-1 The Canadian Champion, Fniday, Apnil 19, 2002-13 There are just some things 1,11 neyer understand If 1 were su write columns about A the tbings t didn't under- stand, l'd be wrising one each week. Here are some Usings I've been shinking about lasely. - 1 saw Usis on the highway the osher day, so is may be because of the OPSEU strike, but I've seen is before as wdil. Somebody bas a brand new vehicle that cosis maybe $40,000 and tbey stick their old beas up, faded licence plates on it instead of spending $20 or $30 for new onles. . Why is one door always locked when Usere are double doors to, enter a building? And how come 1 always pick Use wrong door? - Is is okay to refer to a cop as a cop? 1 grew up sbinking Usas was a slang termi you didn't call Usem to Useir face. You would cali Usem an officer or a policemîan. Would a cop be insulted if we called Usem a cop? . Why dis geese always seem to be flying in Use wrong direction? I Use fail 1 often tee tbemn flying north. Dub. Do Use geese even- suaily figure nus Usas Use leader is directionally-cballenged and boot hlm to Use back of Use lisse? - How come Usere are so many bandicapped parking spots? I understand Useir necessity, but bave we gone way overboard in disbing Usern out? Shouldn't Usere be parking spots for tubby peo- ple like myself so we don't have to walk so far? - I don't understand Use frndings of Use smoking bylaw review comrnittee as ail. Roger Mason, wbo represensed Use sown's bars and restaurants on Use committee, makes more sente Usan ail of Usem wben lie says Usey shouldn't ban smoking here until Use saine is done everywbere else. inm going to keep track of Use couricillors who vote for Use bylaw to drive business out of Milton and vote againas Usemn in Use nexs election. So Usere. . 1 read sornewhere about a group concerned wiUs Use possible extinction of rattlesnakes in Ontario. This is a bad Using? thie uirsS 50Uilt t\ oud i te piayotis. Feopte 05 Osà 11)~ 555 lb "Have fun," whcn I'm going to work. Well, it's worik. If you go to, work in an office orsa facsory, 1 don't tell you so have fun. Between _______________ you and me what I do is funs, bus people shouldn't assume it, it's stilI work. O n> the * How come we're mucb more interested in buying tickets for ltteries when Use jackpot is bigb, like sontigbs's Super 7? How is $17 million so much more attractive Usan $1 million? "Oh, weil, 1 loose won't bother going oui of my way to buy a ticket for only $1 ml- ison, but $17 million, now I could actually do something with Usas !i7~~~ m kind of money." Goodbye, sayonara, au revoir, ciao. Maybe they do some good environentally, 1 don't know, but I'd jusi as soon flot have to worry about themn bitmng me and kiling me. If moaquitoes neared extinction, would somebody take up that cause as weil? John (jp) Pears & Fraisier - 1 looked as a picture of my grade 2 class recently and could IlWe FigM for our ClantsW him remember almoat ail of their naines, yet nowadays 1 can't remem Cati us at 905-878-6M59 urml ber the namne of somebody 1 met 10 mninuses ago. Emi oner(smaioc - How corne it only sakes one nice day in spring for ail the bugs NOUgE to comte out of hiding and stars flying around. I hope we bave a deep freeze and they ail die. Hehebehe. - Wby do casinos close as ail? It's like saying to a large group of people, okay, get out and don't give us your money. What osher business does that? If pet food stores had a ton of people spending their rnoney as two in the moming shey wouldn't close, either. - Wby do they charge us when we take garbage 50 the dump, but nos when they corne to us and pick it up? *How corne people assume Usas when sporsswrisers go to, work, 2 mSna pi2a,10Kn t it's funs? I've covered about a zilion garnes, professional and arna- naw listing. Lsted as $244,9oo teur, and currently arn in Use studio of Hockey Night in Canada for Cati for turther dataia. A Patesi gha Work Saturday, April 27, 2002 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. e e Halton residents are welcome to drop off Up to eight standard passenger vehicle tires (rims included) " Bicycle and wheelbarrow tires will also be accepted. " Commercial vehicle, truck and tractor tires will NOT be accepted. " Tires are flot accepted as part of Halton Region's regular or bulk waste collection programs. " Donations of non-perishable food items will b. collected on behaif of Halton area food banks (Food donations are appreciated, but are flot required to drop off tires). Halton Waste Management Site 5400 Regional Road 25, Milton .Watch ttPeopleSpek i A Place Called Halton" with Halton Regional Chaîrman Joyce Savoline, May 8, 29 and June 19 live, from 7:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Check your local cable station. AI17EN11ON AIL BIDDERS Halton Region wili be accepting proposais, addressed to the Manager of Purchasing, for the services listed below. Bld documents cen b. seen or obtained through the Purchasing Divsion of the Corporate Servioes Department, 1151 Bronte Road, Oakville, ON L6M 3L1, telephone 905-825-6000, extension 7031. If long distance charges apply, dial toîl free 1-866-4HALTON (1-866-442-5866). Documents wi be available for pick Up on and after Thursday, April 18, 2002, and there is a non-refundable deposit of $26.75 (indludes GST). Bidders who request documents to be shipped from the Purchasing Departrnent must include a handling fee of $1 0.70 (includes GST) for this service. Bld Documents are aiso available to download from Halton's web-site at www.region.halton.on.calbids for a non- refundable deposit of $10.70 (includes GST). Halton Region relies on this advertisement to provide public notice of this business opportunity and is not obligated to notify any potential bidders in any other manner. 02-P-007 COMMUNICATIONS AND CREATIVE SERVICES CLOSING: THURSDAY, May 16, 2002 at 2:00 p.m. A.B. MARSHALL Chief Administrative Offioer A. MINDENHALL, CPPO, Manager of Purchasing Services What's i Halton's Future? Halton Region's Strateglo Plan is now Online! www.region.halton.on.calaboutstrategicplafl/ 111 rat .oao............. O.....s z. I DEFIRYFXM OMILTON BWNI. I R 0UNDAa ST 7C UN'U- P CIEW TO im> MtJGO GO QseLIE