GARAGE SALE 10 lima Northt af Mohfawk Raceway acoas from the Brookville School Fire #11326 Saturday, Aprit 27 9 - Lawnmowers, rotofitter, snowbtowers, clothes, dishes &l lots of other items. 58 BeaverCt ISaturdyAprIl2 199- Lots of Staff' GIANT MULI-FAMILY GARAGE & BAKE SALE Mitan Heights Academy ait Country Monitage Park Trentaine Raad. Sotarday, 8 -2pm Lots of Staff' J1 MOIGSALE Everythîng Must Go Sna Arl28, 2002 Unit #7, 30 Heslop Road Mitton TRUNK SALE Sat. Apr. 27 8:30-l2noon - a & St. George's ___ Church Jllit M. et Derr Rd Bacon & bon breakfast Bake table! à SUNDAY. APRIL 28TH -1 PM VIEWING 12:30 SALE DAY Faholoas outf aiIbis soi/t torniobingo inctade part contents o utrae store, foui volutes, p/os o/bei lise qoalily tainishingo, a/o antiques & coltectub/eo. Spectaculai il pc. eoecut/se Chippendale din/ngîoom suite laîge breuklrunt, banquet table & 8 bail & c/as chairs. lpc. Frenchi Chippendale dm159g suite, beaotifu/ Opc. Oaees Anse diurngrsom suite, love/y Opc, Duncan Phyle dinîngtuom suite, 2 beautilsl bu- bygrand pianos lu excellent condition, Cher ami, hreafhlaking Spc hrgh poster Victorias bedroam su- îleý Spectacular b pce Oseva sire Ibomussi/le lied- set, p/as allier drnîug & bedroam lurnîlure Venuîs maril cornet cabinet & commode. Dusesport desk, vîtrene, pur/or tursîlure. du/ch chira cabinet, large frenchi Chippendale fuioi cabinet, dyrrasly dîsp/ay cabinet. carra cabinets, comniodes w/lb ilay, sImau and îaarb/e tops, da// maria Chairs. trench Chîppeni du/r cîjios, add chilis cabinets, billets, dressera, ce- ilar cheat. /on/ stosa sai/les, uarge so/eciion o! add tales, decara/or style, Chippendale /îbrary tsb/e Victorias Cames aounge, decoralor & curved pst/ar chairs ne/ride tayearry, eastlake & Victorias styles, sant Iront deok, msrb/e top p/astes, TV, armoire fireplace mus/le. large co//ection o/ groap o! 7 oil paîstîngo. tea wasgon, French carued rn/aid ballet. f0- wardîa seruer, gramophone wîlh /arge brasa horo, 3pcý dock set, ueuelian mîrror, Pers/ani rugo. Pi. sal- sama lumps. Dragon t/y lamp, /iy & large select/an ut Tiffany style /ampa încludîng lotir lumnp, Salsilma Cul- lect/on, metal banko & truck, rayaI vienu compote, reset hou, ambre/lu stand, ethet varie, feu & chu- co/ate sets oigned. cranherry. Many other items. toa nîrmerous 10 lot, Auctioneetý Chester il y0u aie about la larnioli yosr hume, don't miss ibis sale. 1a: visa, débit or 3% dlsc. finr c»M hIIIIflsauj. hlhy Avallble Pouash Hall 2316 Fairvies Sf., Burtîngfes (belseen Guelph Lise & Brasf Sftreet) GARAGE SALE 699 McCatI Court Ranor Shine ISatorday ApnI7 Smtigfor Everyone ISatApil 27th 8Iama- 2 pm 480 Waadlawn Cmxs. Househotd affects No toys GARAGE SALE Saturday, April 27, 2002 8:00 - 1:00 No Earty Birds --Children's toys and clothes Cherrywood Dining Room set, buffet & hutch Something for Everyone 43 Campbell Avenue west af the Guelph Line YARD SALE 23 Paru Rd. Aprit 27th 8 - ? Only 5 Sound Proof Air Conditioner Blankats - $ 35.00 each Freezer, lawn mowers, cedar chest, tires, bikes, new clothing, B.B.Q. Lots more misc. crafts. AUCTION SALE Si. Claire Masonic Hall 6321 Hwy 25 S of Milton Bobienon Derry & Britansta Rd. Ait,, 40 oeas nie Iheu harsirI i.andhr.:::r& bsnsp::un..rn:~î DOHERTYS AUCT'ION SERVIlCE v)(0S) 78-9W02 INTERHOP, Instant Diat Accass. 3,000 pop's, Canada/USA web solu- tions. 24 nour support. 1-877-688-8126, or www.interhop.set FREE- Beaulrfu/ cat. oery affectionate. De- claset. Neuleret. 905S 893-9200ý CHROLILE To lease or puithasa your eat or truck Hsy 25S. aI Derry Rd. 878-2393 GORRUD'S 10T SALES lit LEASING NE & UED 1991 Linco/n LSC, 1 À 4000 BUINS, very dlean, 305 WITH FAMILY VALUES angine,' 200.00km. Wl - tUY - SELL - LASt $4,000 O.BO. 905-877- LARGEST SEILICIION OF 5012. USEE VtH/CLES IN1 MILTON 1994 Pontiac Sunbird. 