Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Apr 2002, p. 21

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The Canadian Chamnion, Tuesday, Aprnl 9, 2002 -21 it you hiave any questions tnese T he Professiomals" c/o The Canadian Champion 191 Main Street E. Ni0ton, Ontario L9T 4N9 Dr. Ton/yrîWanc aid S ct arlyîngra flerî r~'i Di TonijWan'R J. d S ctarly g Fuervi Home, To t * 21 James St., Milton J L Towne Dental Group 905-878-2669 Tony H. Wan Milton Mail - 55 Ontario St. B.Sc., D.D.S. (905) 876-1188 Q: Should cimdren attend visitations and flanerai services? What Expecting Mom's Should Know The earliest stagea of dental development are found wben tbe embryo is approximately 5 so 6 weeku old. Development of the primary teetb begins at tbis time. As birtb, there are normally 44 tootb buds present in various stages of development. Enamnel formation is well under way on the primary teetb (also, known au baby teetb). Prior to birtb, tbe motber's body provides nutrition îo tbe developing cbild. Good nutrition before pregnancy belps carry tbe motber and cbild tbrougb tbe first few vweeks of development, wbicb are critical. Hormonal cbanges can cause pregnancy gingivitis (inflammation of tbe gumu). Maintenance of good oral bygiene and removal of any irri tanta belps to reduce thse inflammation. During pregnancy, fever and ilîness can leave marks on tbe developing teetb. Antibiotics, particularly tetracycline. taken during pregnancy may cause yellow-brownisb saîn tit tbe primary enamel. The ssaining doles nos usually tîtîCci thse integrisy of tbe touts. Pregnancy can cause changes in tbe tissues of the month sbat may be a concemn. Good oral bygiene and proper nutrition lis essential to keep the motiser and cbild bealtby. Au a vrecau- tion, dental x-rays sbould be avoided during pregnane y. If a x-ray can flot be avoided thse motber will be protecteît isiti a àlead apron witb attacbed tbyroid collar. Hawkins Animal Hospital I Debbie Hawkins t5.Sc., DVM. \ IlI,<VS Doctor of Veterinary Medi,,iiit 550 Ontario SI reet South. , I ati, (Pizza Hut 11li1ena Debbie Hawkins Phone (905) 87-'-6888 r B. Se., DVMI Fax (905) 875-5î853 HEARTWORM DISEASE IN 1)0(,S AND (s rwtîicccksago,.sspeiti th eek in Winni, lanid and -t iin tooking ai hcaiui gardeeca ut datitcdit'. ic : .siideîîdtî noia-si. Whilti c.iking vn the tuic.l Wiadsoi f teaitcvc ac ihe tact thaiithe riishl'iosiqtll'.tihoughcsî -î.dous i,î. 11ii saine beh ikIn o pets ihcii 5.cIihcaghtiic. ilembel th, 1W tu ariicvmy aticle foirApril.,and rnsqtaiîî A theappi,1 i ý 1,asia wekl1aia' hom'ie i biizacd iccli) . Sinchi. -îl] quicki vifr giihoaeicofclil Todti, ic 1 h'tnth t ie moleinslic .as1 cti Nc ptclýs if Ii i n 'he pc..kc iîiîiitic îhài ac liremadt a du'.elise o clogu bal mttre nc rel, i haic humans in North Aixenca. Il i, a parastec (ha!il hy mvcsqauioe andi evenluailt mcatares iii t,l icl wcmi graci. i cause!, obileicilcit ofih iikiý cciagh. Iciliargi. uni heart faîIlci nhe diaca, L suflerc permanen'ctiidamge. i ]liîic acic ii icailiiliiai îiiîililsh.haiî. Il, 'nictiopici, ïi cari j'icccil fici and inivalý! plalnii ii. uine tIv , ila .ceialiii -i aîl~i iiîiti.It, iii > ccii i'.tî d li uccly in, c irejnîlî iiuu pcrîsiii.ii'illi Shi icecii l cii. ii have been il d ciis u e ncia te Ont,,,,, i1u coulaîad i i ik. ais ccars Ici came e îicatd seci oli -ukeni fret 1 mi !t tlii, limre. i a -i i diitiîit ivîlî,er..iiî..ami iorccaLa. S citl i:i.ll au ulii\Ol i.T.ON. ci i uiuic i tidlk oiiliic.lle pc 0.ci inliI i i1 e hai ,ý , d it Iîi)Cfliiitl i li ". i o tii the a b l ii, i iiciil na lieril I,ý I