!Y-N At teLst ock General Hospital on Sunday April 28, 2002. William W. Lazenby of Elmwood Place Woodstock in hs 58th year both of VVodsluuk dand sos of Evelyri Lazenby and the late Grenfeil Lazenby. Dear brother oif Bob Lazenby and his wif e Bonnie of Woodsfock and Saundra Kennedy and her husband Laing of Kent, Ohio. Also aurvived by his step-children Ryan Pearson of Woodtock and Brock Pearson and his fiance Lisa Pullen of London, mother-in- law Clara Currah of Woodstock and brother-in- law Wayne Brooks and his wife Sharon of Woodsfock. Bill as a director in the Woodstock Navy Club, active with the W.D.D.S. Ceiebrity Sports Dinner fundraiser and owner/operator of the Country Depot in Milton. Frienda called at the RD. Longworfh Funeral Home 845 Devonshire Ave., Woodstock (539-0004> on Tuesday 2-4 & 7-9p.m. where the funeral service was held in the chapel on Wednesday sf 11 :00 am with Rev. Jessica McCrae officiating. Interment in the Oxford Centre Pioneer Cemetery. Contributions f0 the W.D.D.S. or a charity of choîce mould be appreciated. Onlîne condolences at wwwlong- orfhfuneralhome.com. OUWENDYK, Net lie - On Tuesday April 30f h. 2002 ast the Holland Chrstian Homes, Brampton. Nellie Vandermeer formerty of Miton and Georgetown) in her B3rd year. Wife of the fate John Ou- wendyk and tovîng mother of Albert and h/s wife May of Hornby, Harry and his wfe Joan of Stoney Creek, Arend and his wfe Patricia of Mt. Forest, Trudy and her husband Gord Sullivan of Ktchener and Johnny of Burlîngfon. Lovîngly re- membered by her grandchildren and great grandchildren. Oear brother of Janis Vandermeer in Holand. Friends will be receîvedi at the J.S. Jones & Son Funerat Home 11582 Trafalgar Road, north rof Maple Ave., Georgetown, (905)877-3631 on Frîday May 3rd from 9:30 amn. until fime of funeral service in the chapel on Friday May 3rd at il arn. Inferment Greenwood Cemetery, Georgetown. n memory contributions f0, a charity oft your choice woutd be ap- preciated. SHERRATT, Bessie Suddenly at the Joseph Brant Memorial Hospital on Monday, Aprîl 29th, 2002. Bessie Sherrail, beloved ite of the laf e Sam Sherratt. Lovîng mother of Peter Sherratt and Ruth Ann Crawford. Sadly missed by her grandchildren, great grandchldren and friends. Famify and frienda may visit at the McKerse- Kocher Funeral Home 114 Main St. Milon 905- 878-4452 from 7-9 pm on Thursday. The funeral service wIl be held at New Lite Penfecostal Church 6620 3rd Lins Milon (south of Derry Rd.) on Fr/day, May 3rd, 2002 a 11:00 am. Interment to follow at the Milton Evergreen Cemefery. RANDALL, Robert n /ovîng memory of a dear Husband who passedi away May 5, 2000. Many the thoughfs I gise f0 you As the long houra go by. Thînkîng of the fhîngs we used ta do and say, îusf you and . Sometîmes fhey make me smle. Sometimes they make me cry. But are precious f0 me alone, Memories of you and . Neyer a moment ouf f my fhoughts. Yaur Loving Wife Phyllis Randait RANDALL, Roberf n loving memory of a greaf Father & Grandfather, who passed away May 5, 2000. An understand/ng huart, An intelligent mnd We miss you Dad, Gramps You were one5 of a kind. Lovingly rememnbered by Wendy, Amy & William TONY SALIBA, May 2,2001 Husband, Friend, Father Everyane we have ever oved becomes a part ai who we are. You ive on in ait ai us wha have ever loved Jo even death can take thaf away ram us. We miss yau deady and ise an in your memary. Love you, Audrey, Marfl ri, Jim, Dianfle, Janet Dad Yau enightened nty vision And moved my saultof dance. t promise ta dance on n your rtemofry. Love you, Dianne Sincere lThank ou dro,.pp,3, j, In r1/ji.nj&d 1 /r la ,j. ie SaIl the best on my new adventure in -~B. C., thank you for your good ~ wishes, cards and gifla. I have been ftrulg humbled and blessed f by your friendships. aiu Until our paths cross again, aiu Anne Tighe ÇJoan