Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 May 2002, p. 30

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B2-The Canadian Champion, Fniday, May 3, 2002 Local boxer rebounds from knockdown to prevail By STEVE LeBLANc Malt Hart Jr. took borne a diletînt knct 0i souvenir frorn is lalestinm-ring encounlter. The Milton pugilisl came away witb a rather nasly siner - tihe resuit of a second-round straigbl-away rigbt ftom Tronlos Evril Cartey Saîurday nigbl aI Atlas Boxing Club. t's a mernento the up-and-coming rid- dleweigbt bas worn witb pride Iis past week. After al, a few days of discomfort pales in com- parison lu tthe lasing satisfaction of viclory. And tba's exactly wbat Hart Jr. acbieved- bringing bis career win total 10 sevea witb wbat be called is moot cballenging boul to date. "I was originally supposed lu fîgbt a Russian guy narned Igor Barotov, but be was a no-show. MILTON GIRLS SOFTBALL We stili have room for players in our Junior Division for girls born between 1988 - 1992 SEASON STARTS MAY 139 2002. For more information __ Don Williams - (905) 878-0081 or - toNijholt (0)878-2130 Green Fee & Cart Specials Singles add $5.00 MON-FRI before ... 8:OOam $4J 00 EVERYDAY after .... 3:OOpm &-X5 SAT, SUN & HOLIDAY $ 9 9 before ...........7:Oam U5 I TOURNAMVENT DATES AVAILABLE Golf, Cart and Steak from $75. T W) ANWTONi OTd BriCEt Su tbey put me up against Evril. He was rnucb 1 l : 1 , ý were ging to bec100 rnucb to contend witb for Hart Jr. - wbo less than a minute into round une was floured hy the bornetuwn favourite with a rigbt uppercut, overband rigbl combination. But Miltons figbler was far frum dune. Rallying witb an auîbority tbat surprised many in attendance and prohably stunned lus uppo- nent, be battled back lu actually take the first round plus tbe two wbicb followed. "I tink be thougbt I was finisbed," recalled Hart Jr. "But rny coacb bas always told me Ibal if yuu get knocked down juot take tbe ime you need gelting up and corne hack figbting twice as bard." Damien Dublen (rlght) rtumned home l1st we9kend and pr.sented a $1,500 uni- v.rWll burmay to NIi mand Hstier MacL.Od - acp Mng on behei f e son J.ff - ln memory of hie fatherG'ml Dubien. The presentatlori wes mode et MapleUrst Bail Park* -xj. photo by STEVE LeBLANC Fax ait your sports reports to Steve LeBlanc at 878-4943 f-î",ht ssore on e-radually got botb rnentaily and physi- Clearly frustrated in tbe closing moments of tbe bout, Cartey grabbed bim in a beadlock tbat sent botb com- Matt Hart Jr. halants to tbe fluor and Ibeir respective corner men bibt te ensuilg rnelee. Frorn Ibere, tbe twu boxers unloading on eacb other in a figbî-ending slugfest - but even tbat cuuldn't save Cartey frum losing by unanimous decision. Hart Jr. 's triumpb came on tbe strengtb of a over the three rounds. broke lus wili.Iobgel kîîotked dosswn M0 151 back and do that is pretty big. Not tu rnany guys can do that." Milton's only known active boxer continues te, credil Bramalea Boxing Club coach Billy Martin -Who under his tutelage, Hart Jr. bas been a near- perfect 6-1 after a rather lacklustre stint with Hariltons Regency Boxing Club. "He's guI me in tremrendous sbape, botb men- tally and pbysically," be said. "l'm just swarm- ing witb confidence tbese days." Hart Jr. will look te, win bis fourtb straigbt figbt ither later this montb in Toronto or in early June in Mississauga. ,,University pitcher nets bursary in memory of local basebali enthusiast Son Damien makes the presentation at diarnond Geraid Dubien may be gone. but bis cummilmefit lu local basebali continues. The long-lime coach and aii-around basebail enîbusiast - wbo passed away last spring - specified in bis wili Ibat donations be made lu Milton Mînor Basebali in lieu of flowers. Part of the rnoney was, used last summer lu ereet a new scoreboard at Maplebursl Bail Park. Now the balance bas gone îoward a post-secondary scbolarsbip for Miltonian Jeif MacLeod. The talented pitcher wrapped up bis sec- ond teason at university in West Virginia Ibis past week. Dubien's son Damien - an outstandmng pitcher bimseif aI botb Milton District Higb Sebool and later aI Pittsburgb's Duquesne University - was back borne for a famrily function over thse weekend and presented the scbolarsbip tu MacLeod's parents Neil and Heather Saturday. "I'd just like lu tbank everyone wbo made donations toward this (scbolarsbip)," Drew is a grade 3 student at Robert Baldwin Public School. He likes to play soccer, basketball and swim. Drew has been delivering the newspaper for only 6 weeks and has attained th "AWESOME!" category for Service Plus Collection. Drew will receive 300 bonus points for signing up 6 new pre-paid members, 50 more points for Carrier of the Month « and a large 3 topping pizza f ree from Pizza Pizza! He plans to save his bonus points for a Playstation 2 Pennsylvania. "The support was great.- MacLeod was tentatively expected to be back for the Jr. Red Sox' season opener this Sunday afternoon at Brian Best Park against the Dundas Chiefs. Garne ime is 1 p.m. Milton bas ail but two players returning frorn last year's squad, and with a handful of promising players from last summer's provincial -championship midget tearn joining tbe ranks, this year's club is expecl- cd to be higbly competitive. 4-Two names not included inarticle Two naines wer inadvertenitly left out of a Milton District igh Sehool cheerleadig stoy that appeared in Tuesday's Champion- Natalie MacMillan and Sabine Strohan were part of thec Mustang teain that took fourtihplace honours at thec inaugural Power Cheer Nationals last weekend at Toronto's Intenational Centre. Unfortuniately, their naines were flot inclstded in the original article. The Champion regrets thIs omis- sion as well as any inconvetuence il may have caused. I l- GEORGETOWN CINEMAS !I\235 GUELPH STREET 873-1999 St&Sun.200 p 0 -Changing Lanes A DaiIy 6:45 a 8:30 p.m. Sat. a aun. 2:00 p. Coarse Language Te Scorpion King A Oally 7:00 & 9:00 p.m. Violence sat. & sun. 2:00 p.m. tre Parki Avallable«atRr

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