iCin hiaaua ~ampion, Iuesaay, Apns o. as SOFAS FOR LESSfl Uncompromisng Quality and Style$ An Extraordinary Selection 9f 1 111 of the Finest Custom Fabnics YUMV Imagine. Genuine La-Z-Boy at 1.. prices that wiIl Delight you' 89 01 __---1 BUNGALOW in town. 3+1 berooms. 2 new wash- roomas. Remodeled kitchen wit h skylight sncf large pantry. New D.W. Double garage with inxîde en- trance. Professionally finished rec. room. Central air, central vac. AIl new window blinda. New paint fhroughoat - A must 10 see inside - $265,000. 905- 876-0678. FOR Sale - Dorset Park - Detacheti 2 storey, 4 bed- rooma & family room. Quiet court, large treed lot. Close f0 scbools. Gas heaf, 5 appliances, upgrad- ed windows, AdC, deck, garage. $229,900. No Agents. 905-878-0227. TOWNHOUSE for Sale. 3 hedroom, 3 bath, A/C, Central Vac. 18x22, fulty fenced in cfeck hacking on f0 defscbed homes. Finished basement, mnany ex- tran. $150000. Leave Message af 905-875-8073. VILLAGE Parc On The Pond, Milfons finestl 2 spa- cious hedrooms, 2 bathroom11, tuxury condo. 5 ap- pliances, centrai vac, central air, ai idow cover- ings, many building amenifies. Jute Possession. $259,000.00. 905-693-3567 No Agnts. ATTENTION retired ex- ecutives/teachers/ En- trepreneurs. Bent home based business oppor- tunity. Extremnely high income potential. tahi- f i ant r e a s - ure.com/go/nloni Mr. Reuter (905)270-7804 (24Hr>) 1 bediroom apartment wif h loft. Newty renovaf- ed. Quiet Main Street building. AIl appliances. First & last. $1000 plus -day f0 Fncfay 9-5. -2 bedroom apf. in 3-' pIes Side of building on - Mn St. $985.00 plus. Heaf/byro (sorg rent. 1600-3200 room) Jane 1 st. Tony ,e-in 1-905-277- 1905-858-8723. 1FOR Rent: 1 bedroom &i R2 bedroom apartments for immediafe sncf futu re occupancy. Open 7 days/week. Same Day App royal. No Dogs. 519-853-4374 SECOND Floor, fbree bedroont apt. frrent. Catt 416-949-7308. GLEN EDEN COURT APARTMENTS 122 Bronte Street, South, Milton We are nos accepting applicatin o ts becfroomn sparimnens For more Information andlor fo make an appoinfrnent, Pteas cati eea-a7&-575 Building Managera Leonard & Penny MILLSIDE TOWER 82 Milide Drive, Miton 1 &2 Bedroom Apts. Delaxe Building ideal '0ld Town" location 2 appliances Launcfry fscitities Mlites indaderi On Sâe Resident Managers Open 7 dans. Samne day approval CaSl: <506> 876-1249 or semi $12- 1500/montb wit dog & caf. Jaly 1 st. 519-220- 0827. MALE University Co-op student. Clesn, test, non-srnokèr lookalo for monfbs. 1-705-435- 5720. WtLCOME* WAGON -New in town? *Gettng married in 3 months or more? *Having a baby? *Establishing a new business? PLEASE CALL US Community Wetcome Lînda 905-854-1563 Doris 905-332-4799 Elize 905-693-0313 Baby & Bridai Tracy 905-876-4330 Bustsproeastuns Lin 905-854-4100 111111111111111616«0 AUTOISMY sffl 91 11106 Bom IWOMIgH«dertogU #1 GW#Oto Sm body -4 mwdàvmim BLUE HERON WOODWORKS Final 4 days 11998 Wlnston ChurohIli BIvd. 1 1/2 Mlle N. off MeyfliId Rd./River Dr.. Georgetown Show Ior hours- Mon.-Fn. 10am-6pm. New ready ta finish handcrafled turniture. TV armoire. TV stands, dressera, armoires. wardrobes. night tables. bianket boxes, corner cabi net. hutch & buffet. harveet tabla. china cabinets. deeks. bookcases. sofa tablea, stereo cabinets, deacon bench- s, cottes & end tables, jeliy cabinets. plant stands, dry sink. wash stand, pantries. dressing vanity. curio cabinet, magazine racks, and much much more. Driga t5uk haMd Sali 1 with yeuf Cauato Ordesu welome. FORD, Mr sncf Mrs. Jobn sncf Jentrier (ses Hutchison) and big sister Hillary 0f Milton are pleased f0 announce the birtb of their twins (son sncf daugbfer) Andrew Nett Douglas and Frances Etaine, 6.6lbs sncf 5.51b respecively, at Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital on April 9, 2002. Proad Grandparents Neil & the sate Barbara Ford sncf Don & Anne Henry of Milton, sncf Stan & Lynne Hatchison 0f Georgetowen. Tbank yoa f0 Dr. Sharma snd fthe niursing staff in Qakville. Jinn Straîn 190 Ontario Sf., Milton 878-6522 Monuments Markers - Bronze Markers Cemetery Lettering Stag &9 De. & n <LRLUihn s - DateAp l 20, 202 - f~jpace: Milton Lions Club Hall (~'upstars of theW Thontpson Rd. Armna) 77 Thornpson Road, Milton, OntÇ1 Time: 8.00 p.rn. until 1:00 a.rn. * ~ $10.00 in advance ) (contact Bath at 905-637-93760'. P or $12.,00 at the door jCash Bar, Di., Raffles & Cornes, , ail wecorne Ages 7-14.