12-The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 10, 2002 'A Celebration of Student Excellence 2002 ai'ards oJcexc c//eice aW Oakv'i/1e',ý (ieral Brock tligh Sulioo/ lu.dx l/c' .c afu/ ie l U)t i'ct i1jîtMjý. Jili Martin Grade 8, Brookuille Jili h as consisîently demonstraied an exception- ai knack loe leaeing, great responsibilîty and luxe coperatise sprt in al ste dues. Sbe assumed the role of prime minîster of tbe six- dent tonm and bus irant;ed sprit days. dances and special schîîol treat duys -cumîng iriixgb eucb ime in ouîstandîng fashîtîn. Michael Peterson Grade 5, Robert Badwin Micbael nas unîmously accepird by staff as tbe chool's sindent excellence ec ipieni hecanse be exemplifies the phlusophy ufthlIe school. Hes a ipb acudemîc airver. putîci- pains on many trams. coninully sets goals for iminf and eshbbts student leadership and citii eenshmp wnible motivating others ix, do iheir besi. Stephanie Rathy Girade 5, E.W Foster Enroiied in the French Immersioîn program, Stephanies attitude îîwrned leue ing is pisitive, ceatie and podu'es n 'andng rxi s.Sb",. a crngsb ol and ommuny meribetubo partcpanandenhusiarngeay compi ment beronging sbool conrbutins adper Deborah Stead Grade 8, Sam Sherrali Deboruli stands oui un the bais ut er topnotcb academic efforts and extra-curriculae inuolve- ment. Iu addition ix maîntaîuing honone exil six- tus. sbe's bren inxolxed witb many sports îeams, bas norked in ibe office and is un atise member ufthie baud. Shes describrd t school us deiermined. congenial aud creaiixe. Spencer Kopera Grade 5, J.M. Denyes Spencer displays aconsistently pusitive leader- ship rle niiih ther students- quiety anid caimiy assisting nienexer possible. Hîs wiing iii improxe on c ompieted work goos beyond expectations and has met wiib excellent aca- demicresuits. HoNýpartcipated in înany schosii functioins. including sports and s.fety patritiers, Matthew Price Grade b. W. l)ick Matihe i s a mlii alenied studeni. As a French Immersion smdeni. hes maintined a hîgb lexel ul academîc excellence nihile actisely partici- pating in numetous foncions îhroughoui tbe yere Nol only s lie a top aihiete, but hes alsu played une ufthie leadx in ihe sthool's musical. Hes a positive cle model for ail sdents. Andrew Scarffe Grade 5, Munie Street Andren isi a student nibuexcels academîcally and ainixys worts to is potentitl. He uctively panticipatcx i nclassand is ltuys nilling lu belp oîbers. bithith e ciassroom and urîîxnd tbe scbîiol. Hîs extra-curricular activitiex arer actled witb greatientbusiasmu ndbhe williiitiy ai.epts respînsîblitîes lite couciiing and refereeing. Megan Bauer OAC. E C. Drxry Megans commîlmeni ut ime. rnergy and entbusîusm mate heruagreat asset ix E.C. Drmry. For the paxi fise yeurs, sbe*s prusen lu br a higbly motivuird. confident and respecîrd leader umnouf her peres- conîrîbxtîng in a pus- tise niuy lu many areas ufthie scbool. in bibh ucadenîîcs and extea-curricalar actisies. Shelynn Gervais Giadeb6,PWMerry Shelynn oonly hneacademicaybut nail aspiecisofithe scbool cuîmmunity as 'xcii She's a grcat assstanti n the classroomi and aroundibhe si.boil acing as a bus buîidy lor tbe kinder- garten bidren. She demonstrates maturity and prde in aller wort. Kate McGaflin OAC Milton District Wbîle maînta înîîg au bonours average, Kaîr has desoted a greut deul outime and energy ix ibe cbool- acting s a membre of the txdent leadersbip conic il, prticiputilu in sartoas fundruisers and niork ing in the sebool store. No muilur boni mxcf sbe ha.s lu do, Kte is alniays wilinte, luhrlp olfiers. Sharing the Spirit Student Awards of Excellence Holy Rosary Colin is serions and sincere ni hîs commîlmient tu church. famly and cumnîunîty- actng as a dedîcuird sindent and loyal gronp membere nho cun br depended upon tu ci on his moral con- victions. Hes an atise participant n bibh class actîxties and stbool lunictions. He's ainiays willing tu bnlp those aronnd im. F~1 Laura Stratton Dur Lady miiVictury Lanra is a hrdnioeting, turing indîsîdual nihits alniays bren reognized for b er excellence in acudemies and dedîcation 10 tumiiy. chuecb and schoi. Lara constantiy demonstrates a ferai attitude toniaed bib ifellow slnd ruts and staff. Shes a consc'tentions and determined girl niho stands ont as an excellent mile modeL. Lina Peine Si. Peter's Lîsa sas nomlinated brcause ut her leadersbip and ber invoisemnent in ibe scbool. Sbe's very entbasmastic and aimnys nillîng ix axtisi etbers iu need. Shes actisely înxîîised in ihe Spirit Club. the SAVER Club and nias a inenîiber omthie basktiali teain. Lisas reliabiity and nîatnrity matr ber a great asset ai Si. Pete*s, Jessica Palladina llisbup Reding Jessic is a truc ambassador- interac.iiogtb piers. scitîrl staff and yuunger stxdents. Hee noioin iof sersice lu oibers i sseen in the actîivi ics slite's învîîlved wiilh. încludîng puer itorîng. tbe Ut ied Way and the Ultîmate Mis Cbhallenge. Jessica orts îîreiessly in trder Iu mate a positive and lastîng impact ai tbe scbool. a Am