~Jailhouse unusualyfi these days with a total of The Canadian Champion, Fiday, ApnIl 26, 2002-7 *OuR READERS WRiTE 16 prîsoners, includîng a f haif-dozen chîcken thieves Reader says aduit video store puts values at rîsk and has no place in thîs community 'Turne Capsules' are gents of informnation extracted fromt past' issues of The Champion and other publications to pro- vide a window into Milton's past. Explanatory comment is sometimes provid- ed ro place the situation in context. March 1896 'he jail here is unusually fuit aI present. There are 16 prisoners confmned iu it and haif of them, including six chicken thieves and two men committed for non-support of their wives, corne from Georgetown. Though there are vagrants, only two of them are regular tramps. The Commercial Hotel (corner Commercial and Main) was sold by auc- lion yesterday by Hughi Campbell, assignee of the proprietor, John Dean. It was mortgaged for $6,584.84, principal and interest and Mrs. Dean bought it and its contents, excepi liquors and provisions for $225 in excets of above amount. Arrangements will be made as quickly as possible for the transfer of the license to Mms. Dean. Last Friday's snow slorm caused une of the wursl railway bluekades on record in Canada. During the day Toronto was prac- ticaiiy eut off from ail raiiway communica- tion. Here we had nu trains on the CP.R. but the G.T.R. (CNR) managed tu get une train [rom Hamilton Iu Georgetown and back. The evening train guing nortb gos as far as the Scotch Block and back to Hamilton, reaching thal city ai 1 a.m. on Saturday but the G.T.R. was tied up and Milton had nu mail excepl thal from Muntreal. W.A. Lawrence wenl to Hamilton on Friday. On Saturday he tried lu get home via Toronto but did nul reach Milton until Monday moming. County Attorney Matheson came here on Friday and couid nul gel homne lu Geurgetown until Monday. 'Me counly roads are drifted full in a great many places su that the only thoroughfare is through the fields. April 1896 LasI Sunday's fi-ethel did liltie damage in Milton beyond carrying off the foot bridge across the creek (in line wilh Commercial St. north of Main) lu the curling rink and Time Capsules UsaI happent every tpring. Contracîs have been ctused for the work of Use ereclion of the new St. George's Church (aI Lowville). The Coleman Miii and Lumber Co. of Burlinglon will du the woodwork and a Guelph firmn thse stune work. J.R. Johnsîone, undertaker and fumiture dealer, has purchased Use Lyon alune build- ing opposite Use lown hall (demolished but Use present site of Sugar and Spice) and will move into il as soon as Use extensive aiterations and insprovemenls, wich are now lu progrets, have been completed. Hallon County passed a by-iaw appoint- ing former Warden James Menzies, cuunty treasurer. Among oUser requirensents are 'Usat he attend ai his office three days in cach week, holidays excepîcd viz. on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays [romn 10 a.m. lu 3 p.m.' He wili be pald a salary of $500 each year and will commence dulies when Use lte treasureris books have been audited and the report accepted by the counicit. tHis predecessor, D.W. Campbell, died earlier this month.) On Monday John Featherstone sipped by C.PR . lu Toronto severat carioads of fat hogs, aggregating about 501,000) pounds The shipment consisted of 300 hogs, 200 fat caIlle and a dozen calves. Mr. FeaUserstone has had several (raitway) car- tuads of fat stock during Use tat few months. He's a fair buyer and for Use hogs just shipped has paid from $3.50 lu $3.60 per hundred weîght Use belter price being paid for long lean straight specinsens of porkers. This material is assembled on behalf of the Milton Historical Society by Jin Dilis, chair of research, who can be reached by e-mail atjdills@idirect. coin. )ma Editor: On Wednesday, Apr. 17 thse vifîton Communily Consultation ComrniUee held ils monlhly meet- ing at Use Halton Regional Police Service's 12 Division. The committee spends lime dis- cussmng concems and issues per- tainl.ng lu police in Milton. t act as chairman of Usis committee and was expecting an issue lu be un the table that evening. The îupic was an adutt video store operating wilhout a licence in town on BrunIe Street. A guesl aI the meeting came lu try and gel some heip in Use malter. The person tives