Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 May 2002, p. 10

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i 0-The Canadian Champion, Frday, May 10, 2002 Got a hot scoop? We love ta hear your story ideas. Cal! our newsroom at (905) 878-234 1. If you lovei ainimais... Attend our fundraising concert and support the Oakville & District Humnane Society featuring Pete« Appleyaird and the hits from the decades to delight and entertain ail ages May 18 - 8p.m. Oakville Centre Tickets are $40 per person. Book now by calling (905) 815-2021 Inquire about the special dinner package, an opportunity to meet and talk with this outstanding performer OAKVILLE & DISTRICT Ail proceeds gotIo the core ond protection of IIIIB*LIEanimais ai the Ooikville ond District Hamocne Li SOCIT s a great cause! Region to latrnch education By RICHARD VIVIAN The Champion Heallt haLards inked lu pesti- cide use have led Halon Region lu hegin work on an educalion and awareness programn on te cosnnel- ic use of chemnicais. -Yes. ihere shutuld bc a litile icci flag raised - e Cshvîuid ibecon- cented (about iteaiîb efiecîs relai- ng lu pesticide use), but cause and eflect bas nul heen shown. Ilnay encd up being shown iltrougit fture research) and thaî's shy wec neeci lu exercîse prudent avuid- ance,- Dr. Bob Nosal. Hialton's neiîcai otticer oft beaith. lolci council Wednesciay. I)r. Nosal's commenîs iolios te recelil release ut a report from the Ballon Iniermunicipal Rex îess Coninilîce oi tlie se iii Pcsîic ic'. fuîlined in thc 'eponi are te hcaith concerns -s uch as Icukernias. lymphomnas. relîrodc- liseeciiecîs and netiogîcal elf«ecîs -and h<ts the public teels about pesticide use. Based on a survey conducleci as part of'ite report. 61.9 per cent ut' Biallon residenîs icel pesticides have a soîtîewhai negalîve oîr very negalive imîpact on hurnan i eaiîb. Resulis also show 60.4 per cent of' residenîs sitmessbaî or siroitgiy support a mtunicipal ban on pesti- cîde Lise tor landscaping. lnclucied iii tbe appruved recom- mnenciation were te deveiopmenî oti an eciocatijorai program (includ- ing a point otf sale componieni) and effiais lu lobby flite lederal antd provincial geîvernimenls It conlin- uie aggressixe pesticie research and lu develop a 'bebinci-tlte- countir sales program. Local munîcîpalilies were also encourageci liidevelop bylaws resiricling the use of pesticides for cosintic purposes. Prior lu approsing Dr. Ntsai's recomîmeîtdaîioîîî counicillors bat- lied bacic ancd iorth aboutl ehier il shotîld be the municipaliliex othe Region tai takes the lead nle in clevelîîping an awvareness program. In a recorded vole of 10-7, the decjsiîîn was macle Ic make il a rcgîiinal effort. -I iîink ltai wc shl iiconctinueiitte i 55ork as a teani. hecatîse îiîere arc cifiereni les ofii expertise. Tue way it reads now îbeiore beîng arnended lo give te Region tbe leadership role> is ihal sse're îellîng municîpalilies wbaî lu ciii" ccmmenievi Burlinglon Councilior Mike Wallace, aciding Burlingion ix currenîiy lakîng a looîk aI te Luse ul peslîcide use. But lthe majurily cfl counciliors ciîsagreec wih suggestions it sitouici becltlu I he inunicipaliîles. wîîh sexeral ponning lu the i- vidual snmoking bylaws of' each municipaliiy as an exampie ut wity a regional appretachit i needed. -Thisiii lte big baci Region ccrning in and irying lu lake over. When tihe Town olf)Oakvile anci tbe City of' But lingion cpen a healt deparunteni. maybe l'Il feel a little ciiffereiuîiy,- saici (akxille Councilior Kevîît Flynn. poînîîng out the healtit expertise cornes frorn ihe Balton Region Heaiîh Department. Tit-ere is ito nIent itere lu nul support the ieam on Ibis.. 1 îhînk lte nIent here is 10 put the responsibil- iîy l'or heallt issues wiîh the med- cal of licer of iteaiîh.