10 5-The Cana~an Champion, Fnday, Apol 26, 2002 SI I I la I I s * I* I. I I Offering F/T &PIT Positions, also iiring Assistant Managers & Supervisors & Donut Baker (Exp. Preterred) We pifer: J Flexible achedules J Regular performance reviews J Above average wages J Paid breaks J Pald trainlng J Free uniforms J Benefit Program available J Staff incentive programa * Arn A Appiy In persan 10: 5051 Harvester Rd.,BurIInglon Located aI Ihe corner of Appleby Line & Harvester Rd., nh il Q O S - 6 S 1 - 1 8 4 1 MIII IAIALiTEfl required by Milton Distribution Company. FasI paced environment. Top wages. Benefit program. Fax resurne to 905-878-9010 Att. Guy Rarnsay or apply in person 2705 Durante Way Milton. 0W100 CkIk!t. Getting busier & we need your help FULL-TIME & PART-TIME KITCHEN HELP Eocellenf benef ifs package aod wages Please apply n persan ut 1011 Upper MIddle Raad LOÇAIIOItONLI Ne phono oeils pieuse Bm 'i Ask about our Student Scholarship Program. Molivated communicatora required. Psîd by pîecework. Compensation enumeration type work. No experience neceaaary. We train accepted applicanla. Cali Human Resources for interview 7BR4 G REENHOUSES Fwm 1>,. O~ Terra Greenhouses n Milton are Iooking for experienced people to f111 the following positions: * Greenhouse workers * Nursery Staff * Showrooml Floor * Cashiers Euh time end part lime eveilable. Fax resume ta 905-876-4822 0UOTDOIIAIT 20001 Woa e ookvg f0 koy peopefo t the O 0w OQ pos 1000 'lIStE SALES * COUNTER SERVICE * WAREHOUSE 'PART-DM! DRIVER I * ru/i piaut su PiO/t 'tocelleflf bexelîfs ~s package -~ 'Adoaoced apdafîog 'tguîpmenf proxîded 'No clionfele /OgOi/Od <'Fil & P/T Posîfînos f Auxi/able * F/exîb/e Work Hou/s a j Cali 905-308-6118 TERRA GREENHOUSE OuI Borlinglon localîoo s kiring immedîafely for ike following <allume posifioss: Greenhouse Mgr Perennial Expert Pond Staff * Casiaiers Fus vour retumo ta 905-332-0640 - DRIWRS F/T Wîlk G Lic Able ru irixe 5h & aulx Irans Able lu drîxe 1 fon xuo 10 Torunlo, or smull car drîxer, a/ good knowledge 0f Mias , Oak , tarI lor local delîxeries. Able 10 I/fl SOlbs WîIl consîder car soi i//ver for local delîxeries Caîl: Murk, 2-4 pa Suifs. AutoParte Plus 281 Sposin M.. Onintîle 051 905-045-2118 IMAGES INTSOSATIOSAL SOLOS e ss'u Oakviile Town Centre I & New Location et Upper Oakvslle Shopping Centre MOU MRMG rpr a rpr HAIRSTYLISTS Min 3 lis exp Piesse cal f Judy ut 905-338-3333 F~ÔRWS ~ SUPERVISGRI CONNECT CLEANER CONVEYOR P/E 5 xîphfo/week BELTING <MIllen) Borlînglon medîcol Looking for an building. Mon-Ikurs. ooergeiic mecioanically 7 llpm, Sun.2-Bpm MunI speak flueni înclioed individual in tnglisb & be bonduble, work ina tuai paced Exp reqoired $10/frr. enoiroomeni, a dean Fao resume 10 drixing record ani 416-364-~33. fork 111 experience is No phone calîs please. an usuel. Ooly Ihose oelecfed Fao resumes ooly w/Il be confacfed 905-170-8344 Wanted STUDENTS Labourer for iigbl con- CAU. uowî airuciion and dean-up Suimner Wonlc! Qi claxo A off ce baud- ~i9.G5 Base/Appt Opa This wouli be * înlerxîew 00w alan pari-lime work. Efiec- affer finalo fixe immediaiely oeuf * Scbolarobîpo axaîl labour day. Coilege uni * F011 rraioiog proxîderi unixeroily ofudenis * Cour saleo/aoroiCe welcome. * Coodilioflu apply Please fax resues ta: 905-842-8045 