The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Aprl 9, 2002--ô ".ota bot scoop? If so, cati us at87231 Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Oe Gnraions Linda Setlakwe of the Bank of Canada Currency Education Program shows enlarged presenta- - tdon versions of the new $5 bill, white highlmghtlng the securmty features of the currency. HNY. 25 S. AT DEFIRY RD. MILTON -Mail merchants learn to detectIFYUSETTEWNRINADFY counterfeit bis GRGYU1 EDACEKRPTO By FANNIE SUNSHINE ....................... The Champion J Sometames it's difficuit to tell the difference between a counterfeit bill and the real thing. But retai employees shauld now have an eaaner trne detectmng phony hils thanks ta, the Bank of Canada's Currency EducationsPRING M INTENANC P CK GE Progrm Luida Setlakwe, Currency Education Program representative, met wtth two groupa of Milton Mail employeles Thursday ta dis- 4 cuas typacal aagns of counterfeut currency $ 9 5 Iculncoatirswpehss&bIs 'There's heen an increase mn counterfeat cwrrency smnce the midUStx eTrroain*Bkenscin r 90S" ahle told thse amail group of a dozen people gathered in the Tpu ud e iepesr mal s board room. 'There' a een a lot of advance in laser tech- About 130,000 bis circulating In 2001 alune, there were 130,000 cotmterfeit bills ian circula- tion, she contusued. AND EV O O RTR ST O "That's relatively low, considering that' ouof 1.4 billion ntes.D WE E G T Y U R TU ES OO That's about anc in evety 10,000 notes. It 's imaportant people han- Our price includes Installation, baiancing, valve stem, lifetime inspection, dling cash know what ta look for (in detecting caunterfeit curren- ioooo km rotations and applicable road hazard protection and treadwear warrantmes. In the late '90s, there wss a aharp decline in producing counter- UNIROYAI-TIGER PAWASC- Pl85575Rl4 UNIROYALTIGIR PAWAU- P215/75R5 feit billa because of the colour patch that appeared on the $20 and 9 t$ 0 5 $100 buis, she said. Plus tPu $SO g 0 "The $ 100 bill ils thse anc that'a counterfeited thse most, foilowed$6 0 by tise $10, the $20." Fios MOST'9O-'94 SURBIROSNsoD CAVALIERS FiTs MOST'94 SO SAFARI SAND AsT Step by aîep, Ma Setlakwe took the group tbrougs the aecurity se. DON'T RELY on page 10 UMmoYAL- lIsEa PAg* ASC'- P20517om15 UUIUOYAL TIGER PMW ASC- P235/75RI S Spring Special Whites: and Ruisseau Blanc Reds: Shiraz and Vieux Chateau du Roi $89 per batch. reg. kits also $l5 ff reg. $140) The Premniurn Selectiot International kits 342 Bronte USE.2 Mifon (905) 876-940 ' Umbtu ti 11114 Participatîs GM CulastA ffAv sat ýndivdua1 pim LFs 1,M vdu ci;- Gie s-sot ri m s - tltnrvutattsreticlsaTlesvty 5e5evseA~vsorIa-ttts-sosdsten s-s- ms-e s-sps, ss-si s... MtheFFs-t.. mis-s 'A 55s-s-5s.S s-Cisss WU s-s-Go-Lt s- )s