- A pair ol indivîctual Oakville res- idenîs aiso spoke lu lite recummen- dation, saying the wording is tbu louse lu be etfective. Tirese recommeitdatins appear ciesigîtec Ioballow te Region Ici carefully side-sîep responsîbi lily ('or ihe getierai healih and \mýeltare tif the pîîpulous. Furihermnore, îhey provide onîîtihe mosî dîlule direc lions lii lhe four area municîpali- lies," said Brian Hoîpkins.,echo's comnuenîs were ecitoed by Rene ILehnen. -lssviuid like lu see firm recum- mendations 10 lite area municipali- lies taI liey mcve iorxsard wiit restrictions conte use of pesticides and tai Ihose directions be out- lind in the recommendatjuns." We Appreciate Your Patience The Gomerment of Ontario tbanks everyone affected by the reent OPSEU strike for their patience. We would also like 10 welcome our OPSEU bargaining unit employees back 10 their jobs. Tbe government values the work ail civil servants do to serve the people of Ontario. It was flot "business as usual" during the eigbt-week strike. Many of the services the governmenî provides 10 the public were disrupted. We look forward 10 lully restoring those services as quickly as possible, but il may take some lime before ail services are operating at the levels tbey were belore the strike. Please check the Blue Pages in your telephone directory and caîl abead, or check tbe list below for key information. Driver & Vehicle Licensing *Drisers licences and driver insruclrs licences iîh dan espiry date af March 13. 2002 or hiter. mîlI be exended la Augusi 2, 2002. *Disahled Persans Parking Perînas, Oversize/Overmeighi Permil, (annnal), and Saiely Sandards dnd Salety Inspectiion cerlîficales (partial lisi) will bceeieded la Augasl 2, 2002. *Driver exams missed as a resaIt ai the labour disrnptiion milI be rehanked an a priariiy hasis. *Vehicle licence plaie sickers need ta be renewed, as asnal. *SericeOntaria kiosk transactians mili be available beginning May 21. *Fnr a camplele lsi oi driver and vehîcle licensîng services, please reler la ww mia.gavon.ca or caîl the MTO huao Line ai 1800-268-4686. Healtb Gare Services *if yen require beallh services priarInl renewing ynur heaiih card ai belote pan receive yanr îîew card, yen milI slill be able la gei bealih services and yau may stilli use yaur epîred card oi healih card aumber in masi cases. Fat lurîher information regardîng heallh caverage, please caîl: tll- hec: 1-800-268-1154, in Taranto: 416-314-5518, ai TTY: 1800-387-5559. *'nie Assistive Devicex Pragram milI be acceping and pracessîng al applicatiians lai ianding onau a rsi came rsi serve basis. Applicatioans can be maîled, as asîîal, or caariered et drapped aIl aiIthe Miaîsiiy oail lealîh and i ang-Term Care affices ai 5700 Yaage Sreet, secenih foaar, Tronto, M2M 4K5. Th'[e Assîsiive l)evices Pragram wilI be pracessiag invaices lai vendais. These sbauld be sent direclly ta the minisiry affices iii Kingston. Services to Business and Consumers '[he illowing services are asailable Miy 6 ao May 10, 12 nîaan a 5 p.m.: *Office af 1he Regisrar fieneralfla i brih-deaih-marriage certificaies. (Emergency reqaesis: proal al cmergency cîreamsîacex nsi be presenied.i *Business Regisratian oaIlncarparatiian. *Cansumer mediailan and consumer advice by lelephane. *Lard Regislry Offices lai essealial and ime-sensilive land regisration transactioans and searching; application review and emergency requesis lai birlh-deaih-marriage ceriitcales; and Persanal Praperty Secarily Regisrations and Incarpoatians (drap oaf lai cauriers ai land iegisiiy affices ta bc sent ia 'Taranta). *Nanmal