above Use store in an aparlment. Tis persun has lu contend with peuple hanging ouI outtide the store, walking a 6-year-olti chilti paat an open wintiow tiispiay of aduit novelties, as well as noise lte inlo the night. My heart wenl out lu tis person. t'm alto concemed with tegili- maIe businesses la-ying lu operate in thse saine area with these sur- roundings. A flagrant disregard for the laws of tis town, uther businesses and the moral structure of Miiîon's peuple is apparent here. Police believe that businesses such as ihis alto attract other crim- mnai elements. Every person as the meeting that night condemined thse store owner's actions and his busi- ness. At tis lime, tawyers for Use lown and tse store owner are trying lu - rous MUNICIPAL on page ô lily confarmet hal "oulsitie patios do nut fait witIs- in Use smoking bytaw. Smoking la perusilteti ouI- side. , However, titis is nul th1e issue at hanti. M. Maibueuf statei tima 'few peuple vieil casi- nus anti even tees play bingo, but almosl everyune frequente a bar or restaurant. These are locations where th1e majorily are exposet luh1e tuxic fumes of second-hanti emoke." 1 woulti suggesl lu Mr. Maiboeuf that tisere are more peuple at Use casino anti bingo hall on any given nigbl titan ail of tise patrons in aIl of Use bars anti restaurante in Milton combineti. Again, 1111e isn~t tise issue ai hanti. The issue et hant isl that seconti-banti emoke is harmiful in al public places. The bars anti restaurants recommentiet tisat Bylaw 96-98 rensain in place for bars anti restau- rants untit euch tune that a provinicial ruting 11e matie tIsaI woulti encompass ail public places - regartiless of location - anti have ail establish- Milton's smoking bylaw 19 unfair to local bars and restaurants, says frustrated co-owner of Ivy Arms Altematively, if thse bylaw is for heatI reasons alune anti not potitical. gain or econonnc impact, we, as responsible corporale citizens, woulti like lu go on record that we recommend thal Milton be 100 per cent emuke free in ail public places - with nu exemptions. Anti wbile M. Malbueuf statet hat th1e bylaw is nul discriminalory againsl bars, di1e bylaw by ils own definition anti as presetedti l council under Section A lu Bylaw 48 2002 stales tIsaI a bingo hall untier Article 13 le a public place. Article 14 tiefines a horse racing; anti/or garng establishmsent as a public place. How can they 11e exempt hmou the bylaw? Couse on Mi. Malboeuf, stick lu Use real issue aI haist anst 11e fair anti just anti atimit that tie bytaw un ils Mueent fonns l unfair, unjust anti tiacrimi- nates by alluwing exemptions for bingo halls anti casinos. Let dmer by justice anti faimss for all. Ken Phililpe Co-owne, Iy An». Letters welcome Thre Coadian Champion weicomes letters lu tire edrior. We reterse thre right lu edil, revise, and rejeci letters. Lelters must be signed and ihe address and thre lelepirone number of thre wriler inclsded. E-mail letters lu mii- toned@Iraltonsearcir.com. resolve the probiem. In th1e mean- time, 1 urge thos peuple who feel that Milton is nu place for this lu stand up and lt your anger anti dis- laste be known. If nu one patronizes the store, hie can't make enough money lu pay the rent. This is stili a smnail lown anti everybody knows everybody. Yu should alsu write lu The Champion. call or write your coun- cil represenlative and even the store owner himsetf. Let's nul allow tis man lu take our values, and our witlingness lu protect îhem, for granled. Greg Nelson Milton zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom Cash Price From Cash Price fromAch le $~~22985 $1_9 % Starting trom»~ $ 19,895 2.OL 4 Cyl - AM/FM CD Stereo - Power Windows - Power Lueka - Power Mirrors - ABS AIIoy Wheels *KeyIees Enlry - GFX Package -Fog Lights - Cruise - Sport Interior 2.OL 4 Cyl -A/C * AM/FM CD Stereo - Power Windows- Power Locks - Power Heated Mirrors -Cruise Control - Keyiese Entry -60/40 Foiding Rear Seat 1.0% flacing fair 30 Nos. or *% Flacimu for 30 Mes. $0 PRAYEMYS FOR s MATS!! 80 P11AYMENTS FOR s DITS!! 3.OL V6 Engine -AM/FM CD Slereo - ABS Brakes - Limiled Slip Dutf. - Dual Airbage -1 5" Wheels - Sliding Rear Window Blocks Heater - Tachometer - 60/40 Split Seal o: 1O.% Flnasucla fer ce mon. $0 PRYNENTS FOR se DAYS!! 357 Quae. 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