The Canadian Champion Frlday April 19 2002-11 Lots of gardening help is available at library ~tr~o Its finally spring when a Moltontans more lard back cao get an touch wish thear Several ol shese sut)scflptiotas ne gatîs rit fancy surus su love: she love of gardening, lasens inner hippy wish 'The naturalized 1',>~3oD t~ the Milson and District Horticulsural COV6I 1$ that is. garden'. The same low key types mighs '"~"~ "" Sociesy. a uIW As she days get longer, the sun begins to also feel as home un 'The ousdoor living AIl in ail, she library is she perfect place j~6jtejg1 lure us outdoors, so tease us with brighs room' or even 'Outdoor living with style'. ~<> ver su spend some of the inevitable raony days thet runs spring bulbs, and dismay us wish the stase Once you have planned, plansed, weeded shat punctuate any good gardenmg season. of the rest oU the garden. and pruned, is's sime n mosey shrough If you nerd inspiration, stop by she Ofl ttO third Before you stars cruising the greenhous- 'Astracsing butterflies and hummingbirds book of, well... Canadian gardens. library and admire our heautiful gardens. Friday of es and nurseries, stop by she Milson Public to your backyard', 'The backyard bird As usual, you will fmd videos on gar- Tha.nks so she members of she Milton and every Library su thas we cao help you to fulfoll feeders bible, aod she ever opsimissic dening and landscaping sprinlded shrough- Dissrics Horsicultural Sociesy who plansed month your garden design ideas. In addition to the usual advice on annu- Ouswitting squirrels'. (Good luck!) nus she subjeet areas. Theres also a fine and mainsain our gardent. we have a gor- aIs, perennials, hulbs, shrubs and îawns, Alshough il isn't new, dons forges David seleesion of magazines such as 'Canadian geous display of spring blooms each year. Îfl The wiae.;II Lau UC tOUIIU arr uer ueaiuciiitig Dci.'..» Tarrants 'Canadian Gardens' in she over- gardening', 'Birds and blooms', Coter 10 coter is prepaaed bv staff aI Champion. and Landscaping (712-719) seesions, shere are beausifully-illussrascd guides so help you plan and inssali garden walls, walks, gazebos, pools, fountains, benches, gases and more. Not everyone has a large lot, so for those whose gardening impulses are linritedonly by she size of your patios or balconies, try 'Colourful container gardens' or The con- tainer garden encyclopedia'. Also new this year is 'Ortho's ail about Iandscapmg decks, patios, and balconies'. It's amazing to sce she colour and variety you can fit insu a smail space. For those of you who have cstablished your gardens, and now want to use your woodworking skills to enhance your yards, sake a look as 'Weekend woodworking for she garden', Yard & garden structures', 'Making paths and w~ways',or Outdoor projects'. The even more ambitious might enjoy browsing through 'Garden pools, fountains and watcrcourses', 'Fences, walls and gases', and 'Sheds, gazebos and outbuild- ings' while shose pressed for sime cao quickly scan Waser gardens m a week- cnd'. Landscaping 1-2-3' or The low maintenance garden'. For she compesitive over-achiever we offer 'How to wm as gardenmg, whole the Have You Always Wanted to Enhance Vour Appearance? Now is tIse perfect lime. We te the satuSor ceulfi state-of- e-art laser tectnootogy ai a quiet conifo file aad rnvate office se g We elfer trealment tain * Spider Veine * Belon forWeiekte?'1~ * Facial Velea * Age & Brome Spein * Birttseteeke * Tatteo Removat * Facial Pigmentation * Waets * Sergery fer Varicone Veine * Injection Scteeetherapy *Obagi Skie care Predeate fer Vaneene Veine Fora frç.grsnaeitatian rail De. A. Maiifl MD FJi.C.5&. *1'..* CORRECTION NOTICE Future Shop apologîzes for the followîng error made on the front cover of this weeks flyer dated April 10-16, 2002. n Please be advised that the Compaq 4410CA Computer Package does flot include M64 32MB AGP Video Card as stated. lnstead, this system comes with an 815e integrated chipset with an open AGP aloI. We sincerely apologîze for any inconveflience this may have caused aur valued customers. size section. Its an opulent coffre sable 'Gardening life' and 'Horoiculture'. Ml/ton Publia Librarv. OM/MC w;.. YTW. At Sears. me are biq enouqh to have what you mant... but small enouqh to care who you are. SALE PRICES START SUNDAY, APRIL 21, AND END SUNDAY APRIL 28, WHILE QUANTITIES LAST. 1~ LOWEST PRICE 0F THE SEASON ON KENMORE 182-to. 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