12-The Canadian Champion, Friday, April 19, 2002 ,Yoga a complete lifestyle, not a pastime, says business owner who teaches classes at store By FANNIE SUNSHINE The Champion For Wendy Samimut, yoga isn't about taking a few classes each week - it's a complete lifestyle. Tne owner of Inner Sanctum on Martin Street said sbe discov- ered the world of yoga and meditation several years ago. 1I was a young momn and I was feeling exbausted ail the time. I read a unite bit about yoga and felI into a yoga studio, flot know- ing what t0 expect. I remember tbinking, 'Wbat arn I domng bere? Everyone is more flexible thao me.' But aI the end of the class I felt se, relaxed." Altbougb medigation doesn't play a direct role wben practicing yoga, the two are connected, she continued. "Yoga is physical and meditation is the quieting of the mind. You have 10 leamn 10 quiet your body down (teo meditate) otberwise your mind will be jumping ail over the place. It's extremnely bard 10 Ieam." To relax, Ms Sammut lies on tbe floor and concentrates on ber breatbing, wbile relaxing the muscles in ber face and body. 1I meditate 2010c,40 minutes daily. t close the door, turn off the phone and go into thse silence." Currently, ase teacbes 12 yoga classes a week in tbe studio at tbe rear of ber store. Eacb cîass is an bour-aod-a-balf long. "Anybody at aoy level cao come. I alto, bold two meditation classes a week witb a different instructor." Ms Sammut credits yoga for ber complete change in tifestyle. "Yoga is a part of you. You leamn 10 increase strength and flexi- ftexWe and they havemno dîne. Everyone can learu to take tinte out and relax for a few minutes a day." btltty over time and practice. It's managed t0 keep me sane. If l'm in a stressful situation, 1 sit back, breathe and relax. 1 like who 1 am now, where My life is. 1 fmnd t'm mucb more relaxed in My day 10 day life. My energy is good, t have respect for my body. Yoga has cbanged my life for the better." She said she does fmnd a lot of people have misconceptions about what yoga is really about. "People assume tbey can't sit stili because il would drive tbemn crazy, they aren't that flexible and tbey have no time. Everyone cao leam t0 take lime out and relax for a few minutes a day." If you're new 10 tIhe practice of yoga, she recommended attend- ing a dlata instead of buymng a bow-to, book. "There's a lot of different styles and a lot of different teacbing approaches out there. Take une clasa before you commit and sbop arnund. Leaming from a book or video cao be bard for beginners because usually thse people in thse books or videos have practiced yoga for years and thse positions come naturally toi tbem. Thse books are wonderful, but if you don't know wbat you're doing you can hurt yourself." Ms Sammut said sbe believes sbe's in thse beat shape of ber life thanka 10 thse practice of yoga. "I bike a bit but t don't do anything but yoga as far as exercise goes. I don't know wbere I'd be witbout il." I great retirement reursa great income. We can help. 1 That's gond, because taday thse average Canadian cao expect ta enjoy 30 yeaes of retied tife -andI ltke yoa they aee planning ta travel far. play haed and enjoy an active tifestyle ta fulfttl their deearns. But enjoying a great retirernent requires a great tnoare. That's wtsere we cornte in. Our unique retirement incarne approaches can help yan rnake the rnast of yaar savtngs. Manulife Insured Annuity, for exarnpte affers the appartanity ta: *Eaen ap la 10% OIC eqatvatenteretrns, tacked-in for lite *Increase yoae after-tas incarne by ap ta 70% gaaranteed for lite. *Pay less tas andI maxtrnize yonr gavern- rnent beneftts. Le[ave a tas free gtft for yoar laved ures. Wr want yoa ta hase a great retirent. AndI wr'rr here ta hrlp. CatI rne today for rnore informnatton on Manulife Insured Annuity andI ou fult range of rettrerent tacotOr solutions. INJ Mnulffe Financia Itpifl Yen Moke Better pincîBI DOCtSIou1 M-acttrtoaal andethehbloc deinamitm i-mrsadiaea .ftTtoManaturs.,te inuranc Comanyw oynam uedtb saad itsaffl1a, s actaudag Mmuife tuaocial Ccrotm E[ EVERGREEN Peter Slykhais or Frank Jl. Restonick, CFP Lite Instarance Advisor Estate Planning Advisoe 905 815-2308 905 501-8730 Att Estate Planning and Insurance Praducts are affered thraagh TD Evergreen Financial Services lac. by lirensed insurance agents. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Local yoga instructor Wendy Sammut shows a position. To the Residents of Milton, Afier 15 years as a pharmacisi ai Shoppers Drug Mari, Milton Mail, I will be leaving April 26, 2002 to take a position closer to home so I can spend more time with my family. I have made many friendships among the staff and customers over the years, and these won't soon be forgotten. In case I don't gel 10 see you before 1 leave, farewell and take care. Sandra Pesce ï