The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 3, 2002-19 Committee passes motion to address pesticides By RICHARD VIVIAN l'lc pulics.iîIuI I .. îimade asss ,o~i ic P.ucii tial risks ssociuîed witb pesticide ise in land- scaping, Hutons beulîh und social services ÇHSS) committee sid Tuesduy. "The data cleurly shows thut we need to be concemed about the potential for subtle. long- term effects due t0 exposure (10 pesticides)," sid Dr. Bob Nosul. Hltons medicul officer of bealtto. "The literture is very suggestive. It does not prove cause and effect. There is enough con- cern showing thut in people cxposed to these cornpounids (pesticides) there is a igber rate of purticular turnors."* Committee members approved a lengthv ulations lrom both the provincial and lederal govemments. The motion cornes on the heuls of a report frorn the Hlton Iniermunîcipal Review Cornrittee on the Use of Pesticides. Outlined in the report are the heuitto concerns -sucb as leukemia, lyrnphornus, reproductive effects and neurologicul etecets u nd how the public feels about pesticide use. According to Dr. Nosul's presentution to the HSS cornmittee, 61.9 per cent of I-laton resi- dents surveyed feel pesticides have a sorne what negative or very negative impact on hurnant health. Survey's further indicate 60.4 per cent of residents somewhui or strongly sup- Landscaping accounits loi 4 per ciint i te pesticides used in the region. Farming opera- tions are the main users of the product. "One of the things looked ut (in reports stud- ied) is il you're spraying it on the lawn. is there a risk of kids or adults being exposed? ln a lot of the studies. people would walk in bure leed on the lawn to sec how much they would pick up," continued Dr. Nosal. "The other thing is îhey'd measure the kids and adults going lno the home to sec how mucto was trucked in. There's a lot more con- cern with what is trucked indoors thun wbu's on the lawn.' On the luwn. there are nuiurlly-oecurring t n t i i iîq1hi0 Those irneccanismns don't eist on hardwoocl or carpeted loors. lncluded in the motion was a request tor the area municipalities to develop an education progrum reluîing to health issues and pesticide alternatives, tîsut municipalities advocate "behind-the-counter" pestieide sales to the upper lier governments and munîcipulities con- sider byluws placing conditions on pestieide use. Regionul council hasn't tuken a position on the issue, but is expected ta comment on the comrnittee recommendations Wednesday. New Life As Iis article is being written, we are enjaying the blessings af an early spring. Nature bas once again responded ta ils' wake-up caîl. Frarn the appearance of fuzzy yellowisb-green leaves an the trees, and glo- nious displuys of byacintbs, tulips, daffadils and crocuses wicb are gracing aur gardens, ta the birds feeding their newly batcber. young, we see evidence of new 1l-fe in ubun- dance. What a gloriaus world God bus given is cildren ta dwell in. AIl ofthIis is cantrusted with the bunger, pain and risery ai war, wbich is gaing on in the middle Easst. Satellite coverage provides BAHAI Why do Bohis celebrate Ridvon? WORDS 'Beware lest ye harm any saul. or make any heart ta sarraw: lest ye wound any mon witb yaur wards, be be known ta you or a stranger, be he friend or fae." 11-800-433-3284 tram Boaai Serîpture Senior12 mPSa hofRv.Dan yRogo Children Mms. Natalie Rouge Worship Mr*. CEther Kossier Youth Mr. Tim Stevens 9 arn - Early Worship Service 9:30 arn - Sundoy Schaal for ail ages 10:45 arn - Secand Warship Service Pstor Don Rogge speaks on Series on Joshua If it s going to 6e, is up to me 6:30 p.m. SUNDAY NIGHT LIVEI Powerful Praise and Worship - Give me hat Mountain! Supervsed Nursery & Dynamic Chidren 's Programs avalabie during ail services' WEEKLY LADIES COFFEE BREAK Tunudys Moming troam 9;30 - 11 a.m. *A11 WeroRNwoUIWI té0 *ar onr CAPTURE TH1E JO Y! Pro-sch.ofokiIdeam provIded 1 l NLR E . S SRCE FLOE us with first-band images of the injured, the hungry and the bomeless. Our prayers go up that peace migbt prevail in Iis