The Canadian Champion, Fniday, Apnil 12, 2002- 19 SPORTS coeuys best wummrs Prowiding futhler evie of dma late last montIs ln Wlunipeg, Milton's 16- ye- pool shurk delivered three top six fialises during thse week-laog Gomow altiaes Trials. l'hoso collective effana put the loca t=u witlslu stiking distanc of a trip ta deo itmastna shawcas tuis sunisr in uFlmKt 1~ fuel really good about my perfotnn- suce. Mme. wus sa rnucb mom pressure dmct (t u"ai)," said Parenta. "Now 1 feel lika l'i aI teir (top swimers) lovai, nos mast uyin$ ta catcih du." Surprisingly, Poeeu's bont rcult et tIs Iong-coue comipetition cminl ber socodary stinie - the buttrfy. Amnag M-usete 'mgcourse compeui tor on day two, she shaltered lier per- sonal bestrmark by about a second-*id- a-lalf - captwing bronze in a silzling 28.52s, -Oht yeah. that wa deflmitely a sur- prise, It (0mbutterfly) was just suppose ta, bc a fun oyant," explained thse local twn~, who waa just four one-humfredlhs of a scod behisid the silver medaliat. ,.But I've hotu training a lot more iu the (bute)fly and beau gettiag off die block aud acoeleratiug botter lately." Porenta waa nearly as iznpresaive iu hWrtwo hread-and-hutter races - the 50 nd 100ht fraestyk le. la lnger dis- tance, she stied strong witb a second- place sltawlug and saew individual JUnfostwiately, that initial mmnw féll by thie way and wss seplaced by a awum - good anaogh for siicth spot - in the finals. SBut Porents would end ber Commonwealth Gamnea Trials campaigu on astdidnote durlg cO0lea tS- whies ase fistished fousêh in thse 50ms fra wltI 26.6s perfosmatSu that wusjtsst slighty off ber persondhost. Asuong thosa slse place4 ahead af in tIsat eyant wss formner Olympian Thouh Poeta llt qite am atrip to the ighshtiUdm ittear len tiona conipetition isi likely ta elude senior and jsuor Psu-Pacific: Clames - heiglseld eary next yeaw i Japai and Australia respectively 11nemoals wilbc htld in Affst in Victoria, British Columbila. Memwink, fellow Miltoini Krluaen Mdflroy also compated at thse Commonwealt Gaînes Trials. Her, hest effan were resarved for tht 200in backslroke, in which she reached thse 'B' cisa finals sud placed lS5th. Midgets ready for Al-mOntario championships By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion Just showing up won't be good enough this time around. When Amnie Parcels last guided Milton's AA midgets to the provincial championships five years ago, the teamn was just thnilled to qualify. Consequently, adequate preparation waa flot put forward and the Winterhawks - who may well have been the most talented teamn there - placed a disappomnting fourth. "We didn't go in prepared," recalled Parcels. 'We were so happy to win the OMHA titie, and as a result we didn't put forth the effort in our preparation that's requircd to win (All-Ontarios). On paper wc were probably the best teamn, but we just weren't prcpared." Dctcrmincd to leana from paat mistakes, Parcels bas made every effort to keep his 2002 OMIHA champs motivated ini the two-and- a-half-weck respite bctwecn winning the league title and this weekcnd's provincials in Sudbury. And truth be told, maintaining a high work ethic during that lcngthy hiatus hasn't been that chaltenging. "If anything, shcy're gomng harder than they ever have. 1 think these guys recognize that winning the OMHA titie is just one milestone on the way to thc big prize, thc OHF chanipionsbip," said Milton's skipper, whose teana begmns provincial play tbis momning against the Alliance's Waterloo. Added capsain Connor Swceney, "We were a littie worned at first about having such a big gap (in play), but we've been work- ing bard at practice and done a good job keeping ourselves moti- vated." Ile Winterhawks' impresaive work ethic may be their greatst ally this weekend, but their veraatility and overtime track record are certainly close bchind. Milton bas prevailed in aIl five suddcn death encounters through the playoffa and bas displayed an ability to match their opposition with either spced or grit - the latter of which was needed in ample supply during physically-demanding showduwns with Stoney Crcek and Barrie. Remarked Parcels, "We've definitely shown that we're adaptable. If you look at our goals-against aver- age (just under 2.50), we're very defensive in nature and I think we'll be competitive with anybody there." Along with Milton and Waterloo, the Ol-F championahips will include host Sudbury, the Northemn Ontario Hockey Association's Sault Ste. Marie and tIhe West Mail Lightning of the GTHL. The Winterhawks will play two games both today and tomor- row. The top four teams after round-robin play advance to Uic semnifinals Sunday momning, with Uic winners battling it out for thc provincial title in the aftemnoon. 3AT COST OR BELOW CGST SGRIMECA DISC BRAKES front or rear Regular $410 NOW $249s ARROWHEAD Regular $700 NOW $499w SAVALANCHE 0.0 Regular $2800 NOW$16OO01q TEMPEST Regular $930 NOW $5990s , CR2000ORgiia $3000 NOW $1799, nr * 1 Ili CANADIAN CHAN11,10N 1:R1D,\ý APRII 12, 2002 ---------- ............................................................ - - ......... ........................