The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, Aprnl 30, 2002 -31 & -c suV UTS E VENT s C CMI 2002 SONOMAi EXTENDED CAB SPORT 180-HP 4.3L Vortec V6 Engin. 4-Speed Aotomatîc Transmission wîth Overdrive -4-Wheel AIS -3rd Door -Sport Package ioclodîng: Sportside Box, 161 Atomînum Wheets, Sport Suspension and Bocknt Seats -Air-Condîtioning AMIFM Stereo with CD -Tilt-Wheel and Croise Control -Tachometer 48MONTH SmARTLEASE PURCHASE PRICE $268* $23598 per nnonthlS2,230 Down Excludes Frelqht Payment PLUS Frelght & Securlty Deposlt îý-2002 C:HEVY S-10 EXTENDED) CAàB 180-HP 4.31. Vortec V6 Engine -4-Speed Automatic Transmission with Overdirve -4-Wheel AIS -3rd Door -Sport Package ncludin;: Sportside Box, 16"1 Atominom Wkeels, Sport Suspension and Iocket Seats -Air-Conditioning ANIFM Stereo with CD -Tilt-Wheet and Cruise Cootrot Tachometer 48 MONTH SmARTLEASE PURCHASE PRICE $258* $23598 per month/$2,230 Down Excludes Frelght Payment PLUS Frelght & S.curlty Deposit ALSO SEE YOUR DEALER FOR GREAT DEALS ON MANUAL TRANSMISSION TRUCKS PONTIAC E:HEVRO]LET YOler apîe ohîcles delinered on or belote July 2. 2002. General Motors w/Il provide the dealer with a credit equinelent to the value ot autxmatic <O transmission Chevy S-10, DM0 Sonoma ($1,140)/Chevy Blazer, GMC Jimmy ($994î/Chevy Trai/Blazer, TraiBlezer F01, DGM Envoy, Envoy XL, Oidsmobrie Breveda ($994)Içttevy Silverado, GMC Sierra 1500 Sexies Prvlxsps Regular and Extended Cab, 1500 HO Creor Cab, GMC Sierra DenalîY9l (Sl,114)/ChelvyvSilverado, GMC Sierra 2500 Senies - CC25903 wrIth C6P, TC25903 wlth 06P CK25753 with CCP, TK25753 rxrth CCP ($1,114)/Chesy Avalanche ($1.114). General Motors wil also puy the Dealer the equivalent GSI on these cradîts. These credits have already boon appliedtto the SMuvvLcvsE payments contained within 15,5 advortisenront. Based on ah 590/ anvual Cease rate, 48-month teror for Sonoma Ext. Cab R78/S-i S Ext. Cab P17B $5 12/For charge over 80,000 km for 48 months. Option to purchase at leaso end is $12.479 (Sonoma Ext. Cab 978/S 10 Ext. Cab 970), plus applicable taxes. Other lease optionsuavailabl, *tEvcludes lreight ot $850 (Sonora Ext Cab R78/S 10 Est. Cab R70). Licence, insuranve, registratin, PPSA. admnistration Ions und taxes not includnd. *t40ters apply as indivatnd Iv neo r deonstratvr 2002 ovdxl Sonoma Ext Cab R7B/S 10 Exol Cab 978 oqvrppod as descrbod. OIlets apply tvi qualiftro rotail custvmers in the Ontario Chevrvlet Oldsmobiîn and Pontiac Buick DM0 Douter Marketing Association ameas vnly (incîvO- utg Outaouais and excIodioS Northwostorn Ontario) Douter order (on Lease vllors only/ or trado may ho required Limtd limoftIe, thut rnay nvt ho cvmbined with vther vhfers Dealers are fbe loit set Vl"Mbs,rf pc9. -'M ~Xur deaqiprs1 tg, futn4rts end do . sIr, TRUCK LM r-J L-