2 875-2277 door, 179,000km. 5- afl.pIlTdIUttpl.1 speed. Tires, one yeat utd. Phone (905) 893- 9154, $2000. 2000 Honda Cmvic SiR. 1999 Iternmtional 9400 61K, toadad, aolendet heavy hault Inclt 252- sarr. Musi seit, s b. double frma, CA $21,500. Ena. 905.567- 47 h.p. 18-spaed 1660, dsy 416-864- 14,600 FA, 46,000o RA 2428. 302,000km. Say Truck Sales, 905-670-008. 1 H1rllvrmirk furds, m-ilouY iW .90OW iïlilg Management Traîner Position Prioiding cnutomners with the bout service, quai- iiy and selecîiun of products winhle achieving mx roum rater vvirl creative pooduci dinplays. Rerponsihilitier includo organiuzing and set up var- ions doparîmenîs and maintaining propni rover- tory bInIs tu supervise att staff, lut secuOO dopant- mono efficiencies, ou, maximimn sales and ensure thai rales goals are mer. The idoal candidatr mono have a minimum of 2 years mort in a rotait enviroumetr proforahly in nad i ir.Flexibility ou, work a vanietyo boums inclnding days, evonîngu, ineelendu, ai ai necasunal holiday weekerds. Somte maîngral experionce a dol/site annet. Ability oui wook ir a faut paced environnient urder pressure. Excellent oogani;atiiin. communication and inino-peosora If you are a qualifted candidate wiîh encollent Halîmoot Cards, 55 Ontario Street, Miltron, t.9T 2M3 or fors tu 905-331-9568. Onl th- eeceedfor itriew rO, , Aiso, hiring for Part-Time Nights & Werkends re, carry on in rte fait. The Cas tie talla wing Position UCERSED PERSONAI. UNES UROKER srlh min. 2y10 exil Agency Manager ooporieoce on assel. Vrnce Tomenson Drckerson Insurance Brokers Lt Fax: 905-845-9149 EnnUi: loluarI@ oîncelameOaoo com Attoi Tracof Stuart On/y app/rcarrls se/ecied for interview wil 0e contacied TAMARACK ROOF TRUSSES INC. Growing Manufacturer ai Pro-Engineerod Wood Products SEEKS IMMEDIATELY CIVIL ENGINEERING TECHNGLOGIST FULL TtME SALARY TO BE DETERMINED ENGINEERING EXPERIENCE REOUIRED TO PREPARE TRUSS DESIGN PACKAGES FOR OUOTING AND ESTIMATING KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE WITII CAO (ANY TYPE) IS A PRE-REQUISITE. Forward resume to: Mr. Fung 3269 North Service Road, Burlington, ON L7Rq 3Y3, Telephone: ( 905) 335-0233 Fax: (905) 336-5570 Civil Engineor Technician 1 Technologist FIlîtîme. Simple CAD experiesce. Construction site visîls. Satety sopersisor. Vie offer hnalth/ dental benetits, pension, profit shoring. Owo transportation State wage eopectations, Farward resumea fa: P.0. Box 115, OakvilIe, ON LUI 4M5 Fax: 905-844-5122 unioCK Designed to be a step ahead. ACCOUNTING SUPERVISOR Unitock Ltd.. the teading manufacturer of concrete paving atones and retaining watls, has an immediate opening for the position of Accounting Superviaor atOur Georgetown Head Office. Primary reaponsibitities inctude: Financiat Accounting teading up to. and including F/S Prepuration; Coat Accountingz Batance Sheet Reconcitiationts; Gov't Fitingn; and Lotus Spreadaheet Anatysis. The ideat candidate witt be enrolled in a CMA/CGA programme, and have ut toast 3 years of accounting experience in a manufacturing environusent with extensive experience in personat computers and on-tine accounting systemu. Unitock Ltd. offers a competitive salary and excellent emnployee benefits. If you are interested in a chaltenging position. and pursuîng a career in a fast paced manufacturing environment, we'd tike f0 heur from fou. toteresteai applicants. please suhmit resurve with satury requiremeits in confidence f o: Maria Connelt, Controlter Unilock Ltd. 287 Arrmstrong Avenue, Georgetown, ON, L7G 4X6 e-mail: maria. connel1t@qunitock.eom Ueilock regrets Chat due 10 the volume ot applicants, only those setected for interview will be contacted. Uphoîstary Ceaning f company