20-The Canadsan Champton, Frtday May 10, 2002 No. 14 Sideroad speed limit may drop (eten Appleby Line snd Ireminse Rotiscl may be dropped from 80 km/h to 60 km/h. Milton 's community services committee approved the speed reduction following a staff presentation indicating 85 per cent of drivers on that stretch of road travel at 69 km/h or less. Sharp curves, a severe gradient and numerous driveways are credited with slowing drivers down. Milton council bas yet to approve the reduc- tion and is expected to address the issue May 2 1. The Town of Milton and the Milton Springers Gymnastics Club are looking to team up to include a gymnastics facility at the new Council Briefs Community Park. A business plan submitted to the Town for con- sideration would see the creation of a multi-use recreational space adjacent to the to-he-buiît arena complex. Negotiations between the two agencies are expected to start following town council approval of the initiative, which is slated for Film crews will take to the stre: next month, as production of the film adaptation of 'The Music Man' cornes to Milton. Milton's community services commitîe approved the closure of Sarah Street (from Hugh Street to Charles Street) between June 24 and July 5, as well as the closure of Thomas Street (from Qucen Street to Garnet Avenue) June 25. Bouses along both streets will be decorated circa 1912. The film stars Matthew Broderick, Kathy Bates and Molly Shannon. Town council hasn't approved the road dlo- sures, but is expected to consider the item May Region to cY; ~ r% usï blue boxes Halton's recycling program received a $62,500 boost Wednesday when regional councillors approved the purchase of 10,000 more blue boxes and 5,000 more blue bags. The boxes/bags will be made avail- able to new Halton residents, accom- panied by information relating 10 waste collection sehedules, recycling programs, composting, and waste reduction programs. Being A M Popular Chrisian au her. Choit. Se'iuitll, w v -Whaeer elsemnay be said about the horme. tl s ihe botloni lise cf lire, the assit uou which aitiudes sud cunicios are hammered eut. Il s ihe place ehere ifes bill scornie due, the sngle mess influential force sn<ur earsly exiseuce~ Mont, peu mate a dfference! We salue ycur ccntribiution se cur lises ad te our society! Ycu are special! Cistsider the hecelfeit theughis et a moisier in converstions eh er daughier: We are sisssug as luuch cher my daughier s assatty mn- tiens thai she aud ber husband are thsuksrp cf siartisg a tam- ly. "We're iaksng a survey." shte says. haf'îctug. "Doiiyssu hirt. 1 shculd hase a baby>" ut llcharge ycur hife." t say. sarefulty teepsug niy scue seutrat. "knsw," she says. "se more sleeping su os ceekeuds. ic mocre spsnsancsus vacaosss. But thatis uitchast 1meaut .ait. t teck ai niy daughier. trysrp iii decide chai sc telt ber 1 cars ler t. nîsc c ai she BAHAI The Vrtue of Peace MULTIFAITH DEVOTIONS AND BREAKFAST May 19 - Topic "Love INFO: 905-693-9615 WILI. <'nove fnac hat ail men have been crealted in the native mode bn God- nto eaen ana hat h been prescrbed a pre-ordaîned measuse Ail that catvnh ye potenhially poss- es can, however te manifestert afnas a îesult of vOUs own voition. havi a n aictestte ta thîs tuth. fr010 the Wrtings of Baha'u ah 1-800-433-3284 www.bahai.org o aec stai A 5ebles fa nadags - Children Mcs.m Nuble Rogue Worshlp Mrs. CEther Kstler Youth Mc. Tins Stevens 9 arn - Eorly Worship Service 9:30 arn - Sundoy School for oit ages 10:-45 arn - Second Worship Service Mom - where would we b. wit hout you? Free gift for every Mcm ina.ar. attendance 6:30 p.m. - SUNDAY NIGHT LIVE! What's thse nicest thing about my Mother? Social in I-bse of Mothers fa ollow evenisg service, Supervised Nursery & Dynamtc Chldren's [om m A Life Changing Experience eIl ssci celeaisinsu sildirib classes. 