The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, May 7, 2002--B7 Da telin e t ram DATELINE on page B6 The Victorian Order of Nurses (VON), Halton branch, offers support sessions for family caregivers. For location or informa- tion, cali (905) 827-8800, ext. 23 10. The Milton Knitters meet at the Community Room (Upstairs at Loblaws) fromt 7 to 9 p.m. For information. caîl Anne a (905) 878-7990. Thursday May 9 The Milton Players Theatre Group presents 'Run For Vour Wife' at the Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childs Dr. Doors open at 7:30 p.m. followed by the play at 8 p.m. Tickets are avail- able at Delacourts on Main Street or by calling (90)5) 875-0629. The Canadian Mental Health Association, I-laton Region branch, holds applied suicide intervention skills training in Milton. The registration fee includes a workbook and certificate. For location or information, calI (905) 693-4270. The Halton Hands in Motion Knitting and Crocheting Guild meets at Georgetown High Sehool from 7 to 9 p.m. Gloria Williams from the West Toronto Knitting Guld gives a workshop on short rows. Members are asked to bning two colours ot yamn and appropriate needles. For information, cati Diane at (905) 877- 1521. The Milton Seniors' Activity Centre. 500 Chiids Dr., holds Seniors' Cinemnas at 1:30 p.m. The feature film is Serendipity. The cost is $1 and mecludes refreshments. For information, catI (905) 875-1681. The Burlington chapter of the Schizophrenia Society of Ontario (SSO) meets at Port Nelson United Church, 3132 South Dr., ai 7 p.m. SS0 is a self help group for friends and families of people who sufer from schizophrenia. For information, cati (905) 634-6797. Friday May 10 Espress Yourself Catie on Main Street holds a poetry reading night at 7:30 p.m. Southside Community Church holds Milton@Prayer ftrm Forcefulfundraiser The force will be in Toronto Sunday when the Canadian pre- miere of Star Wars: Episode Il Attack of the Clones opens. Proceeds from the premiere will benefit Child Find Ontario an organization sponsored by The Champion. Lucasfilm has made the film available 10 raise money for chul- dren's programs in Il cities in North America. Tickets for the preview cost $250 and $500. Ticket packages, including invitations to the VIP reception are alto available, along with a number of corporate packages. To purchase tickets or for more information, eaui (905) 842- 5353, ext. 226. 0 MILTON PLAYERS CeTHEATRE GROUP Presenta Run For Your Wife By Ray Cooney May 3, 4, 9, 10, il, 2002 Soid Oi SON4 oui Milton Seniors Activity Centre, 500 Child's Drive Tickets available ai Delacourts or by CaIing 905-875-0629 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Milton Millennium Community Residences will be commencing construction shortly of Martindale Gardens, a 77 suite four storey Assisted Living Residence at 45 Martin Street, Milton. Milton construction trades are invited to attend a project briefing session on May 14, 2002; at 2:00 PM. 245 Commercial St., Milton, ON Interested trades attending should provide the foliowing at the session. A completed CODO Document No. il. A list of completed Multi Unit Residential projects. References and telephone numbers (phone & fax.) Please cati (905) 693-8592 10 confirm your attendance 1- by May 10, 2002. 6s:3 tob 7:30 a.ns Memhers trom ail churches are welcome 10 pray for the town and ils people. For information, eaul (905) 854-0207. Friday May 10 - 11 The Milton Players Theatre Group presents 'Run For Vour Wife' at the Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Chiids Dr. Friday's production is show oniy. Doors open at 7 p.m. foiiowed hy the play at 8 p.m. Doors open for Saturday's dinner theatre pro- duction aI 6:30 p.m. foiiowed by dinner at 7 p.m. The show staris at 8:15 p.m. Tickets are availahie at Delacourts on Main Street or hy caiiing (905) 875-0629. Saturday May Il St. Stephen's Anglican Church, Steeles Avenue and Ninth Line, holds a homemade pie sale from 8 ar..10 noon. Kiihride Public Sehool hoids May Day from 9 ar..10 2 p.m. 'l'le day includes children's events, bake sale and barbecue. car wash, trash and treasure garage sale and a shrub and plant sale. Mountsberg Wiidlife Centre hoids a Frog Watchers Hike from 7 to 9 p.m. Admission costs $10, or $7 for chiidren aged 5 10 14 years. For information, cati (905) 854-2276. Sunday May 12 Crawford Lake Conservation Area holds Wildflower Walk for Mom from i10 3 p.m. Admission cosîs $4, or $3.25 for seniors and $2.75 for children between the ages of 5 and 14 years. For information, eal] (905) 854-0234. Monday May 13 The Milton and District Horticulturai Society hoids ils annuai plant sale of Iocaiiy-grown perennials, shruhs and trees at the Milton Fair Grounds from 6:30 to 9 p.m. Sinc 1978p FJ[ aUit[o]ik oe e... #BeFMRame SheetStrp.Siç 0*mielo cmse eCcestite *DiNusl OW Se - Mm resPad ,.Layway ,*PeÉSeteWb é Bed Rak è Nu ' WbDiveM (see store for details) 26 Tm eW.dyM omoilset i...729 *m soe....1M mhi Sm ... lm