The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 3, 2002-B3 iriathete continues to shine at Florida meet By STEVE LeBLANC Harry Barres' sunsbine state supremacy continues. The Campbellville triathiete has made a habit of winning his age class at die sea- son-openmng St. Anthony's Meet in St. Petersburg, Florida - and contmnued to do so Witb another championship perform- ance on Sunday. Amid sweltering morning heat, the 55- year-old rural racer tamed the 1.5 iome- tre swim. 40 kilometre bike, 10 kilometre mun event in a sensational 2:20.17. Tbis overaîl finish didn't only top his new 55-59 mien's division, but would bave been enough for first among is previous age loop. Consequently, Barnes was named the event's grand masters champ. 'Il was a good race," he said. It was like 90 or sometbing and I was actually sweat- ing on the mun. I've neyer sweated like that before." Barnes finished more than a minute-and- a-half ahead of his siffest division rival Floridas Dave Winfield, wbo bad a three- minute advantagc getting out of the water. F'rH , sw ce e triathlete took over on the bike and then padded bis lead with an impressive 41.46- minute rmn. "I had tb slow down a bit at the start of the mun because I was sweat- Harry Barnes ing so much. but eventually I got faster and faster." Barnes was especially happy with bis biking, which in recent years bas been a bit of a stumbling block. He said, "My ime on the bike was right there with everyone else. Il was definitely comparable." Now be'll switch gears and help coordi- nate Milton's Subaru Triathlon early next month at Kelso Conservation Area and then re-focus for the provincial champi- onships in laie Jonc in Hamnilton. From ihere, he'll look 10 medal at the nationaîs hefore ending the season ai the wortds- which Ibis year witl be held ils Cancun. Mexico. Preent- i ees Are you at risk for diabetes? If you ore 30 or older, without diabetes, with ony of the following: 9 Diabetes in mother, father, brother and sister *Previous diabetes dvring pregnoncy *High blood pressure 1, OverweIght e Previous borderline biood sugar tével You may qualify for the DREAM research study* -testîrtg nw ways to prevent diabetes, at McMaster University The DRIM Study Diabetes Riducation Aas.ssment with ramipril an qsiçglitzone Mediccaians To corne in for an asusu f m&b ik Sd for WM mation * Ju de Jaes (reserch assIstn) ut 90-5254140 t. 216m o /Slippin7 away An LO.. Druwy ng~eho uby pkwmycoue@ah upte bifsfe taM* uyaOwU.W*T~ Devft opponetit <IW*I9 eIor boys action et Onuy Mde The pertans #ug»d for moet of *whe on.openerend were hmmàemd 5*4by the Dve Duwy Ioolm o terbound *m thlstop- skded W deet whntlsy begea ettwgm roed tip yestercley afWenoon et Bullgon' Notre 0ern. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Halton Healibeare Halton Healhcare Services represenso the blessdssg of mo0 ell esabklished, c ommnsis vonented healtlwure facili lies. Oakville Trafa/gar Memorial Hospital and Milton District Hospital. An Aftemoon Tea Parly! We invie our reired nursing professionals, from boih the Milon snd Oskviîîe sites. 10 join us for an afientoon tes pary, cele- braing our coninued apprecistion of iheir dedicsted work. We look forward 10 seeing you there. Thursday, May 9, 2002 2 p.m. ta 4 pa.. Mitton site: Classroom Oakvilie site: Auditorium Our Nurses mean a great desltin us! Help us cetebrate Nursing Week - May 61tO. 2002. At Auft»PLACI the SAVINGI 6et an AutPLACE pocket calculator* free with $50 or more in repairs, upon presentation of this ai. This spring, drap by yaur AutoPLACE specialist for yaur vehicle's maintenance. You can count on him to help you save every time! Offer valid until June 15, 2002 Limit: 1 calculetor per client, ai participating outiets FOR YOUR VEHICLE MAINTENANCE lobs Auto Service 18 Commercial Street, Milton, Ontaria (905) 878-7928