1%t ust ii tlb er tbai tIse ptisal essesîd, il sbilslkriiig vill bel. butibhaibe.issg a siiieril leaebuetbian essssîîsnleîîssslssîa,ste csll fsiee e k'ssiiseesibt 1 isssiiteeevamsi bi'ertai se wtl seseeagaiiuead a tespaperewitbiitaasiug. -Wa ifib.iai l en MY cbitd?-" i'ai es nplane crashs. rsery îsuse lire Il baut ere. l'Ibis ebes ýhse ses picres il starisg ibildees. she e Ilcisuder il asytisg sisuld b5'essese bau eatcbsîîg 555r ibilit die. 1tloksitater carefullssiaicurelsasls andlsiylisb suiitsd tisut batisomater hbis îphssîcaird she s,; beci. îsîsfa sussîber e Il reduce ber iii the persmitine lesel cf a bouc pro- iectissgbces ubTb-ai anuregenicaltsf"Mcn!'eill caiuse ber iii drosp he elephîsse oser bebss crysial vase e sîbîsui s momsniu's esitatisin. t feet t sbcld veam ber shui ns> uaîser bisemauy yeaessbce bas sîsscted ir ber cancrres. he esîl k'rcfesssssally deraileit hy mssîberîusd. She mîphi arrange fcr shildcare but sire day ORAGEWAY GBAPTIST CHURCH 103 Martin Street 905-878-1629 sf5, hlo atii Ilasii 9:50 ar.- Family Bible Houe 11:00 arn. - Morntng Servtce 6:00 p.m.- Evening Service Tbursday 6:45 p.m. Adult Service a) the Chuech Captaîns Crew children's msnsstry At Sam Sherratt Public School "You'II always find a friend at Graceway" %hee ýil be îsîsng ii' aumisportant i n sîsi îeessuansIshe eill tbsii lbesbah\',seetsiill. Se mllbhasilouse escry (insecehrdiscipslinttiteepleriin russsssg busse. jusi tsi mat.e sure lier b:i s aIIrîglît. t est itny itaughies tsi otsîe at eseryilas dec.isssýl no lonsger bcrisutine. Tiialtise yeariildbiiu's tessrc isîgos sote bs sen*s s tisusrashier tban the ciueus as i.tc)iiald's Sil beiiscaismajorisedlessîsia -hiirgbt thires.intheiidst il ctaiterirg trays sud siseatiiug ibildies. i ssues ilInde- pedese andtgesds'r iden ut ii el K' ieeîgbed agasusi the pesýisesiba a cbld musessrsiay k' luet.sg isu bai sesi rîsîssu tIsoees esivse sbemmsibe aithes.'fffce. sbeeill secundguessberse c sisastas a misier. toiii.sg aittsy.stractie it.ugter.te auttIoassure.'beribthâ escisicall> sh v Il shei the piiusds 5f pegnasi y. but shc c il seser felI tIic saisue about bersetf -hai ber le. noie se important. esîl k ifl eus %salue iii ber sonce shc bas a cbsld tatsbheeiiilitgve itall upsina momuent îîsavebheeîoff- spriug. Sheesill aiso bLgsn Iosbpesfetmoe >ears ssit to csicm MILTON en. CHURCH Hugb Fnnîer Hatt, 43 BroniSth. Milton 5h iii 'sulisail"o FREE BIBLE SCHOOL I t hsi i aa.is g Bibis, sisisies(oiii iilssiii'i i ,ig tîsîîîus.