci indînîduat must have excellent communication skîlia, ponsessaa positive atitude, alrong morte ethîr and have a complote knolecige of MS Word andi Excel. Inside Sales andi a Castomer Service engertence woatd ho a detinîte assel. Riepties are invted 10: Canadian Inket Systems Ltd. AtIn: HR Manager 2751 Coventry Road Qatevilie. L6H 5V9 Fax: 905-829-1842 clareae&canadiuninKit.com Broker/CSR w-iCh min. 2yrs exp. Agency Manager expetece an asset. Vînce Tomennon Dickersen Inserance Brekere Lld Fax: 905-845-9149 Email: siurIff vincetomensea cern AIle Tracey Stuart On/y applîcants oelected for interview wl//be contactec/ Careers are continued on the next page! FRESH faces needed. Kids, teens, aduts 20- 65 years needod for catalogue work, fasb- onîhair shows, TV. $15,90 per bout. 905- 336-5455 KIDS, Kîde. Kids, Ages 2+ wanted for TV & Movie Jobs! No Feesti Men/ Women 16-65 years needed for same. No etras. Parents cati (416) 221-3829 AUTOMOTIVE: Pro- sentabie indîvidua needed wîth natid driv- ers licanse to assiat in minor paint repaira and enlerior detaiiing in Mit- ton area. Esperience an asset but not necossary. Fax resume 10 905-338- 9298. BISTRO/Bakery grand opening in Campbel- ville. Wait, bar, dish and dotiver' staff required. At shifts. Ptease fax re- aune 905-854-3277. WANTED Experienced cooks, cleaners and wait staff. Appty in pet- son at Yahooz, 121 Chishotm DOnce. FREE training. Drive 4 Us. Schoo Bus Drivers Waned. Cai (905) 877- 4448. Laidiaw is an oqua opporlunity Com- pany. FLORIST with exper- once required for Campbelviite location. Part/Fuiltlime boums. Please fax resume 10 Sandra at 905-854- 3277. 1 Made $800 Today! Workîeg fron home on- uine. Be your own boss! www.reachablefree- dom.com LOCAL cleaning com- pany bas opening for pant-time evening staff. Cai 905-875-9978. MILTON Minor Hockey Association is accoptîng applications for an ice Scbeduier. This wiii ho a paîd contract position. Please forward applica- tions to P.O. Boa 37, Milton, Ontario L9T 2Y3, inquinies can ho made 10 Debbîo Kos- mainki ai 905-876-1408. THE Dickens ta iooking for fultlime tino cooka. Apply in person ask for Leon or Kevîn ai 189 Miii St. WANTED: People hun- gry for financtai freedon to work în their spare lime. Free training. Cai Jacob 416-633-1819. .M ML Eýý

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