MiiITPumuuvrnurnNAL Caîl Steve Boers 706 Main Street, East Miton, ON ( i9 11 We vas ezcued joWa' Ip6tDlkNl ]ô1 iiiiilJsiinmu. UiiIl ý wU w E - Mitton impart BOSCH sSrviSCar Centre - SALES HOURS SERVICE HOURS svt ii. Mn ilton Foi. ~ (4111 tu 0 1998 tNew Beetie TOI Specoafizng in ailnporl vehicles RIC A RD G NVolkswagens- Fuel njection & Diesels HWY. 25 S. AT DERRY RD.,MILTON (905) 878-5330 Mom, Dad!f Can 1 Borrow the Car? You made it ihrough the fr aofshoo, INFO RMATION IIRSI ncuagour icen îo enrol n a driver's sports practices. braces and heprsue i Ifraini oite' e b aINo edc incus. puberty, but how wilviiyou srviv n fhe Don h ethui r herjs i he od --Met - ik e or she knows vltat to do in toughest challenges your fatnîly bas yet iii some groîiiiclries lîrsi: the ivenî cof ait accident. lace- your son or daughiter hehincl the -nssi hat yoîir child always \,eat a seat - Teach the mnechanics ofl a car and proper wheel of a car'! beit-- as the driver oir mainteîîanve. A drivers lcense ollers teen-agers a uniiqte a passenger Rernember bhai yîîur novice driver cati sense of freedon and iîdependence --and. Encorage defenst\ e dris iig. shch hettelli front stipe rvised criving practice. dont they know it. Yet. once the license is itivolves ohvervitîg specd lmas.,îlîi 1ng Keep ii minttcîhaî îoioî s chic le acc idents issued. how eau you learn to encourage sale adequaîe distatnce rtînoîher vehîicles and arc the leadîig cause of deatit aniing vouing drtving habits and trust your teen iithout slowing down durîîîg adveî se weailier conîli prosSedigsotnivie. seeming like a prison sardei ? Wtlîpatience. lios. per oreîn soliotei iol drve rs. utiderstanding antisoroielielp froin MeLile -.Be suie your leeti kiows and utidersianrîs [tli ore .3854 lorniiti r tti eî g risers.o Consumer ducation enter's ralhure. heitralfc l433 nitirr vour lreelacîîpy vof -WenYurCild G TsaD ircne.-atelawS i age anddie p-hnYu hl esaDie' ,ci DDUED~-rgir876a788 SEvoEuisspotcould bsyelyus AUTOMOTIVE$ aMajor & Minor Repaîrs - Tune Ups - Air Condilîonîng -Brakes - Engînes e Exhaust e 4x4 Satety Inspections - Towng - Marine Repaîrs Emîssion Repair & Prelesting pr > HJIigû Tecû Servwce zwrtIh oITJFa.fineJ 'Va(uemon .. 342 Bronte St. South, Cati Diane at Units 12 & 13, Milton 90-7-341exM.22 878-8066 __________ -Playing it safe Robert Baldwin School Truesday held Rte annual Bicycle Safety Day, sponsored by State Farmn Insurance. Here, Raba Hasani (at top) tries her aklîs on the weave and maneuvering slalom course while Tamara MoKelvie and Storm Burgoyne (above) go helmet ta helmet as they share a laugh while watlng for their satety check, and (below) Andrea Stoskopf gets a Ilttle help wlth her helmet from the State Farmn Insurance Bear. Photos by GRAHAM PAINE + lUNEservice AÀIIaU*ç centre Specializing in... - FUEL INJECTION , AUTO ELECTRIC & CHARGING o AUTO AND TRAILER WIRING SYSTEMVS * DELCO BATTERIES - TUNE-UF & EMISSION CONTROLS - BRAKE SERVICE - AUTO AIR CONOITIONING . SAFETY INSPECTIONS 1 kinrLfn r 1Iit1 7& .7221 ["Iý;ý la 7 -/, i'î 1,.;f 1; î-4, 1 a 11