R K Rohmer wOîk/v/v/vde//5 comlon Dovelapotmnt. -~p~ 905-336-7936 BlutA *A35~I VAttEl YMCA of Oakvulle We baud strong kida, atrong fam les atrong commun t ex JOB FAIR MON., MAY 6, 1O-4pm Fuil & Part-Urne Employees for new YMCA De t'eu Hava: Oolafaviîog coolomer nervîce skillo Abilily f0 work a Ilexîble ochedafe: Sîrono commoniCafiOn okîlis, Abil/In /0 mani-laak, Tean playor9 W. naed: Pre ochool Chlorer & hou/h Inufroclors, Ch/Id Care ECto & ScOual Age, Head Lîlegoard Swîm loorruclors, Lîlegoards, Climbivg Wal/ /nsrruc/orS, Ceflîlîed Personal Traîvers, Memkerssip Sales & Service, Ca/i Cps/v. a/id Hovuelxeepîno oral I Dring yaur restas with 3 refereaces anti cassring leller. JOB FAIR is held ai St. Pauls United Church 454 Rebecca St., OakvIIIe Crîmînal Ref ckeck rqrd Fîrsl Aid & CFP Cerlifica/es prelerreri Ovesl ions7 Cati 905-845-3417 X236 - - ACHILLES Maxds requirea immediatefy Parta ManagerîPerson. Busy if at rate skop, renumerabon mith experience. Good benoît pian. Cail or fax re- aume. E-mail- info@achiffealilSZds.cs, Fax: 519- 853-4100, phone: <519)853-0200 Looking fora chan e? MECHANIC'S RE UIRED Any mechanical background an asset, mechanica licanse flot required, 44 hrs. per meek, excellent mages & benefits package. Apply 10: NatIon LIfI Truck 1054 S. Service Rd. Esat, Oakville, Onlarlo L6J 2X7 Tel. 905-849-5855 Eson. 905-849-3515. e ealA~Q Due 10 rapid gromlh me are currenti y seeking a Lube Technician Fuit Time Pieuse forwnrd resume 10 Larry Gibson - Fax 905-875-1516, No Phono Calîs Please Me uan' Indu~tui f premier mechaniCal Contractors, has immediale fuli time and part lime openings n the Milton area for: _______________________________ Find the job highly - youve always We are seeking highly motivaled individuals with wanted n excellent mechanical skif Is who wiII gel lite job done safely and efficiently 10 join our accomplished leam. tbIlItIlWhl We offer compelitive wages and a classifieds. comprehensive benefits program. Please fax your resume, includlng ail lraining you have completed 10 905-875-0092 ~ Attention: Human ResourceS r SERVICE TECHNICIAN Williamson Industries toc. (www.wii.ca) a leading pipeline sys- tems Service Company based in Georgetown requires an enthusiastic, responsible individual to train for high- ly specialized pressure pipe service work and equipment maintenance. A good mechanical background is essen- liai and a working knowledge of hy- draulics and pneumatics would be an asset. Must have a valid drivers ticense with a dean record. Competitive wages and benefita offered. We thank ail applicants. however. only Chose selected for an interview wiil be contacted. Fax or email resume to: David Hudson 905-877-0362 or Davld.HUd100'WII.CS - m REAL Existe Legaf Secretary required by Furiong Couina n our Milfon office. Minimum 2 pears experi- ence, Muol be currenhly or xery recently employed n alaw office. Fax resume 10905-878-2555 Ail ap- plicaliono held n aIr/cl confidence. Fast growing Impore compaoy se Milton requires fulI-time Bilingual Inside Sales/Data I Entry Clerk. Must be profictent lu both writ- I ten and verbal French uni English. Succesaful applicunt shoutd possess a gond knowledge of I ACCPAC, Excel, Word: have a pleasant phone L manner~ be a team player, handle multiple - tasks with