- I The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Apnil 16, 2002- Union Gas pipeline gets --Appleby Line speed limit thumbs up: committee tobreud:cnmte By RICHARD VIVIAN The Champion Plans for a Union Gas pipeline from Hamilton to Milton received a green light from the Halton ecological and environental advisory committee (EEAC) last week. In endorsing the proposal, the commitlce made several recommendalions 10 Union Oas 10 ensure thse leasl possi- ble impact is made on the nal- ural environenl. "Many of the items of con- cern for themn (EEAC) are pars of the mitigation measures thal we use on a regular bath 10o minimize the impacts from our pipeline construction," Greg Payne front Union Oas told The Champion. "We've developed these mitigation measures over a number of years with the regu- latmng bodies - die Minislry of Natural Resources, Federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans and the local conser- vation authorities." EEAC's recommendations include undertaking waler crossmngs ai limes when the disturbance is likely 10 be lthe least (10w flow), re-vegetalmng areas where trees are removed, rehabililaling disturbcd agri- cullural landI and taking meas- uires 10 re-establish a small marsh south of the Islay Lake berin. While EEAC was approached for comment, Union Oas isn'i bound by their recommendations. Pipeline approval is required from the Ontario Energy Board (OEB). An environmnental assess- ment of the proposed roule is currently underway and is expected lo be complete some- time next monlh. An applica- tion 10 the OEB will follow. if approved aa proposed, the 17-kmn long pipeline would run essenlially parallel 10 Derry Road from Hamilton 10 the company's lie-io âine near Firas Line. Two Union Oaa pipelines already exisi along the same roule. The new line would be used 10 feed the Mississauga and Toronto markets. Construction is scheduled for the sumrmer of 2003. Traveilers ens Applehy Line shoulti watcb their speeti, a. the Town of Milton looks te lower the speed i hait - betwee Steeles Avenue andi No. 14 Sideroati - frons 80 kinn/lta 60 km/h. 'Mse Umnit reduaction was appraveti by thse Milton con- munity services cotumitte last week, but requires approvai by thse wbale ai tawn counicil befare canaing into effect. A study ai roat traffic was conducted afler several safety concerns were raiseti b y Aplby-Lneresiients. Town staff recommendeti lowering the limtit, stating in Ibeir report thse move is need- eto ensure continuity along Council Briefi thte roat with adijacenat zonses. Spee iinits on cither aide of tIse aifecteti section of roati are 60 km/h,. The Town of Mlttwiiay be joinsng forces seifl lIon Regan ta establishla acommit- nity garien at Afentisle log- teint-ce faility. Praject appraval wa. gont- ed by lthe Miltan cotnmunity services contmittee las week, but reqires, town caundil approval befare moving for- ward. Counicil is expectet 1 atidresi tIse issue Monday. Haltan regional cosandil apprved thse proje Machi 27. Due tjo thse Mains Street seconatrtiction projet, Sargcant Pana ha. been given specta poemlw for i tuc o us M artStret between MûtI Street anti Steeles Avenue, sud Miliside Drive, belseesi Matin andi Main strmts. Truck trufi is alberwise benned front thase roadways. The exception was apprved by thse Milton cant- munity services comnsiiee lust week, but stil requires town counicil appraval Monday. ~R HI C H A R D S O N TRUCK H Gm SA&LES APR EVENT IdÀC&-~R CHEVROLET 2002 TRAILBLAZER plus purchase flnancing up to 36 1Montbs CHEVROLET 2002 BLAZER plus purchase financing up ta 36 1Monh CHEVROLET 2002 S. 10 PICK UPS plus purchase flnancing up ta 48 1Mh CHEVROLET 2002 AVAL»é plus purchase flnancing up to 36 mnonths CHEVROLET 2002 SILVERADO 1/2 TON PICKUPS plus purchase flnancing S up to 36 rinths CHlE Malin St. *See dealer for details RECHA DSGNDerry Rd CHEaVRGLuET-GULDSMGDELE sismuàKM HWVY- 25 S. ATF DERF:RY RIE)., MILTOCN _______________ TRUCK 5 ý