The Canadian Champion, Tuesday May 7, 2002 - Inexpensive fun vHearing in murder will belli onhand case to start Fridav çi- - i~ i The prehmninary hearing for a Mississaugama hre CIL p o li ~e fe stLiv a with ftrst-degree murder in the slaying ofMuryProt.1116Im will begin Friday in Ontario Court (provincial division) in Burtington. NP» The Halton Regional Police Family Festival may act as a Th ernwascdudtobg ltwekbtws And o '« O & *t bl bridge btwcen officers and the community, say organizers, but poThoe haix a cedldt ei as ek u tbe bottom line is that the annual event will simply be a lot of POiPflt inexpensive fun. A prelimninary hearing is held to deterie if there's Set for Saturday from 10 4 p.m. at tbe Halton enough evidence against the accused 10 go to trial. Regional Centre in Oakville, tbe day will feature everything Msr. Parrott's badly-beaten body was found near thse train i 4 k 4 from climbing walls, mini-golf, pîîcbing cage and an old auto tracks, just north of Milîside Drive, August 3 1. cruise-in to the Bomb Unit robot. live entertainment. displays Mr. Stokes was arrested anid cbarged with thse murder of and givcaways. "Tbis is a free family day that is affordable and thse Milton mati in St. Catharines September 5.2BoteS.S #,Mlo accessible," said Const. Gregg Davidson. "If not for tbe barbe- He remnains in custody. 2Bot t .#,M cue and the penny auction, iî's free. If a famîly of five stays aIl Four days bave been set aside for tbe prelim-inary bear- (05> 876-9463 day and enjoys tbe barbecue, il wîll cosi îbemn only about $20." ing. One exciting feature of tbe day will be the public's cbance to sece a varieîy of law enforcement units up close and personal. Tbese include thse Bomb Squad. Identification Unit. K9 and Tactical Unit. They will also bave thse opporiunity 10 meet rep- resentatives fromt Canada Customs. CN Police. Conservation Halton, local fire departments. tbe Ministries of Naturalv Resources and Transportation. OPP and RCMP. Entertainment will include magie by Halion Regional Police * officer AI Grose. cildren's performer Paul Bebnke. 'Briiney'. Dream Girls and more. Const. Davidson said be wants 10 make il clear 10 tbe public tIsaItbe festival isn't for police and tbeir families but for tbe community "10 be invted mbt our famnily." And judging by tbe attendance numbers (700 visitors in 2000. 2,000 in 2001) people seem to be getting tIse message. "It's growing every year'" said Const. Davidson. -Lasi year we guI double tbe attendance we planned for." According tu Const. Davidson, positive word of moutb about the festival attracted vîsitors lasi year from as far away as OwenR NNT N N EE Sound and Iis year be's received calîs from many more outside S PRING MAINTENANCE PAC KAGE tIse region wbo want t0 attend. "Everyone is welcome lu come. J Tbe event is put on for tbe people of Halton but we're certainly t 0Lbotadfle 5pitiseto flot going to tum anyone away. 5including olntrswpehss ls Tbis year, arrangements bave been made for additional park- Plus tax Tire rotation a Brake inspection ing at tIse Wyecroft Road GO lot and sbuttle buses. More food (wbicb tbey ran out of last year) bas also been ordered. RegionalTo pfudeSttiersue Ieadquarters is located at 1151 Bronte Rd. Proceeds from thebarbecue and penny auction at tbisyear'5 L ES AN EL CT O HC B T TE R Y TE S T. fest will go 10 the Make-A-Wisb Foundation. In 2000, $4,000 was raised for the Smile Trust Foundation. wbicb in tum pro- vided $6,000 to two local ebarities, Cbild Find Ontano and Food For Tbougbt. Last year, $6.720 was raised and sbaredNE E GR T R E between Rose Cberry's Home, a cildren'sIospice and respîte AND WE9VE OT YO UR IRES T00O! centre bing built in Milton, and Toys For Tots. Our price inctudes installation, balancing, valve stem, lifetime inspection, io,ooo km rotations and applicable road hazard protection and treadwear warrantues. UNIROYALO TIGER PAW* ASC- P185/75R14 UNIROYAL TIGER PAWr ASC- P215/75R15 No u t Al O d P t fl ITS MOST 90-'94 SLuNBINOS AND CAVALIERS FINS MOSTI'94201 SAFARIS AND ASTîos 'i __ ___ __ ___ __UNIROYàL A-P35/75Rl51 tlirouehout the rew hnyou'dbetr achth, v!UNIROYAL* TIGER PAW ASC- P205/70R15 IEPW t Nh ever popular and very trenidy wave pettiias are botter than $8 9 tI89 ever and Ibeing use4in many differnt garden settigsYou can ls I lu a use tbem n a container on your patio or deck, ni your favorite I ____________________ ~ ~asktorIatthm ôrntlyinyurar~n. awFIS MOST 91-'00 GRAND PR IS ANS LESARRES FiOS MOST 96-99 JIMMYS AND BLAZERS pettrias, are easy to maintain, are continuously oowmd inBFarc I boomand do nthavet b eadbeaded liere art 5 dffrent I colours tocbhooefrom In sb&Ies of pnk purie and Mla.ff you are ookng for a wawe ptun a tewill qet a litte taler trythe ildal W»W'sedes In chenribotpOnk and 91.ihe tedoser the, MfdlW am anW tot thebtaflertbey ot. 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