4-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, May 7, 2002 1'AI! '~1\F PUBLIC INFORMATION SESSION ON THE NEW FIRE, AMBULANCE AND POLICE STATION ON REID SIDE ROAD At iis sesion the plans for Uie new Pire Hall and Emergency Response centre in Campbelivie (Reid Side Road) wili bu preented. DATE: LOCATION. TIME: Wedneaday, May 8, 2002 Campbelivilie Lions Hall 6:00 p.m. ta 8:00 p.m. Presntation aI 7:00 p.m. The architects and staff ftom the Fire, Police and Ambulance will be on hand to present the plans for the new fte hall and ensergency response centre at it's new location on Reid Side Road (adjacent to Ridley Windows). In addition to this Open House, a statutory public meeting will be beld in relation to a zoning amendusent applica- tion planned for May l3th. We look forward to discussing thse proposai and to answer any questions you may have at the open house. Further information can be obtained from: Leslie Williamison, Coordinator, Purchasing at 905-878-7252 x 2138 PRE-AUTHORIZED TAX PAYMENT PROGRAM (PTP) JOIN NOW FOR THE 2002 FINAL BILLING The Town of Milton bas expanded thse existing PTP program 10o accept enroilment application mid year. Enroil hetween May 01 and lune 13, 2002, and have your final 2002 taxes wthdrawn autonsatteaily. Due to time constramnts. applications flot received by June 13, 2002 will flot be eligible to participate until 2003. Applications will be mailed to you with your final tax bill (early June), or you are mos welcome to pick up an application aIt the Corporate Services counter at 43 Brown St., Milton, or filouItihe application form below. Don't forget that a void cheque must accompany ahl applications. and only accounts tisat are a) fuly assessed (bots land and house value) and b) paid up 10 date, will be accepted mbIbt is prograxn. Two programs to choose front Montlily Plan: 10 withdrawais per year, thse firt business day of escis month, February 10 November Due Date Plan: 4 yearly withdrawals, on thse lts business day of February, April. lune and September For ful prograhi details, please contact thse Corporate Services Department at (905) 878-7252 ext. 2193. - ----------------- --- -- --- - - - -- -- -- -- ---**cup along dotted lie*- - -- -- --- '&w m 7 rd' r Wld%U.T v1W 1 WV Dfl1'A [TTTUflhIT7Ilfl 43 Brown St. A AMN PRG M Milton, ON L9T 5H2TA PYMN POR M Trins andi Conditions: I hereby agree to ail ternis and conditions outlined in thse PTP Program and authorize my bank 10 draw and issue payments 10 tise Town of Milton for payment of property taxes. Enclosed with this application is a void cheque. Check One: U Monthly Tax Payment Plan U Due Date Tax Payment Plan Tax Roll Number Property Address Owuer Name(s) Mailing Address Phone Number Fax Number Transit Numbur Naine of Financial Institution Account Numbur Branch Address Brandi Phone Numbur Signature 1__________________________Date__________________ Signature 2 ______________________ Date ________________ ** 0For joint accons ai depositors must sgn if more than ose signature is required on cheques issued aganst Ue account. 1999 FORD RANGER XLT Suparcab Sport 4dr 85K . S .$5,895 1999 FORD F1 50 XLT Supercab Sport 6 cyl, auto, air 85K . . .'18,495 1999 FORD WINDSTAR LX Loaded, quarts, 68K . ...'16,595 1999 FORD TAURUS SE Loaded, 68K . . . . ... 10 .. ,995 11999 CHEV CAVALIER Z24 2dr, 'Icyl, auto, air, 95K ...1,9 1998 FORD ESCORT ZX2 2dr, 4 cyl, auto, air 58K . ..'10,895 1996 PLYMOUTH VOYAGEUR Loaded, 103K . .... ' 8,895 Ail Cars Certified - 7 month warranty tinancing available Just 2 iue es fMlo a xt29 MONN 1fso 1 , 1 Photo by GRAHAM PAINE ~mess of bacon The Haton Sportsmen's Association held its 22nd annual charity breakfast Saturday in support of the Milton District Hospital Foundation. Here, (tram lefI) Gord Middleton, Terry Colling and Ron Coulson unload another platter of bacon. Cornein for Surf SAVINGS 0F any fragrance over $2500. You can also recelve a ~WVhfOlI Gadnsgn FREE wîth any $3000 or more cosmetie purchase, Ciage Square 265 Mun St . E905.781133 UUS