-rn SO UR READERS WRITE Viewing pornography won'"t increase violence: re, Dear Editor: This is in response to the numerous letters that have been print- cd regarding the opening of the pornographie store on Bronte Street and ils eflects on the town. 'm hoping that this paper is open-minded enough t0 pnint a dif- ferent opinion conceming this topie. Specifically, I'm responding to Bill and Gssen Holroyd's charges thai such an establishment will directly resait in violence against women, sexual assault and an increased numbher of teenage pregnancies. among othcr îhings. While i agrcc that pornographic videos degrade women. 1i usi cao'! bring myseit to mnake the con- nection the couple makcs., stating that thcsc crimes ssill increase shorîid the store remaîn open'? In my opinon, thesi. acis of violence. ire caused by a lack ol morais, not from vewing a drny movie once or tssîce. Swimmîng club presidents say Rotary Park pool should stay Dear Editor: Are you aware that the Town ot Milton is currently finaliiing re-development plans for Rotary Park'? For newcomers to town, Rotary Park is a large park located near the centre of town off Miii Street. Options are aiso being studied for the park's pool, the only outdoor one in Milton. The town is examining the option of per- mnanentîy closing Rotary Park's pool and replacing it with a con- crete spiash pad where young chiidren can press a button to he sprayed or cao run through the water. Other options include refurbishing the existing pool with a PVC liner or rehuilding the pool to suit a variety of community uses. We believe that the community at large wili hest be served by preserving the outdoor swimming option in Milton. This would mean refurbishing or rehuilding Rotary Park's pool. Such plans could include some water-play features. The town's population is expanding now and needs more facilities for recreation. We feel that with weli-pianned aquatie programs from the Town, a revitalized Rotary Park pool could be of service to ail parts ot the community - including teens and seniors. If you would like to comment on this possible pool closure, please fi out a Rotary Park Master Plan comment sheet availabte at the main desk ot the Milton Leisure Centre- or c- mail us at price@giobaiserve.net hefore May 20. We wili glad- ly forward your e-mailed comments to the town's secring com- Tom Price, president of Milton Masters Aquatic Club~ SsnFraser, president of Milton Marlins Swim Clubz Notice of Liquor Licence Application Ontario The folowing cstablishment has applied to the Alcohol and Gamting Commission of Ontaro for a liquor licence under the Liquor Licence Act: Application for a Sale Licence San Antonio Souihern Bistro and Bakery 24 Crawlord Crescent Milton (includtng outdoor area) Aîsy resident of the munîcipalty may niake a wnitten submission as 10 whethcr ihe issuance of the lcence ts itn the public interest having regard 10 the needs and wisbes of the residents. Submissions must be received no later than June 8, 2002. Please include your namne, addrcss and telephone number. If a petition is submitted to the Commission, please identify the designated contact person. Note: 'Fhe AGCO gives the applicant details of any objections. Submissiotls to be sent to: Licensing and Registrations Deparîment Aicohol and Gaming Commidssion of Ontario 20 Dundas St. W., 71 Floor Toronto, ON M5G 2N6 Fax: 416-326-5555 E-mail- licensitlg@agco.015.ca Al i sec from Mr. and Mrs. Hoiroyd's accusatii facing the tacts that humans are sexuai beings. Out of the 8(,000 plus people that wili he inhal within the nexi 10 years. ai leasi one of those peoF indulge in something that comcs naturai to them called "corruption and sin" that comtes from suc] ment. i ask Mr and Mrs. Holroyd. along xith anyon( agrccs with osie on this ,Lhiect, boss exacily îs thîs Oncc agaîn i implore is paper Io gis c thc publiý point oin thîs dehate. Uni that's higi The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, May 7, 2002 -7 Do you love t0 uîng? iader tMUU%) ions are fear of Conc ert biting our town 1 "Mother's Day" pic wiîî wanî to '~ Sunday, May i 2th, 2pmn despite the o Grace Anglican Church h an estahlish- $10 Aduits $5 Children ci esc who dis- Corne and sec what Sstorc sinlul? w ieala o t ic inother viesv (aitd bring saur parents tati) JennyMooreor cail Lorraine Kerr enyMolton (905) 876-0407 ternet access îtwicqe as fast as a speed phone. Il. le. , Now you can do twice as much onine with COGECO High Speed Internet over cable than you can with high speed phone access. Like watching videos, geting MP3s, upgrading software and hitting your favourite web sites. Net net you get twice as much net. Now only $24.95/montb for 3 months. I Includes FREE basic installation or SAVE 50%/ on professional installation.I Cal 1 888 6 COGECO or vist cog.co.coe to order. 1COGECO O)HmighSpeedlnternet --Keeping you i 2. 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