- Drama, i Pick up your copy foday. painting, music, swrm- Cetled feacher 95- ~îiu 781-4674. tri- ~ u buiw lm voue (01TIMUMITU STROUD, Henry Thomas At the Milton District Hospital on Satarday, April 131h, 2002. Henry Stroud, beut fniend of Patricia Kee. Sadly missed by his children Barbara Chaput, Randy Stroud, Jim Stroud, John Sfroud sncf Luke Sfroud. Lovingty remembered by his grandcbild and greaf grandchild. Sadly missed b y his sisters and brother Joan, Ruth, Helen andf Frank. Henry will be missed by bis faifbfut companions Georgie, Bonnie and Sam. At Henry's requesf cremafion bas taken place. There will be a graveside service announced af a lter date. tn lieu of flowers, memnonal donations f0 the cbarity of your choice would be appreciafed by the tam- ily. Arrangements enfrusfed 10 the McKersie- Kocber Fanerai Home 114 Main Street Milton 905-878-4452. TYOS, Jeaste (nos Brown) Suddenty ait tbe Milton District Hospital on Friday, Aprit 1 2tb, 2002. Jessie Tyios, beloved wife of the laie Andrew Tyios. Loving mother of Judy Sbaw, sadly missed hy ber granddaugbfer Kafelyn Shaw. Dear sister of George and bis wife Vers, Hugb sndf bis wife Ale, Laura and ber bushand Don and Marion and ber busband Don. Predeceased b y ber bromhers and sister Davie, Jimmy, Bob, Jo hn sncf Ann. Daugbfer of the sate George sncf Elizabetb Brown. Family and frienda visited at tbe McKersie-Kocber Fanera Home 114 Main Street, Mitton 905-878-4452 on Sunday. The Funera Service wan beld on Monday, Aprit 1 Stf, 2002 in mhe Fanera Home Cbapel. Memnoriai donations tomte Milton District Hospital Foundafion in Jessie's memnory would he greafty appreciafed hy mhe famity. FRASER, John (Jack) Passed away peaceful- 'y at the Milton District Hosial on Friday, Aprit 12 , 2002 in his 81sf year. Beloved busband of MargrtFrsr Dear father of Gait Fisher and ber husn ta. Loving grandtather of Eitidb, Aistinn, Caltum andf Conna. A Memnonia Serice wiIt ho held from the Chape ot the J. Scott Earty Funerat Home, 21 James St., Mitton on Tuesday, April 1 th, atl1 PM. HAMMOND, Bsulah (penny) At the Milton District Hospital on Saturday, Aptit l3th, 2002. Penny Hammonid, dear friend of Kuri HIenr Loving motber of Bitt Hammond Jr and Ktm Hammond. Sadty missed by ber sisters Beatrice Keeping, Marion Hunter, Witbetmenia, Moutton and ber brother Ted Bunigay. Lovingty remenn- hered by her nieces and nepbews. Predeceased by her brothers and eister Harold Bunpay, Artbur Bunigay, Aubrey Bungay and Sadie Thomas. At Penny's request cremnatiot bas tatren ptace andf mere witt be an inferment ef a sater date. Arrangements entrusted ta mhe McKersie-t<ocher Funera Home 114 Main Street Mitton 905-878-4452. MALONE, Zoo Jane At the University Hospital in London on Friday, Aprit l2tb, 2002. Zoo Matone, toving daugbter 0f Vikki and Jay. Sadty missed by ber sistera Zens and ber busbanid Jason Morris and Zara Malone. Lovingty remem- hered by ber niece Otivia and nepbews Jasper and Hugo. Zoe will atways he remembered by bar many fniends. Famity and friends may visit at tbe McKersie-Kocber Funerat 11 4 Main Street Mitton 905-878-4452 from 11:00 am unti 1:00 pis on Wednesday, Aprit I 7tb, 2002. Tbe funera wilt follow at 1:00 pm in tbe tunerat home cbape. At Zoe's request, in lieu of ftowers, memonial donations f0 the University Hospital (Liver Transplant Unit) 339 Windermere Rd. Box 5339 Stni. A London, ON N6A SAS would be appreci- ated. SMITH, Abbey At the Mitton District Hospital on Saturday, April 1 3tb, 2002. Ahbey Smith, beloved wife of the sate Alexander Smit h. Loving mother of John, Sandra, Brian, Alex, Leonard and Tommy. Sadly miased by her grandchildren Billy, Bob, Gail, Jenny, Timothy, Tara, Kristi, Kayla, fimasndf Blair. Lovingly remnembereri by ber sisters and brother Leona, Rene, Mary, Joan, Wilfred and Sandy. Predeceased by her brother Tom and sister Irene. Family and friends visited aI the McKersie-Kocher Funera Home, 114 Main Street Milton 905-878-4452 on Monday. The fanerai service will be held in the funeral home chapel on Taesday, April l6th, 2002 at 1:00 p.m. Memorial donations to the Canadian Cancer Society woald be appreciatei by the family. CLaSSýF:IEDS ON THE M ,