The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, AprIl 30, 2002 -19 $8 WC to hlYow btPdtpIof«wNd "*th «Champow Pet featur& Fach mwtb 1 *itue AI k chosem amd $~e wimmer wiI! retee a Il?5 êlft Crtficamt rotu a parficpadmiq mwecbatt Rosie Kathy Moss Sartdy Royts~ Mito .l -5Onio t e Aquariums, Fish & Supplies SmaII Animais & Supplies *Puppies, d KittensidBirds ACCESSORIES a PET FOOD TONS 0F TOYS FRIENDLY, KNOWILEDGEABLE STAFF 905-875-0475 Open 7 days a week Mon-Fni 9:30-9:00, Sut 9-6, Sun 12-5 *~L rats Oniy BED §BREAKFAST ~ URSULA SATEIMAYER FIRST CLASS BOARDING FOR CATS Large Private Suites, Multi Level, Sunny Windowsill, Music, Toys, etc. Large Inside Play Area with Climbing Tree, Goldfish 'Pond' & 'Garden Patch' for individual Free Time, Brushing, Cuddling, Treats Sundays ta Fridays 9.12 or by appointment Closed Saturdays 130Cdr Sprng R.inNothBurigon 4 %roo~tI *Dey Care 0 Playground playtixne 45 minutes per day " Individual Indoor/Outdoor Rooms " Sign your pet up for daycare 1-5 days a week. Work that extra energy out of your dog and give them companionship during the day when you are at work. Cali for hwu Mton or t. take *7594 Aubu Rdtc., Miton 90 -3650 What does your pet do ail dayi9 Gie them a break, Give them a fflend. 9)05-878-941 0 ÇDog Boarding 1 Dog Grooming (Local pick-up & drop off) IDog Waste Yard Clean-Up Long Work Days -Vacations * Weekends Business 'frips - Holdays Anytime! Reasonable Rates! FUlY M8& 1