business hauts resamne May 13, 8:30 a.m. la 5 p.m lai aIl services includiag searching al persanai piaperly liens and Ontaria Business Canneels. Social Services *Ail Regianal Offices ai the Minisiy ai Cammuniy, Family and Chîldien Services. înclading Ontlaria Disability Support Pragram atid prabatian services, milI be open ta the public ramn 10 a.m. îa 2 pin. n additian, prabation sersices (ai yauîîg alleaders may be arranged auside of ihese banîs by appainîmeni. *The Famîly Respansibîliy Ofihce wiii cantiîne ia pracess paymeaîs aîîd resaîxe argent issaes. New' issues can bc lased ta (416) 240-240(1.Fer payîmeiii ai eîîirceîaeîî infarmationî, please use the aiainaied informaian sysieia' (416) 326-1818 oail-810267-7263. *Adapiiaa disclasare actiliies, appravaîx ai internatiianal boire stadies aid lcenîces lai prîsale oaintîernîational adoptioans ailI 6e available ram 10 a.m.iii 2 p.m. justice Services *Same caurîhauses ma v hase rcduced caurt caunier haurs framt 10 a.m. la 12 naan aid i pin lao 3 pi..lot up ao a week, while miher lacatians may hase esiended cauier haurs. haouts mîli 6e pasied lacally ai eaeh caurihause. *Crîminal Injuries Campensatiaon Baard affices sill nai candaci heaiings antil the aeek beginiing May 27. *Ail aiher services milI caninue ia 6e praeided. Education and Training Facilities and Programs *W. Ross MacDanald Schaal for the Bind and Deaihiind milI te-apen Tuesday marning, May 7 AIl aiher Pravincial aid Demanxuratiin Schaals and resîdences milI te-apen Wednesday marning, May 8. *Ontaria Sîndeni Assistance Pragram IOSAP) services lai sladenis stadying in Ontaria are availahle lhraugh finaîcial aid aficees ai iheir institutians. Ail OSAP applicatians wilI 6e piacessed as they ire received slaring May 13. OSAP telephane services lai siadeals studying aulside Otaria ailI resamne au Jane 3. Ail sîndenîs are remîîîded ihai ihey ciii apply lai OSAP iuadîag aid check the siaiux ai theur accaunîs lhraugh the weh ste ai http://asap.gav.an.ca. *Ontaria Graduale Schalarship amard iniers nuwil 6e iaiained ai 16e aulcame aI t6e 2002-03 campeiiai n nor abaut May 27 A ppeiliceship: samne regianal affices ofi(ie Niiislry al Tainiing, Calleges aid Uisersiiies iîli have redaced lîaars. Especi delays dae la hîgh valume aI tequesîs. Environmental Services . Air Quality Index reparts mîlI ho aîailahle aîthiu mil weeks an the Miisiry aifEîîcîranmenî .and Laeigv's aeh site ai: mw.aiqualityontaia.cam/ *There milI 6e delays an pracessîng appravals, permils, licences, muter mail recards, Enviraîîmenîal Bill ai Bîghis (FOR) infarmationi. aid Enviraîmenial hssessmeîîi (EAi decîsiaîîs. Workplace and Employment Services *Emplaymeni Standards: ifpan have tiled an emplaymeni standards claimt duriug t6e sirike, yau milI 6e advised in mrting ai 16e appraximale leaglh ai lime il milIl ake la hegin t6e pracessing ai yaur dlaim. Government-owned and Operated Tourist Attractions and Parks *Ontaria Parks: Same pravincial parks mill te-apen in lime lai t6e May 17 long meekend. Cal paar pravincial park ai clii www.OnarioParks.cam lai the lalest informatian. * huniers mh a marItlarenem iheir Ouidaars Card ai parchase a Maase Licence aid enter 16e aduli tag validatian dram man nam cali t6e aulamaied syxlem aI I-810-288-1155. Please nate: t6e deadlîne (ai applicatians la t6e draw ix exiended la lune 14. Government Publications and General Information *Publcatians Ontaria lelephane, aalîae arderîng and gacerameni haaksiares- May 6 la 10: services asailahle 12 îaaa la 5 p.m. *Narmal business hauts resumne May 13, 0.30 a.m. Io 5 p.m. *GaverîmeatInfoirmatian Ceaires are open, Ontri r-_- - . , . 19 1

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