requîtes part- tîme halper for mosfy daytima hoors. Up fo 20 hours par week. Good hoorty saga, oniform providied. Transporta- tion haîptut. Cati 905- 875-3611. FREE training. Drive 4 Us. Sehoot Bus Drivers Wanted, Cati (905) 877- 4448, Laidlsw is an eqoa opportonity Com- pany. GENERAL Labourer re- qoired for local mnn- factoring company. Van-I oua duties including: loading trucks, and some lifting raquirad. Prefaranca witt be given 10 someotia sifl me- chanicat aptitude. Great potentiel for the right persen. Fao rasuma 905-854-2220 or catil Pasta 905-854-2218. HELP Wantad: SmstI famiy owrned business tookîng for persan toron shop. Must ha able f0 do some hesvy lifting. Good with public, re- sponsîble and able fo lears mutti-tooko. Wilt train, Co/t 905-876- 3900. t Mate $800 Totay/ Workîsg trom home on- lise. Be 0001 own boss! www. reachabletree- dom.csm SECURITY Guards. Full and part lime offic- ars ont dog hantiers Esperiencet and begîs- sors. Att training prosid- et. You'll need a cor (gas is provitet). Cal 24 houro (800)461- 7731. www.securityca- STUDENT for waak- end yard wode (grass custing etc.) for residan- fiat home in Dorsal Park. 905878-5708. BONUS# ALLGaU§dîi adtan Champion, Fniday, Aprit 26, 2002-9 B Pick up your copy todsy. c!hr<anablitnCapo i 905-878-2341 TAYLOR Nursery requires personnel for Landcp Maintenance. Ptease submit resumne f0 7429 Fiftt, Line, Miffon or fax f0 905-875-0698. WANTED Prdutin people. High wsges. Apply in person at Efftot Manufacturing, 359 Whealabrator Way, Milton. WANTED: Student for weekend residenfial yard work. 905-878-5708. Part Time Cashiers and Deli position avaiable Please b)rmg resume to 228 Main Street East Attention: Andrew ITH Are you an esergetie person, paced ensirosmeot? We are W .urrenuty accepting applica- tions for the tcittowing: P.T. Fuel Bar Cashiers Apply on persom. Fifih Wheel Truck Stop 40 Chishotni Dr.. Miltonî WERNER ENTERIPRISES CANADA NEEDS LOCAL REGIONAL DRIVERSI Security and stabitity - two attributea you ,eek in an emptoyers. You and your famity can be aaaured that we aresa company with atrack record of financiat atrength and ndustry leaderahip. At Werner, you won't have to worry about a paycheck. We're here or the long haut. Werner offera: " Home weekenda "2,000 - 2,500 milea/week * Competitive pay " Monthly miteage bonus * Fuît benefits package " Late model Century clasa Freighttinera " Papertesa log systerr - ONLY ait Werner Cali for Information: 800-567-4430, ext. 5847 EOE www.werner.coml CHUDLEIGH S PROU ff TEAM Ifyu. Permanent Full Time *Work ai s quicker thon average pace *Can do your work accuratety, thorougbt aifictentty *Take your responsibututies scriousty tir-en sendi a-s yonr rosumr. Dur family opeoaled bakery has linon prosîding people lite you o'îlh an Enienlaiing Taite oft ho Contry for gonerarrrns. Lei ustInon aoutany prsrosSOnfauii eisOoXP ence you have. If youre ne on blod eordi4 roui, our stop by siop training ill provido yu with the loch- nicai knowmodge yon'ii rend to beaeam member in our productions pocess. Heasy lifting is requird. in aiddiion. vne prosîdo agreai nort environosoni. jetb siairliy ami porformance ieetlrcl, We troe hmoe rlirieoperrrgs in on Milton Plant. Plrase senit ynur resume tu: Human Resources. Chudteigh's Ils fax: 905-878-6979 I% r-mail: jana(aehudlighs.ciim By niai[ ordrnp off: 624 Metreanltie Drive. Milton, OiN 1,9T 3Y5 F/T Line Cooks needed. Experience is an asset. Drop off resumne to the Miliside Restaurant 243 Main Street East or fax to 905-876-2706 Mecha.nically inclined, enjoys multiple tasks, flexible, great attitude, willing to learti, worka weIl witb others. M us h v va d rivers licen se an d own transportation. Fax resumne ta 905-875-2818. 1 s i -' à ût ffiââ* M