minimum supervissorc and know how to problem suIve. Duties wstl include order entry, quotations uni handling phone 1mev. Those mnterested should fax resume lu 905-878-0272 HUNT CHRYSLER LTD. Experienced Accounllng CIerk required for buay Car Dealership. Dulios 10 include A/R AIR and awilchboard relief. Hunt Chrynler offera a Compelilive Psy Plan and tuil benefil package 10 Ihe suc- cesaful applicafit. Fax or e-mail reaume In confidence la: Kelile Doherty 905-876-0297 kdoherly@cogeCo.nel Bookkeepinp Position Responsîble for Accounts Receivuble, and collections Accounts payable Goveromonsal Taxes and semissaocos Financial Stasements Paysolls Bank Recoocilfasion Compusonîzed accoussong espericoce aod absfssy to work independentîn a mass. Pars simca minimum of3 so4 days awrekan option. Pleasocosssact BilI assd/os John Pasues Pleaso e sssail Resumo sas pusaerasarsesy@peiiOAIS.CS Os fao sas 19051 W'0-9745 Fuit-cime person required immediately in our accounning deparoment. Bookkeeping experience and Excel iv required. We are a long time estab- Iished company in Milton. Bus>' and very plesuant worksng environment. Please fax restasné no Renane @ (905) 875-3802 usnomer Service/Teiemarketing Position Pull Time dephone experience and a pleasant outgo- g personaliny requsred. Excellent interper- nal skills. gond cypmg skills and an ability s <ram quicldy. Some computer experience s asser. Fax resume: 905-875-4532 Ml' HOST FAMILY COORDINATOR NEEDEDI ~ur growing company la fooking for a Hoat Family Coordinator n the Burlinglon & Oakville ares 10 recruil familles for hosting internalional high achoof atudenla. Extensive community network and interpersonal skif la required Remuneratioro given. For mars infarmatian, pisese cati: Rhaada Taviar 31416-696-9535 ar fax resalas la 416-096-5700 PIT CONTROLLER Manufaclurer xi Hîgb-Teck Ego/pmenf repaires pari- f/me Confroller Reoponsibîlifies Finance, Cosi Accounfing &HR CMA/CGA/CA commîlmeni f0 excellence & cusfomer seIx/ce. 2+yrs ai posl-desîgna- 1/00 exp xi msnuiacfuriog eoxiroxmeof. Eop. impIe- mesfing MRP and managina HR an assef. Visif sni respand fa Craig Giriwooi- Xiris Aoiomsfion f nu., Pas: 905-331-6661, etamil: cgiriwooi@oiris.com xx pkxxe cal la pieuse. Cmli Contre Empleyunlt Esfsbliskei film eopaniing in Babille s kirîng 15 fa 30 empfsyles for osibosni iefemarkefing <day- exening skiffs). Central Gekulîle- Speers & Kerr Sf. & GO Siaiiao. $10/knur guaranleed ix 118/kaur. Musi haxe good ix eocefleni command ai Engfisk Ian- gouge. Ongoing irsining prxxided CALL TODAY- START WITHIN ONE WEEK. Tel: 905-337-7774 Small Conaîruction Company requirea Accounts Recuivable Clerk 4 days/ week. Strengîh n credit and col- lections. Team player to assiat with gener- af office duties. We offer hesîthl dental benefita, pension. profit aharing. Own tranaportafion. Stafe wage expectatiorta: Forward resumes la: PO. Box 115, Oakvllle, ON LU 4Z5 Fax: 905-844-5122 Busy car iealership requires energelic ACCOUNTING CLERK WITH SWITCHBOARD RELIEF Boekkeepîng buckgroood uni alreng recancifia- fiox okiffa regoîred. Oeaferskip eoperîence pre- ferrei. PIeuse fao or drxp off resome wîtk kuni- wrîfferr cxxer feffer le. BURLINGTON TOYOTA (1993) INC. 1249 Ouelph Lina, Burlinglon Alla: 1. Nouille' Fax: 905-335-4048 ,~Taes ~jFI~-