world which han neyer known true peace, for we who are Christian are a people of hope. We know that in the midst of suffering and despair, there is the knowledge that God is there. There is the hope of new life. Because of the events of Easter, we can have Iis hope. For ont of the ugony of the crucifixion, there wus the Resurreclion with the assurance thut Christ died for the sins of the world, and thut through Him, we 100 may have eternal life. Yes, there is a new lite in GÇRACEWAY 'I3APTIST CHURCH 103 Martin Street c»P 905-878-1629 ion ,toIr I lotIi 9:50 ,î ni. Farnîlv Bible Hour Il :00 a. in. -Moriîng Service 6:00 p.m.- Evenîng Service Thursday 6:45 p.m. Adult Service ai the Cburch Captins Crew cbldrens minîsirso At Sam Sherraît Public Scbool "Yu'Il91 alwavs find a frend at Graceway" Christ In the life of the chureto, Easter is celebrat- ed for fifty days. This calendar period, clled 'Mystagogy', wben we rernember aur bap- tismal vows, and we seek 10 sîrengthen our faith. Gathering together for worsbip ai the churcb of our choice 10 sing hyrnns of praise, t0 heur the spaken word of the Gospels, and ta pruy ta our Lord does help ta strengîhen our fith in the risen Lord. Il provides us with the hope thut peoples of aIl races. creeds and faiths can live together peucefully in ibis beautiful creatian wbicb God bas provîded for us. Church of Christ 1412 Britannia Rd. W., at Fourth Une (905) 875-2939 10:00 a.m. - Bible Classes (AIl Ages) 11:00 a.m. Worship and Communion Minister Bryan Meneer Ail are Welcone! There is a byrnn, wrilten by Natalie Sîcetto, which assures us of tbis hope. In the bulb, there is a flower, in t/w seed an apple tree: In cocoons a hidden promise;butterflies wil/ soon bejree! In the co/d and snoso of winter, theres a spring that waits 10 6e Unreseaied until ils season, something God alone can sec. In our end is our bcginîong: in our rime, In our doubt there is believing; in our 11fr eternit'v. I our death. a resurrection: at last a iic- totrs, Uiîîeî'ealed until its icason, M»ietlîoîg God alone'(-ati sec. May we aIl know His peuce and joy. Consider visiting a cburch neur you this week. Service limes and locations are pub- lisbed in the dîrectory below. Subniitsd bs Rei. CaroleY Langlot:- C/îa1laitî of Alletidale Loîîgterm Caîc Facilits S THIEcommuN1Ty cHuRCH We welcome JPOU to... MLO O P LH L SOUTHSIDE . ~ ~ST. PAUL'S MLO OPLHL (formierly known as Milton Allance Churcli) 123 Main St. E., Milton 10:00 arn. - The Lords Supper 2850 DERBY RD. 11:45 arn. - Sunday School *Phone 878-5664 e Fax 878-6676 Sun. May 5, 10:30 a.m. - EASTER 6 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service Senior Pastor: Greg McCombs Church School & Nursery Pastor of Youth Ministries: jack Ninaber Ho dog lunch following the service Wednesday 7:30 p.m. 10:00 A.M. SUNDAY MORNN WORSHIP SERVICE Sat., May 11, 7:30 p.m. - Steve Kabakos Prayer and Bible Study & "ADVENTUREL4ND" for kids 3 - Gr. 6 and the St. Pauls Chir Sing Gospel And the Word was made flesb (Nuser tae povied p t ag 2)Rev. John Benhan & Rev. Gerry Hofstetter and dwelt among us, and we For more info on our jua wel udy Munter, Director of Music beheld is glory, as of the only regutar WCCy ~Church office: (905) 878-8895 fteFte.Jh11 ininistries, please cati the cburcb office. I.~. ofteFte l on11 Grace Anglican Church h Millon Ba lsi Church 317 Main St. E., Mit The Salvation the Chuirch on the HilliryC uc 900 Nipissing Rd. Tel. 878-2411 Fax 878-3005 (905) 875-1626 www.gracechurelsmilton.cioMlto 9:45 arn Sunday Sohool Bey. 1Dr. Mark McDermott 11:00 arn - Morning Worship il arn Worship Service SUNDAY SERVICES i 0 r udySho 8:01) ain - tloly Coîmmion1:0 mSnaySh Ail are welcome! 10:00 arn - St ng 1charist Sermon Titie: Chtircli Schiol & ('oflïe l-l<iir 100 Nipissing Rond, Unit 2, "Are you holding a grudge THURSDAY Major Susanne Fisher or is it holding you?~811)) ll oiuii For more information nbout our services,an \Vledhai Aces Tiioigi Prkng À) Dors other progrnmming plense cnll 876-2420 Rev. Greg Maocaulay - B.A., M.Dîv. 1 lellaîAcs lîngîPrigLtloî 1 - r- -J à 1