22-Tse Canadian Champion, Fniday. ApnI 26, 2002 Halton Family Services gets funding T'o hclp improve office technology, thse puters and sottware. Ontario Trillium Foundation awarded "Without the help of the Trilliumn $74,000 to Halton Famnily Services. Foundation. these improvements would The funds will be used to purchase com- flot have been possible," said Nancy 03ET A FRESH ÇSràRT. Get SOLUTIONS nowv for: Repossessios Evictions Student Loas Divorce Rsloted Finonciol Problems * 4 PA D D O N + akruply ca be a oided. Cali us! No charge for mnital con oufaai wa 225r MWE&ain C 875-08 1 1 22 anStreet East (Main & Martin St.) Milton A beiler olutîon! Loss of Job or Loved One Woge Garnishments Jsdgements, Law Suits Foreclosures 8 rouvil, e\cUt\- iI u[.ý c h1,u Family Services. Halton Family Services is a United Way agency that provides a wide spectrum of professional counselling services in Milton, Oakville. Burlington andI Halton H1ilis. Founded in 1954, the agency helps thousands of people resolve individuai, couple andI other family problema. The Ontario Trillium Foundation, an agency of tise Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Recreation, receives $100 million of governiment fundmng annually, which is generated through Ontario's charity casino initiative. Tise foundation provides grants to eligible charitable and nos-for-profit organizatiofis in tise arts, Culture, sports, recreation. environment and social service sectors. Credit Cord Problems Mojor Cash Flow Problemri Persistent Bll Collectors Delinquent Tas O0ther votes likely wouln't have made difference It appears support would have been stronger for tise approved smioking bylaw isad abseStee coundillors been able te attend. Cosilorsf Waliy Hunter ansd Brise PeSman agreed sene exemptions are nemmsay for thse smoking bsn - whieis will corne iste affect May 31 - te work.1 "As an initia phase isere, te say you're goitag to bave no smnoking at the bingo hall, no smnoking at the slots is a lit- de uralisfic," Mr. HousSer said. *,My position is that I'd rather not have smoking in any restaurants or public places, ,but you're going to have se have .sootie exceptions to thse rule." 1Town council voted 5- in faveur of a bylaw banning smoking frons workplaces and public area as ils Menday mneeting. Approved exemrptions to tise bylaw meclude Bingo Country, isalf of tise gamning floor and bleacisers as Mohawk Slots andI private clubs. Wi Pentrman, wiso mnissed Monday's meeting as a resuait of a serions infection in his leg, concurred wids tise posi- tion taken by tise majority of council - thas economies do play a rote in tise decision proces. 1I certainly will nos be one to topple tisat vote. The vote is secure," he saisI. 1I have no problent witis tise bylaw as presented, but my preference would. have been a 100 per cent ban. Hewever, tria is prohably as good as it gels." Bingo Country provided coundil wids information indi- cating a serious sIrop in profils in areas where smnoking bans have been instinsted. Profits atsaieS facilides tisas ban butta have aIerq)epety dropped by 20 per cent. New in town? Get acquainted with Milton and ail it has to offer by ~ ordering a subseription to ci C~anabian (ebampion Where To Shop! Where To Dine! Community News! Professional Services! ...And more! OnIy $49.00 per year Phone 878-2341 or mail cheque or money order to P.O. Box 248, 191 Main St. E., Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9