îs h, -scrisi'a a l > ist lt liRi BII [Ilî IIl si\, issus tmltPO.lesQthi2 vs f OtarioesîSI- tîMi.ilhois i iCI5.4 Il1lliA' [IiR t u iuS> lîlsi ý/slsîî i v i rl il iisii ptissh h's iii sdreams. bait ii evisîslier sbild u.ssiiptisb 1esti lieriii knueib.iaicsareau scar issiv'.treisli mark, u il beseme badges outoio ,ty it.ighier'seelaitiisip uc lb ber busband %sil hne but sîsîs inbe cas she tbîsks.t1e îsb she cioldudersiausl bise suc mosre yi aarlovse asssarichois areflalIopoue des the babs ce uehbis secehesisatssm iplay ue h is ibild, I îbsst she shsu Id tusse ibis she cîsulîl insulov issee hibm .gaistfor reascus sbeecssldsîse lsrdîerycsrsmaitii t1ssiimdaugbicnciiuld seuseithe bond sbeisiliteresuib cisten tbriugbcuibssiirye'bcb.have tried tostoiipear. prey- udice sud drusk dirsing. t bcpe she cl undcrsiaud ch% 1t cati tint. rstiiially about messissýues. bot becisseteiem pesantsv abiout ni st issues, bus becisue tempraily iusare wbeu t di scuss the ibreat cf suit car car c Io y cbsdreu's tusure. 1tucartIocdescrîbe itus ydaughier the exbutasatisissof sec- tnp yisur c bld ltram se ride a bite. t masstis.capture fer ber lic betty iaugb cf a baby %eo s îîsucbîug the suIt fur et a doig or ascrifisr the irsi time. 1Jeani ber to taste thecjy bat is siireal. it acîually bîris My daughers quiil sloIkmates ne realizeti isses haveliirmeds insi\eyes' Yoc'lse\er regretic-t1sinally sa> -thes t reai.b aceess the table. suiecieessis augbîer's baud suit uIter asi ciii pra>er furslber. andiIftr me. sud fis al ofliese ee msital u îisiesvubhstusibleibheir ua\iio sii hî sîssîlierlul îîfsallîsgs. 'isssblessed gfis oIsîssîs fusl a (f besug a \lotber. Moiiit.ssavithellessigsioftsiiibe ycsrs.sniiilusiisoi MIsiersO ay. butieversda\. teisus aia localbssuseîoflusor sbip. as ce pay tribote tiii yur lîsa iis Sutiîslai lease se the di recsues belise lor a scbcstut tisr senirsimes. Submitted Se Reverend Dann Rogge. Senisr Pstor nf New Lufe Churrh, Milses SOUTHSIDE COMMUNTY CHURCH We welcome you to... ofTh Crifin ssony ffane ST. PAUL'S MILTON GOSPEL HALL oTheCrstian&asMisonrA lliance r) UNITED CHURCH 306 Ontario St. N. - 878-3873 2850arl low a Mltn llaneRhDc. 123 Main St. E., Milton 10:00 arn. - The Lords Supper *Phone 878-5664 e Fax 878-6676 Sat., May 11, 7:30 p.m. - Steve Kabakos 11:45 arn. - Sunday School Senior Pastor: Greg McCombs and the St. Pauls Choir Sing Gospel 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service Pastor of Youtb Ministries: jack Ninaber Sunday May 12, 10:30 ar. Wdesm.73 pm 10:0 .M.SUDAYMO.NIG 3ORHI' SRVCE CHIRISTIAN FAMILY SUNDAY - BAPTISM Prayer and Bible Study & "ADVENTrURELAND" for kida 3 - Gr. 6 Intergenerational Service - Nursery (Nursery care provided op tb age 2) e.jh ehn&Re.GryHftte So then every one of us shail For more info on our regular weeldy judy Hunter, Director of music give account of himself miitispes aHtecuchofc.Cburch office: (905) 878-8895 to God. Romans 14.12 miisrisplas eU hechrc ofie. tb..À. wwwstpauismilton.org Grace Anglican Church el ý Miton Bo Nfst Church 317 Main St. E.,Milton The Salvation the f hurch ons tie HillIryCuc 900 Nipissing Rd. Tel. 878-2411 Fa.x 878-3005 (905) 875-1626 wwsr graceclitirchmilton tcom Mlo 9:45 arn Sunday Sehool Bey. Dr. Miark MeDerinott1:0ar-MongWosp il arn Worship Service SUNDAY SERVICES 1:0a onn osi Al r ecm!8:00 amn - Holy Communion il1:00 arn Sunday Sohool Ail ae welome!10:00 amn - Sung Euchiarist Sermon Titie: Church Sehool & Cîîffee H1orr 100 Nipiasing Rond, Unit 3 Pastor: "The Genuine Marks THIJRSDAY Maor Susanne Fisher of Motherhood" ~ 10:00 arn Holy Communion For more Information about our services, and Rev. Grog maculy - B.A., LMv . Wheelchair Access Throsagh Parking Lot Doors ohrpormigpes al8622 1 1