The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, AprIl 30, 2002 -11 WIw f)oes It, e rvlng Milton & Area for over 40 years TuMfl~L1 inion - ~IILE7SALES - INSTALLATION - REPAIRS ',~y High-Efficiency Furnaces, Air Conditioners, Gas Fireplaces HEATING & COOLING LTD. (905) 878-4821 10.3 Steeles Ave., Unit #7. MliItogi TOP OUA L1 TY AIR DUCT CLEANING "FOR A BREATH 0F FRESH AIR" 19 95 I-ook up For a job wel done-Cail the experts: charge 10%adat w* 0O Per vet Burlrngton/Oakville (905) 639-6772 + 6"Sorroondrop areas call hIcludes FREE Oisinfecting to/i free 1-800-943-3828 & eodorz ng _RESIDENIAL -COMMERCIAL - ~~ Cutom Fitted ilDELREX fnIJYdw i UALUMINUM LIMITED Entrance Sgsteau AsoYVingi Si 'ag Soffit, Facia end Àloffàk semlenAluadauai hMUgh CWai S77-5383 between gant & 9pm 5 YEU5 WRITTEN WARRAO/TY ON WORKI'ANSHIP iuaaunum UIcIuens. I3aths & lee~nd Lnc. New Showroomn Supply - Design * Installation - Complote Lino of Produots 18hmpso Road, Mihon (Corner of Mainfflompson> 905-78-666 1¶r.m. contracting It. *Additions e Bathrooms *Roc Rooms - Garages References1 THE DECK & FENCE SPECIALIST là0l"ENRyon Pender LO1>IN Chis Logan 905 330-7354 lope gt Ieneral- o Milton, Ontario <SNMLENTSIAC1V4G e Intuto ecks, Fencing, Archways & Arbours Design Layout DekPreservation & Cleaning Ai Types of Roofing Quality Workmanship Servng the Halton Area R&R Garagle Doors - ELectie (peners SJales, Service and I.ustllatl@n Wiunows, Enbrane Doorw, Storm Doors, Patio Doors TrEL: 519-853-2114 (AcTrON) Conce pt Cablinete $ Win Kftcen &Vsnly Cabinet.9 FRPE Armhittetral Cabinets Accesuories 9tore Fbetumes w/Ch a nsw Custom Miliwork kitchun 785 Main . Eat, Unk#3 87 - THIS $POT COULD BE YOURS FOR s)21.95 CALL DIANE î 905-878-2341 EXT. 227 LSU. paImUuff Ceraici Tues a Hardwood Flooring Rec Rooms * Steel $tu*s * Docks Dathroomu Remnodls il Drop Celings (905) 876-4023 mtan 42521HnesnRa R.R. No. 1, Milton L9T 2X5 Res: <905) 878-3447 Fax: (905) 876-0936 Free #- 1-877-667-4958 SMPTUC TANKPU IN Robert Noble Ltd. -180 ft of hose for crossing lawns 3 radio dispatched trucks to serve you Dion t waat foi trouble - Pump before lE's too latel (Should pump at least every 3 years) Never use coloured or double p/y toi/et paper (519) 853-0500l Acten Answermng Service 878-6869 OVER 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE! ~~Tnbrwof Tree Care 'W' 905-336-5979 Usîng ont# the fatest technaogyq and scentific admaements ta care for goeur trees Fully lnsured, Free Estimates I.S.A. Certif ied Arbcxist #ON 071 0 Core'u Well D M1ling Puntps evce -Weil Rehabilitation -Weil Cleaning -FIow Rates -Water Treatment *Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water Systema -UV Sterilization Systems Telephone (905) 878-4515 <Ask for Rod or Jerry) 264 Bronte St. S., Unit 10, Milton ON WINDOW FASHIONS 7 Horizontols e Verticols e Shutters e Many Stles Make Vour House... ISHADE-O-MATIC i(905) 864-9559 Authorized Dae Business without advertising is like winking in the dark You know what you're doing -but nobody eIse does! To advertise in this section, please cati Diane at 905-878-2341 HOEM MINTENANCE SERVICES Over 50 Vears Experience Commercial & Residential HARDIMAN ROOFING C.LTD. Tel: (905) 876-0958 * d osF1 Insured to do yeur work " Repah's arouad the house A usO. *Garden worlc * Painting Clean op the garage or shed 9034787571 ûa ý e " kle Ate/aae dwmaepwe e Declks Licenced 878-8625