nii i f idi A: Parents ofien shield children front visitations and funmera] services as a kindness. They mistakenly believe it is for the child's good to send bim away with a friend or relative. Tbey are dismayed by the suggestion that tbe child share in the acsiv- ities bonouring the life and memnory of someone close to him. Yet, recogîîized child authorities agree that it is flot only benefi- cial but should be encouraged if the child desires. A chitd is ain integral part of the fasnily unit and should be included in evc'ry significant occasion as he would be in a faini- ly weddinct or picnic. Tbougb sad, the funeral is a aharing process and a crucial occurrence in the life of every fasnily. A cbild shosld hve the same rigbt as anyone else to manifeit his feelings and Io express and share bis own love and devotion. To shut a ehiid Oui of ibis experience might be quise damaging to bim. Tei di e himu of a sense of belonging as tbis very emo- tional tîni. îaifd stiake bis securisy. Cbilctren nid cnougli to attend a public gasbering witbout being disrupti\ c tie ccrîainiy "ready" for "participation" or "atten- dance- lit .î linicînt service. However, is is important tbat the cbild fiîîhc lot be forced su attend noir sbould be be forced su soucti thu dcceased regardless of bow clone tbe cbild migbs bave - 'i t i-i On wbo died. Aîiy otliit tîiin perîaining to fuseraI service, please reel free i ca01 lict J. Scott Early Funeral Home as 878-2669. An educ,îted public is a more prepared public. 15 s~;rilî ~.905-693-9594 Maite I /1 ~ ~ Ikc iHeu//i and/ Wtt' HA 1,)TO HILLS SPEECH CENTRE Northview Centre 211 Guelph St., Suite 5 ~i~jj(905) 873-8400 www.haltonspeech.com Q. I have a 2 year oId boy who has about 15 words in his vocabulary. The rest of tlhe timte he points ami grunts to, get what he wants. Should 1 be concerned or will he "«grow out of it? A. At the age of 2 years, a child should have a vocabulary of several hundred words, use holh nouns aîîd serbs in combination, refer to iruseit' as "me". ainswer "where" questions and be able to, have 'oerain"with otlter eidren. hl sl importani tu remember that ail children develop their skili, it different tîmes, tîowever, Itl'n ehild bas a iimited vocabulary hy 2 years filnd sý flot showsji any indication of increasing il on i daily bscthere is possibly a cause for sot . concerni l' there are signs nil frustration aînn anger ait ni being uanderstoud and if thei c' c a reluctaît.c no imitate words ad phrases tliit tiru modeled loi him, it would be advisable luto your chihi lor a speech and language cissec5Oîc'î n with a Spccli Language Patholugist. If von liaany questions or concerns, please cati thie laiton His S iiCentre for infonrmation on ments, inclividual therapy or po,,sib1e group thici apy- I l O: i i I ,i j ciet that invoiv ci protein shakes..,t mva.,3 sýî.wte fi- caflsufling bana.-as, grapes, carrots .id aa c' l a say, 5t didn't last very longl ta lit r,,e ne y tii eii tci ih..e exirernies tel axse weight? i %c ,i li ipsion c - > i lcc'initeiy "NO'T, ""U ,,,à tîi ote, r ti 'est ai your litîp al i f, oiîe , inian endtîfi l S1iVc' tea I l i.n ..1cci ing habits: a DIET. To have true ct-t' Il,. ii I i liiîîanlo, ASTING RESUiTS. yo' ' iii iii I, , li îc s, loi îll.c I, p;jorais' .necI'rir1 iji Io io i l l ' idlidiiiiili S i i ,, i i , cticttu in se i j 1 i l ai .nel are un i.ý,l -' . cc i -Il f weg til î 1d li:atlciai, i îIlu. i x~ (~OMF~ NTEP~C~ We ni Oceecu ci Carpst - Vire NTlIAL5C & 1 i. ý i.: I i Car al in- 845 Maie Si. the i o .il ! l

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