Wilson wishes to thank ail the seniors, friends, and relatives in -Canada England and Austral ia, for r kthe wonderful yards, gifla & beat ià- -"wishes for her 8th birthday. The party was such a fabulous surprise, 1 was 50 overvome. I love you al. Joan The Canadian Champion, Fnidsy, May 3, 2002-B5 ( t 3M CARPET I have several 1000 yrds. of new Stain- master & 100% nylon carpet. VWill do livingroom & hall for $349. Includes carpet, pad & intallation (30 yards) Steve, 905-639-2902 FOR Sale or Trade. Lockîng teel utilify box for amaîl pick-up truck (52"x71 "), Excellent condition. Sale for best off er or trade for operafîng power lawn mower. Stacy - 905-878-1920. LARGE wire dog cage, lke new, $12500, half price. 28x43x28. 905-878-9861. NEED A Computer... Dont have cash? The original IBM PC, lut $1 a day. no money dlown! AOL & In- tereat Free for 1 year! The Buck a Day Co. 1-800- 772-8617. www.buckaday.com GARDENING manare, trile mis- rom, ahssp and goaf Pîcked up or deiîsered- baga or yards. Teggart Farma, Steeles Ave., W.rof Wînsfon Churchi/l B/ad. 905)826- 1408 To/i Free 1-877-218- 2448. PIANO Sais. May 23rd- 251h. Oser 100 nem and used pianos For ap- poinfmsnt or information ca/i 1-800-281-7172. SPAS ... Spss...Spas. Broken parfnershîp forces sas/e. Oser 30 spas sf111 ix rapper. Must be ao/d aI rosI or be/ram 905-567- 9459. TREES -Cedara -Gise me s ca/I if y ou need a hsdgs. Su plyr plant. Ca/i Fred.(19853-5694. EARLY BIRD SPECIAL 16x300OD.Kayak Pools with deCI s and fence, limted quan ifrom $4%00, 25 year waanty. 416-798-7509 1-800-668-7564 WANTED Ai-China, Silser, Crystal, aeming ma- chines.. Dos/ton. Mraorcrraff, Oui/fs, G/axa, Walches, camera' audio equîpment. dola, paîntînga. ro/lecti- bisa, estatea. John/ Tracy 905-331-2477 WANTED: Workshop space requîred f0 restore old boaf. Ca/i John 905-825-3424. Thank ynou lor yoar anticipated co TOP PRICES PAID operatiiin and patience with the implementatîîîx MR.OOR('ROFT ROtAI of the sysem. MOLLTO.\, RFS)tICA The Execalives of Branch f36. 5,is i ihr finirleçs Antique furnitare. siler, rlen hosehold furniture. fOne item r the whole estate. tonfidenfial ue.ce ow,, 16jUâ, CHILI) Care available for any shiffsasnd any ages. Nufrifious meals, plenty of oufdloor and indoor actîs- ties. If nteresfed pisas contact Stephanie at (905)693-1430. DAYCARE asailable in my home 6:3Oam- 9pm. Meala proided. New Mattsmy development. 905- 203-7056. DAYCARE avalable, on Woodward & Wilson. Fa/I day only, nutritiaus snacks & meis Park outinga, crafta, fun. Phone 90-693-9100, Mcheflle. DAYCARE, s/a years experience. Nutritiaus snacks, ouido play, lots oftolya and crafts. Ru- ceipts. 905-876-0620. RELIABLE Osycare available. Wilson & Woodward ares. Plusse rail 905-876-4978. COMPUTER Services. Software, hardware, tu- toring. Any t/me. Cal 905-878-4805. INTERHOP, Instant Dial Accusa. 3,000 papas, Canadla/USA web solu- tions. 24 hour support. 1-877-688-8126, or www.interhop.net SALES & LEASING NEW & USED 410 STEELES AVE. A FAMILY BUSINESS WfTH FAMILY VALUES WE - BOY - SELL - LEASE L48GEST SEECT/ON 0F LISED VEHICLES IN MILON 875-2277 mptaitudqitqtti1 Make it RICHARSN -gou To fesse or puchase your car or truck Hwy 25 S. a Dery Rd. 878-2393 MULTI FAMILY GARAGE SALES 539-543 Sunnyvale Crea. 7:3Oam - l2pm 5sf. May 4f h Kîds toya, clothes, bikes, car seas. Aduif bikes, lsmnmowers, Cas BBO. Books, Antique chairs & many more items Too many ta mention FEIGBURHOOD ALE1 WieDrive Grwrsperenniala, Patio able, Window cosrîxs, FsbcsCraffSuppias, Toys, Appliances, etc.,etc.,etc. GARAGE SALE a1 oneSosDrive ISaturdayMay 4 :30sa.m. Rn Date: Sunday. May Sf6 GARAGE SALE HousContents Movng -FurnfturesToys, ICotheal 8087 Hornby RoadI Sundsy May 12 8am- 2pm GARAGE SALE Mosîng forces sale of yesrs 0f tools, and lots of housshold gooda. Sale - Safurday, May 4 at 8:00 AM. 484 Pltfleld Rd., Mil ton 905-878-1920. GIANT GARAGE SALE Sfi., May 4fh 3 families, 1 location 168 Marin Sftreet, Milton 8 arn Lots rot furniturs, househo/d items, housswarss. Computer monitor and prinfer. black and white TV, iswnmowsr. Esercîse equîpmenl. Lampa, si/k flomers. Hîgher-end chiidrena foga and hobby items. 