Driver luckily wasn't injured when rock thrown at vehicle's windshield A motorist escaped mijury afier a rock was thrown at the windshield of the car by a pedestrian st Friday. The driver was travelling noethbound on Thompton Road, near Main Street, at 12:50 p.m. when arock landed on the 1995 Volkswagen. Damnage to the windshield is estimated at $100. Impaired driver Police Blotter driven erratscally near Derry and Tremaine roads. The womnan will appear in Ontario court (provincial division) in Milton May 6. Papers, cash taken A 37-year-old Burlington womnan was Documents and an undiscloted amnount charged with impaired driving Saturday Of cash were stolen from Milton Mini night after police observed a vehicle being Storage on Nipissing Road overnigbt April Suspects gained entry into the store by breaking the padlock on the front door. Snowmobile seized As a result of an investigation, police recovered a stolen snowmobile, vatued at $1,500, fromn a Lorne Scots Drive resi- dence April 7. An 18-year-old Erin Township man il charged with theft under $5,000 and will appear in Ontario court (provincial divi- sion) in Milton May 2. Home for disabled seeks board volunteers A non-profit charity is look- disabled people living ini the ing to teck land to build and Halton, Peel and Hamilton operate a home for physically areas. Tassle Non-Profit on the organization's board or Residences Inc. is also looking commnittees. for individuals wfflig 10 serve Caîl Mary at (905) 466-7625. The Canadian Champion, Friday, April 19, 2002-9 for Miton's ofdest resklent who can be intervîewed about the hiStory Of town. Ar~e y htifor d you know vWf» s ?IsO,ca#us et S) 78ff CROSSWO RD mil : ACROSS 5.R1hn 'n l625111the 57 In ha place 5 (611 I My Fw1 1,iy> ll4,15d1511 60. Sco1141 caps1 14. Ra 4jah W. 61. Dna,15 16. 'N1145 Na5s. 63. 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NC14.115'45 46. al S."214162 Free Education Programn on the Prevention and Early Detection atnHlhcr et Ovarian Cancer Members of the public are mnvited to attend a free 60-minute educational programn directed at well womnen to raise awareness about the signs, symptoms, risks and preven- tative factors of Ovarian Cancer. "Listen to the Whispers" will be presented on Tuesday, Apnil 23rd from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. at the Milton District Hospital by the National Ovarian Cancer Association. An ovarian cancer survivor will be present to share her story. This year in Canada, 2600 womnen (about 1 in 70 women) will be diagnosed with ovar- ian cancer. Ovarian Cancer is the fifth most common cancer in wormn and is often called "the disease that whispers" due to the vagueness of the signs and symptomas which accompany it. With no early detection test, most womnen are diagnosed in the later stages of the disease and 60% wül flot survive past 5 years. For this reason, ovarian cancer is one of the most deadly cancers to strike womnen. While the statistics surrounding this dis- ease are bleak, when it is diagnosed in the earliest stages, the long-term survival rate is at least 90%. Education and awareness are the best tools for increasmng the survival at this timne. The "Listen to the Whispers" workshop has been seen by over 40,000 people since its launch in September 2000. It is funded by the Women's Health Counicil Secretariat of Ontario and the McCain Foundation. The National Ovarian Cancer Association is dedi- cated to overcoming ovarian cancer, providing leadership by supporting women living with the disease and their fanilies; raising awareness in the general public and with health care professionals; and funding research to develop reliable early detection tech- niques, improved treatments and ultimnately, a cure. This freje education session will be held on Tuesday, April 23rd from 12:00 to, 1:00 p.m. at the Milton District Hospital. Light refreshments wiII be available. Caîl 905- 815-5110 or e-mail to reserve a seat. If you are unable to attend this event, but would like more information on this topic, contact the National Ovarian Cancer Association at 877-413-2720 or visit their website at jS0Iqe ~ lise Profesasonal Quality Home Cleaning Services - Expenienced and Supervised Staff *AlLCleaning Equipment & Supplies Provided FreCustom Packages Available FreEstunates - Bnded & tnsured Sensicing Halton. LI Contact Mary 905-693-9552 ~tPRICE S ODek<L, Ctaol.Uarb A*ilst AIb.i't Cassonl is moviItg ib oato( ho 11ee6d yowv help a fre Sýatriglye Apvit 20i 9 ais,- 6 p»Ir u WM eV" nk.>g Ap4it 21 st inoon -5 p»Isd "If you buy it we won't have to move it." Bpm>o>kvlfl. G&uIIry & G(ftsp 11269 Git.Iph £in*, EFrookville, Onai 905 854 - 4439