6 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, AprIl 30, 2002 e ~COMME-NT WHW~Y Air pollution crisisDNCUT isn't just blowing in - ET It's ironic somehow that Earth Week followed on the heels of a fnight- ening Halton health department report that suggested air pollution is- the sixth biggest killer in the region. The sixth biggest killer, and what are we doing about it? We hope ail levels of govemment will get involved sooner rather than later, and we don't mean placating the public with lip service. We demand and deserve action. a a Roughly haîf of Halton's air pollution cornes from the United States, & 30 per cent from vehicle emissions, 7 per cent from industry and& remaining pollutants from households. O Yes, we can do our bit in keeping the air dlean. Not Ietting our cars' engines idie and keeping our vehicles in top running condition are a - couple of very easy ways to cut back on air pollution. But it's the large U.S. polluters and the bigger, home-grown culpnits - that our provincial and federal govemrments must address. This is not a new issue. The wamning signs bave been there for years. And we are not sure how many more reports must be wnitten to spell out to politicians that the crisis is here - now. O UR READERS WRITE Coupleg opposed to local aduit vldeo store Reader feels Councîllor Malboeuf cornes (The foliling lefler was addressed to Mayor GardKgrast and a copy wasflled with Thse Cham*pion) De Eior We're writing to voice our strong opposition to tdm new aduit video store that was opened in our town. Tise corruption and sin dhm cornes from such an establishsment wiI poison our consnunity. It's wort any figisî to close it clown. It's not just porniogr4phy that's so upsetting, but also what we thinkecxtenda fromn it. We tik violence agamnst women, violence againa teeae girls by teenage boys, sexual assault, child pornograptsy ant leen pregances will ai increas if ibis is Mlowed to continue. Do yots want your chiltn grandehil- dren or your wife to be a staitistie in any Of illeabove crimles? Tbiere's notone positive tbi nha a. store ike Ibis can add to our commgunity. Somt tnight argue that what people do mt private il ieir own business, but sick- ness likûe Ibis neyer rernains privant. It cornips people's thoutghts about what love is and how to, shw it. Pleas do ail you can toi rid our «om of suci diagust. DIII1 and Owen 14~oy Miton across in his ietter as trustratedi ex-smoKer Dear Editor: l'm responding to Councillor Rick Malboeuf's letter in the April 23 edition of The Champion. Mr. Malboeuf cornes across as a fmustrated refonned smoker and a political hypocrite. My main observation to the smoking bylaw is that il's more govemnment interference in my daily life. As il is with television, movies or bars, 1 have a choice whether 10 watch the programming or enter the bar. 1 want that choice lefI to me, not 10 somne hypocritical do-gooder politician. Why do the employees and patrons of casinos, bingo halls and Royal Canadian Legion branches need less protection than 1 do fromn second-hand smoke? It's quitle obvious il's about money and power. Mr. Malboeuf and bis band of merry men and women don't want t0 lose the revenues these venues generate, noir han he the guts 10 take on the provincial govemment and the Royal Canadian Legion branch- es t0 enforce his will on them. Hc speaks of how he IcI the bars and restaurants retain their patio areas as smoking areas - but if he were 10 make the farmers' market, town parks, the Milton Fali Fair and other similar funictions non-smok- ing, how would he enforce these laws? This would be the only fair and equitable thing 10 do under those circumstances. ln closing, 1 wish 10 point ouI that l'm a patron of local restaurants and bars, a reformed smoker and a friend of Roger Mason of The Dickens. However, I think Mr. Malboeuf's two-îuered smoking bylaw is unfair. 1 hope that somewhere down the road he's not sitting on a committee dcciding on where and when 1 cao drink a beer or eat chicken wings, as they're also bad for me. Fred Bakes Milton Boa 248, 191 Main St. E.. Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 (905) 878-2341 Editorial Fan: 905-878-4943 Adventising Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified: 905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 Ian OliverPublisher Neil Oliver îiii,te Pouh!tsils Jili IDavis Edi Karen Smith Edi&îr Wendy McNab AietntyManer Steve Crozier Cuuudaîcitosi Managuer Teri Casas Offi,Wio et aet.e Tim Coles Produe tin Maita,nei The Canadien Champion, pulistied nuery Tuesday and Fniday an 191 Main St. E. Milton, Ont.- LgT 4N5 (Box 248), s one of The Metroland Pninting, Publistting & Disteibuting Ltd. gnoup ot subuntian companins which inct udns Ajtax/Pickering News Aduentisern Attiston HenatatCoonen, Barnî Sduanct, Banty's Bay This Wenk, Botten Enterpnîse. Bnampton duandian, B urtingto n Post. Bsntîngton Shopping Nes, City Parnt. City ot Yonk Suardian, Collingwood/Wasaga Connecton. East Ynnk Mitent, Enin Aduocate/Country Routes, Etotiicotie Suanotian, Ptamborosgh Post, Foneunn Ynung, Geongetown tndnpendentldcton Fnee Press. Hatton Business Times, Hononia Business Tntes. Kingston This Week, Lindsay This Wenk. Montitian Econonnist & Sun, Midtond/Penetanguistient Mineon. Mitnn Shopping News, Mississauga Business ints, Mississauga News, Napanee Guide, Nussagaweya News, Ntwmanketldnnota Ena-Bannet. Northumberland News, No t Yonti Mirnon. Sakiitt staunt Oakuîttn Shopping News, Otdtîmers Hockty News. Onîttia Today, OshawalWhitby/Clarington/Pnor Penny Thto Wnek, Peterbonnugh This Weii Pîcton County Suide, Richmtond Hii'Thonnhilt/Vaughan LiSerat, Scantotough Mînnon, Stoulioilte/SeSnridge TribSune Adutntisiog is accepttO on tht condition that in tht tuent of a typo- gnaphicat nînon, liut portion of tht aduertîsîtg spact occupitO Sy tet erro neous item. togttstn witt a neasonahte aitowanct ton signature, wîtt noe Se chaeger! ton, Sut tnt balance ot tht aduetisnmnnt wîtt St paîd toi ut the appli- caSte ratt. The publishni nesenuts tht ight to catngonizt uduetîsements on dectint The Minetn Canadien Chamtpion es a Benpuiabie Product e Do you have an opinion on a community issue? Isa, please e-mail us your letters at miltoned@haltonsearch.cam, fax them ta (905) 878-4943, or drop them off at our office, 191 Main St. Pud by Steve Nease +THE V4A1)IAN CHALMPION