1985 O.M s,. S-15oick- up. 2.8L, V6, auto. (Fior-N ida ftruck - no ruaf> c/w.C Leur topper & bed lier.F $2200.00. Ca/i 905-C 466-2710. 1994 Chrysier Nem Yorker, 212K, PW, PL,a PS, CD, kelesa entry,c $490000 OBO, ral' Brent 905-693-8720 af-c fer 6:00 pm. E 1994 dark green Jimmy, 4.3L, V6, varter, 4x4, tully loaded, 208,000km. Certit ied and emission tested. $6,500. 905-854-2473. 1994 Pont/ar Sunbird. 2 doar, 179,000km. 5- speed. Tires, ans yesr aid. $2.000 .B.O. Phone (go5> 693-gi154, 1994 Taurus, Silver, tint- ed windows, V6, 3L, go0d ondîtion-runs meC. High kms. $1750/as is. CaîlI (local) 905-975-0535 atter 3:3Opm. 1~L NEIGHBOURHOOD GARAGE SALE Saturday, May 4 7:30 am -11:3Oam n lhe court ai Mohawk Trait Estates CAMPBELLVILLE Soufth of No. 10 Sîderoad West of Second Lins TUKSALE af the Halton School of Eyiaion 190SelsAve. jSat, May 4th Horse & household items YARD SALE 1 km south of Brtannîs on fhe east ide 5507 Hwy 25 Saturday. May 4 9 - 1lPm Car seats, baby toga and chi/drenas toys, houaehold effecta. TV and micromase. GARAGE SALE May 4fh 248 Kingsieigh Court Movîng Tools, 4 poster bed. bar frdgs, pîcnîc table, desk, sleeping baga, humidifier înem), de-humidifier, crystal and glass assorted, hîgh chair. Mazda Precidîs MX3 GS, V6, 121,OOOkmx. Fully loaded, automatic, Custom Chrome Rima, Toyo Proxy FZ4 tires, Clarion deck and amp. Painted summer 2001, a sk i n g $9,000.00/$9,500.00 w Winter tires/Rims and Certified. 905-693- 8529. ar sling a le, !7a4jtCanabtan 905-875-3300 Need A Car? Credit Challenges? àP~fPLEWOOD Can HelpI LEASE a new or pre-owned CAR or TRUCK with the RESPECT and PEACE of mind you deserve? - No credit - Slow credit - Bankrupt - Dealer tum downs? Cail Bob Kanary in Mîlon @ 905-693-9017 or oeil.: 416-524-2127 Give us 48 hours and start drivingi Halton Healtlscare REQUEST FOR EXPRESSIONS 0F INTEREST ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES. Halton Healfhcare Services was tormed in 1998 by the amalgama- tion rfîthfe Oakville-Trafaigar Memorîi Hospital and the Mlton District Hospital. The Hospital haa developed a Sfrafegîc Plan fa guide fhe future deveiopment oft services and tacîlîfîesa f0 fhe needa of aur tmo rapîdiy gromîng communitîes. Sîgnîfîcant capital devel- opments are envîsoned f0 meef forecasf demnand for services f0 2008 and beyond. The Hospital a aseekîng fa select and appoint an architectural frm to provîde corporate-mîde services in support if these future de- velopments. The selectsd architectural trm iii hase sîgnîfîcant experience in designing and mansgîng large-scale tiospifal capital developments, înclud/ng working ettectively mithîn fthe Mînîsfry oft Health and Long Term Cares capital planning procesa. Halton Heathcsre Services ix ssuing a Request for Expressions of Interest for Architectural Services. Oualîfied and înterested frma should contact fhe Hospital for an information package not Iter than 1 :Opm, Frîday May 10, 2002. Contact information: Allan Halls, Senior Vice President Halton Heathcare Services 327 Reynolds Sftreet Oakville, Ontario L6J 3L7 Telephone: 905-338-4606 Ail memhcrs oI ranch 136, ix gond standing. are reqaested in pick up a conirnlted acces, card as ,non as possihle. The system wîll e in operatiox hegînnîng May 6. The Famity Place has apenings in aur Jr. Kindergarfen or pre-schoat programa for September. Our 8:1 child fa adult ratio provides a supporfive, educational envi- ranment focusing on achool readineas. Lacafed in Bishop Reding High Schoat. For more Information cali 905-878-0121 FLOWL-R m à 1 1