12-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, April 30, 2002 Admission process for long-term-care facilities g l is being revised by the provincial gotjernniient By RICHARD VIVIAN The Champion The provincial govemmrrent is revising tIse admission proccss for long-terni care (LTC) facilities ini an attempt 10 make it more effi- cient. "With the new long-terni care bcds coming on strearn - 1,600 of thern ini Halton (Burlington and Oakvillc) - we need a new proccdure. The current procedure couldn't possibly handle that many new bcds," Halton MPP Ted Chudîcigh told The Champion. "This syttemn is more fair. Il bas a bctter prioritization procedure 0' and a bcttcr way for reporting the necds of the community." Among the policy revisions are lirnitations 10 thc numbcr of waltmng lists an individual can st on, thc establishment of a "one- offer" regulation, inclusion of additional medical professionals Uiat can sign nccssary medical forms and alterations to the admis- sion prioritization calegories. "Certainly over Uic last couple weeks and over thc next couple, Uhit is a lot of work for our case managers and coordinators - conlacling our clients and explainting il 10 them," said Mary Siegner of Uic Hallon Community Carc Accesa Centre (CCAC), which Isandles ail LTC facility admissions in the region. "But I à -Proesoa Quai Hme Cleaning Services Experine adSperie Stff Ai Cleaning Equipnent & Supispoie utmPackages Avalable ( FrcEsia Bo 5ded & nsured. SriigteMilon Aa Mary Farrugia 905-693-9027 think ini the end, this will facilitate a more streamnlined process and better access to the beds." LTC facility applicants will now be limited 10 sitling on three different facility waiting Iists. No lInit previously existed. Waiting Iist prioritization is alto being re-written. New priority categories are designed to eliminate levels of paperwork relating 10 individuals temporarily moved to another facility for renova- lions. "There really isn't much change ini the prioritization froni an outside perspective," said Ms Siegner. "lt's really just streamlining those clients so there isn't a lot of re-application and those sorta of things." New regulations will also sec an applicant remnovcd from, ail waiting lists, should they refuse an offer of admaission by any of their facilities of choice. Persons residmng in the community wiIl be required to wait six months before they'll be able to re-apply should they refuse an admission offer. Existing LTC residents looking 10 move, but refuse an offer, will lose their priorily and be forced 10, re-apply- with no âime dclay instituted. Exceptions may be made baaed on changes in the health of the applicant. "What this il doing is having people strean-dine their choice of facilities to which thcy would readily accept a bed and ensuring those who are perhaps further down the list, but are truly ready for a bcd, can more quickly gel that bcd," said Ms Siegner. "It's real- ly good news for the people who are behind the onles who refuse." ln an attempt t0 expedite the application process, thse new poli- cy allows registered nurses and nurse practitioners to sign neces- sary medical documents in addition to physicians - which are currently the only personnel pentnitted 10 sign. Other admission process revisions mnclude the mandatory report- ing of LTC facility vacancies t0 the CCAC, an extension of the bcd holding period from three days to five and increased notice of facility closures. x/Two more medal winners at Kilbride Two groups of students from Kilbride Public ScIsool received medals at thse Halton SIS Olympies carlier this month. Charlotte Swanson, Katarmne Masciantonjo, Kevin DaSilva and Graeme McLeod placed second in the grades 4 to 6 technical Design Challenge while ion Cragg, Emma Sobrinho, Matt Lasswell and Chantai Gagnon received bronze. 'he students namnes were in inadveflently left out of the Halton Skills Olympics story tIsaI appeared in The Champion Apnil 23. 5hacte Garclen0 bW sure "to do vitta May aru on t4ie No<* aide o tà ehoue o« uni oet Gonof te larpetme in tàe bwadcyil W't - u m r oony anen.are drtngto a tmsvmip t*wto" am " "nfrn at. ListenT'o GREENHOUSES CHAM9 For More 13urIing Von locatei on Hy. #bietwe brt Street and GueJpl Lime 905-332-3M2 ~4A( Waterdownl Iocate on thre moer of Hsy#6 at 5tc Corces5ior tast 905-689-1999 MiIVoni locolo at Bnitarr4 ar4 Irafalîar 905-ff76-4000 - It $ i 14 .5 . ACCOUNT By NUMBER Fully Computerized Bookkeeping Services Will pick up and deliver. Cail Elaine (905) 878-9560 Suppliers of Fumiture for Schoois, Colleges., Office Environme. Churches. Arenas. 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