The Canadian Champion, Tueatday, Apfil 16, 2002 -13 Dickens owner says smoking ban proposai diserirninatory afrom COMMITTEE on page 1 sink, hie said. Bingo Country's Kitchener operation saw profits drop froro $1,112,202 in 1999 to $558,886 la 2000. Waterloo Region lastituted the ban on January 1, 2000. Similarly, the Guelph ban - which came lato effect October t, 2000 -resulted in a $222,214 profit reduction between 2000 and 2001. "AU it takes is 15 to 20 peuple a session to leave and ail of a sudden, our bingo events are not profitable," explained Mr. Innocente. "Let's say there's 20 customers and they each spend $30. Thiat's $600 and that's basicaily what would have become the charity's and the oper- ator's profit, la areas (where we've created des- ignated smoking roims), we've retained eus- tomers and profits haven't been affected." The Town of Milton also receiveri $5.5 mil- lion la profita from Mohawk Slots last year. But the argument that fundraising facilities should be exempt is irrelevant, contmnued Mr. Mason. "The evidence is insurmountable (that sec- ond-hand smoke is unhealthy), but why is the second-hand smoke in those exempted facilities flot as harroful aa second-hand smoke in here?" hie questioned. "I don't get that and 1 thlnk that's very unjust." Restrictions flot permnitting inoicrs into the bingo hall and on the gaming floor of Mohawk Siots played a big role la their exemption, explained Mr. Maiboeuf. "There's no kids in there to be subjected to second-hand smoke." The Halton Region Health Department (HRHD), whicb haa been pushing a complete ban from the beginning, are supportive of the proposed bylaw. "We feel this is a very good step forward," commented Burgess Hawkins, HRHD repre- tentative on the review committee. Cg-tt O'*s g eeh 1 I I Four level backsplit in beautiful conditios. Large tamily rin enitle neen carpet and seal to seuIl brick tire- place, bright office or 4th bdrm, 2 foul bathrms, spot- less est-mn kitchen overlooking tamnily rmn, fresltly decorated living & dining Trs. Master bedras aith semni ensaite, fenced and private back yard, central air, roof reshingled iv 2001, close f0 schools. i Pleasa contact Mos MilourJ Live Musician country MusicU Folk Music & Trucking Music Bluegrasa music & 20 Golden Bits Music, Blues Music., 40'9 50', 60' Music, Big Band music My pay is $75.00 in town, Out of town $75.00 '55 j 1~ Night or day 1 like to be paid in Cash before i 1 play & I play solo. 905-691-0979 after 6:30 pm OR CHOOSE Wntarearenendmttytnst U ÇsmnlC59/t Rti n Taued ma hSn t U.S. nveet hTe st Ra t10 4nt, TMas BUtnt 0e M taSs M15 [1M insIsSe 8 FORD F an Windstta/rata us/Focs svum of 36mnths otOl custmeis tn appff credi, 0% pre fiaicng oneali ee n-toc 200215 Tadi dstv/Çe vpr ft8maxtimu 16ml torms m rEî arvaiet tid bt~e reqted o jouctte enancng o0vs ased onapo edO di Al0% pucaefnmng ovvesclud Fc SV8MSMleeg0T Cba/Eco lne CSssag ii Thn ei. E.g. $20.000 at0% anssl pnettee tentev eesaolts $1.1/$458.3 for 3648 month ctot of orr eg s $2.002 (mdh e e5 aatl o A itentsteeon 2002 csbak s 63%/47% for 3648SverStems *$2.002 fatyt osuerntv ib evffet iabeenet fnetin-stck 22TaunatnsWand Ma 850s VW$100 nieso to omme 15511cas4sSe otinr availabe on nttane in-stc 2002 FSLUUgCw /agr I àclry Io c0o tsertSCk etints Cub Wam'Ecua - 150 Haay - ehs Limdend Edib - 150 SVT LgMgf eisabot, 8500 GVW. Taxes pfl nti arratattof perSate prieete eastiack (ndt < tswt te putesese tr prase ntns ot me st n instok 2002 Tam nwtaEt0ttet 4500,ftu exns, Fc STT Ni ettnrs ecsie nte, iekutatoe, edvtntet bitters. casttace oer adpclseNivcg ottets tanitet be cottstted. fsta tas etted te Ittatest front <ab nde passene)raie M, seat antd reat seat) ittact te Sd ipat, tFsStar Sa" va appis ly th iet macttanbags, statiadntdtamSEL arxJLtttSnt,tettittan VodM XatL W.SS peswseetMost) Il in LIS 55100,51n N LtHU Trfi Sfty dmietrtt on tenting. %Nu.nM{TSAett) tFecus ns fneseett's Seat Seeats Car based onTp Tte GloSte Car Ses Setttt Stsbaq onON oaSes cutent as of0 t tcu201ýO -Saniete Wo ed's et-Selti Trc teaed n"setSrWtes njatnt c. caltc d tnSyeatss19TT7et 20( majo oeilttsttoe in tes class S petfrtace siten ganvteat as Sent Pi00W o fe Isuence Instute fo Hqmyse Safety MaW*t Sait al 1OOS W M Kt coets ht&t C Eees and Toyol45,ater Tttte ent lo 100000 k WKetsentss" Poaetiakta rt n û o eS ai e2002 modal eSeenTanastiM/tet Sout wrnsateens m May e Oecflastte vrr etef 5tnseSutoticee. tteit tes foret Ont"t FUA, Ps, MOE MILJOUR" AsUOCIMt Dmker 22 OtulsS. S. 878-7777 Kml MU L UFME à A-1 0 0 Speing Bonus wfth me eu* purchme or purcha» flnmdng of my new ln-stock 2002 Explorer 4-Door, Foeus, Tmrus and Windstw