day April 16, 2002 - - *." s -,%:e. Milton District Hospital set to host ovarian cancer seminar on April 23 Tbis year is Canada, 2,600 womnen wil be diagnosed witb ovarian cancer. Ovauian cancer is thse fiftb moat common cancer in women, and is often called "tise diaeaa that wbispers" due to tbe vague- ness of the signa and symptoms tbat accompany it. To ralse awareness about tbe signa, symptoms, risk and preventative factors of ovarian cancer, tbe National Ovarian Cancer Association wili present 'Listen to Wbispers' next Tuiesday as Milton District Hospital front noon to 1 p.m. An ovanian cancer survivor will also tell bier story. ca ' Tbe 'Listen to Wbispers' worksbop bas been seen by more tban 4,000 people smnce its launcb in September, 2000. Tbe workshop is funded by tise Women's Healtb Council Secretariat of Ontario and tbe McCain Foundation. The National Ovarian Cancer Association is dedicated to overcoming ovarian cancer 'Me association also pro- vides leadersbip by supporting women liv- ing witb tbe disease and tbeir famnilies. To reserve a seat or for more informa- tion, cail (905) 815-5110. Mental health disorders in youths to be addressed at meeting May i Do you bave questions concemning mental bealtb? Halton Healtbcare Services will bold a free public seminar covering mental bealtb dîsorders in cbildren and adolescents and tise mIle of psycbiatric in-patient service. The setainar wiil be held May 1 at 707 Galaxy Banquet Hall, 475 Nortb Service Rd., in Oakville at 7 p.m. Psychiatrise Dr. Alan D. Brown and members of tise i-patient psycbiatry team as Oakvitle-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital will present thse seminar. The speakers will provide an overview of tise prevalence of mental bealtb disorders in children, including tise kinds of disorders experienced and available treatment options, ranging front out-patient treatment to day treatment to i-patient services. To reserve a seat, call (905) 338-4379. CHROR-MCR OF MLTO Chiropracte Care For The iiaieriy "I'm flot Iooking for the fountain of youth, 1 just want to be able to enjoy myseif again" You've worked hard aIl your Slife to enjoy your golden years, but nosv these aches and pains are getting in your way. Hlow many times have you heard "ýyou just bave to learn to live tuc For. exapie as 76t year the Ft". Thisle is not a old woman bad low back pain that radiated bilaterally from ber sciatic nerve down ber legs and into ber feet. She suffered with the pain for six months before she chose chiropractie as a last resors. Within five adjusiments ber pain was gone. Her case is typical of mnany elderly patients. Tbey do not consider chi- ropractie until they bave tried sev- eral kinds of bealth came that b may treat the symptoms but not the cause. lnstead, chiropractie sbould be their first choice. tn most cases, it can locate the cause ot thse problero, provide bealth care concerna, snd improve the older patient's quality of lite. YOU CAN GET HELP! Your spine, like the rest of your body, bas had its fair share of ups and downs during your lifetime. Unforsunately. like many, your spinal health bas probably been neglected and you've set yourself up for breakdown. Thse stress of daily living (pîtysical and emotional) can result in abnormal spinal aligniment, which in tum directly effeets your nerve function and ultimately your health potential. Chiropractors terru this spinal nerve stress "Vertebral Subluxation". This impairment t0 your overaîl well being can resuit in pain and stîffness, symptorus of organ dysfunction and spinal degeneration ('amthritis"). Only chiroprac- tors are trained to detect and correct vertebral sub- luxation. Tbrough vemy gentle procedures (ternsed; Adjustruents), lasting relief in many cases cas be acbieved witbout the use ot drugs and/or surgery. As a person ages, the two Most frequent com- plaints are pain and stiffness, and many of these ailments can be tmaced to structural problems of the spine. With tinse the elastic discs and support- ing ligaments have lost much of the ability to streicli and move. Eventually, the muscles which belp maintain normnal alignment of the spine Adj ustruent of the vetebrae between one's shoul- siiii and U ders for instance, belps prevent the spine frorn Remember: becoming stooped and bent over. Adjustruents in People Who the lower back belp keep the arch in ibis region take CARE tbus preventing the spine from bending over for- of your bo wamd wbîcb leads îo the use of a cane or "walker". care. Adjustruents of the neck prevent not only pinched nerves but keep the neck free and nioveable avoiding the stiffness so often seen in older peo- Chronie conditions such as aribritis, bip and shoulder joint stiffness, constipation, circulatory disorders and bigh hlood pressure are often blamed on the natural consequences of aging. But masy times these problerus are the result of nerve interference, and cao be greatly alleviated with regular spinal adjusiments. If the person also maintains mobility, proper nutrition and regular exercise, many of these conditions can be elimi- nated altogether. Chiropractie bas emerged today as a mainstrearu healing art. It is much more that a simple tech- nique to relive aches and pains. By relieving pressure upon nerves, by correcting subluxa- lions, chiropractors seek to shlow the nervous system to tunction as well as il possibly can. And by keeping the spine mobile and ereet chiro- nmactie case helos to prevent tbe attendant prob- J me of oId age. ssociated with the care about their bodies of their bodies. Take care dy through chiropractic A public awareness program by your local chiropractic association Barro .chi Mito Fa il .ru eat Hetn eteeml ar itnC io 10t aro S. 270 MatnS. 39OtrS. S. 55 OntSt. S. Dr. arn Tr e 10 Wa efie Rd,30MiO t Dr .R arw D.ra y .chi Dr . te Jone #20 90a7618 ar neia h D . Daî .e hilp 90-8882 90-7-05 958852 r na f958856 0-7-i5 :.seo90. a 76*00,8 lems of pain an movement and proper posture.