Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Apr 2002, p. 20

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20--The Canadien Chamojocn. Tuesdav, Aorl 9, 2002 " Elayne M. Tanner B.A. B.S.W, M.S.W., R.S.W., OlP. SOC. ADM. Counselling & Psychotherapy Milton (905) 854-0801 :iayne M. Tanner WWW.etasoluJtion.COm Q: My frentis say 1 amn being abuse&. My mamrage is n perfect but lie promsises to change. Sisouldn't 1 stay and work on il? A Marrages lake work, bu there is noa place ini a marriage for abase. Abusive sponses always promise t0 change, bai anless they make tise chaice 10 gel caant- selling, tltey ranrly do. Abase is flot only physical beatings. It also inclades: - Physical abuse: pashtag. slapping, panching. choking, kicking and trwiag objects. - Sexaal abuse: forced. coerced or anwanted touchiaf or ses, wirhholding of sex or affection, or sexuat practices duat makies her feel humiteti, or degraded. - Emotional abuse: wiihdrawaI of affection, jealousy, denial of hec feelings, put- dowos, constant crilicisat. name culliof, isolating bier mn fniends and family, contrliing her activilies, destruction of propeoty, pets or treasareti oh ets; orcas lu barrit frientis or family. making be account for eve minule, every action; con- toolling her woth fér, tirearn of suicide, threals on hr life as wcl as alowiof ber In have no mooey of ber owo, forcing bier tu accounit for and justify ail money spent and nul allowmof ber ru curvi muney. TMis is not a small problem. Althoagh men do suifer spousal abnse also. one on four Canadian women hase enperienced physical or senuai violence ai the bands of a patiner, tt happeos in rich families as vieil as pour Why don't women jusi leave abusive relationships? The bippesi reason is fer. Fer of briof injured or even kilîrd, livrng reithout money. and losiof tire suppot of faorily. She helieves bis apologies and hopes he wmil change. He is n01 violent aIl the rime su site holds on1 tirte hope thal the relatiooship wont, end, jusl the abuse. tn order ru make necessaty changes. wnmcn nerd information and improveti self-esîeem.MTey can then evaluale ibrir situation and decide mhaltru do about tl. Nu one should lise milh abuse. Coanselling for tire vicllat iv the bust may ro, stant making the necrssary changes. Elayne Tanner SI Aasoiatea. Inc. Witisny asaociaies, 1am ablea offer a aey of ri ces it5tludinmediaton, groaf, seminars and acroIs ta a tawyer andi lgal services. Confidentiaity guaranteeti Ope tominigt,7 dysa week Carniage Square, 265 Main St. E. MICHAEL 905-87"-311 WONG :Tisn embarassina low-grade cossa of mine Insts for oser a mnth and nearly drives me crnoy. Wisat should t do? A: Ciseonin coagh is one of lise mont commonly axked questions in commuai- ty phaonsacy practice. Il impacts on oses physical and psychosocial atoll buiof. A common scenario: Patients iaitially visil Iheir doclors and their symptomns of cougim may subsitie for a wehite but souri reoccur. For the majorily of patients, liseir symploms never completely disappear but linger on. Certain clinical guide- lines convemeolly classify chronin coagis as a persistent trouistesomne cough last- tng forcal teast 3 meeks. Ia facl, appeanimalely 85% of ail cases of cheonic cough are caused by postpasai tnip syndrome (PNDS). astisos and gastronsopisageal reflux diseuse ICIERDI. The relative frequency of tisese causes varies mils age. In atialtu of aIl ages. PNDS is the mont commun cause, tn tise aIder population, CIERD is second and antisma tircl. la chiltiren, astisma is fient. PNDS second, anti GERD is lisird. Tise remainiag cases ure due ta varions conditions including cigarette smoking, air pollution. saroidosin, ettronie broncisitis. tabereulosis. heurt failure and tuna canecer etc. Special consideratiuns may aiso, bu givra lu pertassis (misoopina cougis) and tihe usage of angiotensin-convetting enzyme inhibitors i ACEI). conuaon deug in tise pratinent of biais blond pressure. Researceis alse diseover lhisa s logis ns 80% of att ciseossi cougis cases have multiple cauases. Under mass cireumnstances pisarnacint's bande are tind becanse effective treat- nmt reqssires vignons diagnstic confionmationt frnt phsnicians employiag a spectium of tests. More signifaranliy, mont of tise optimal treamnent dntgs are pSciplans requiret. Thse gond nems is ail staues indicate tisaI pisysicians sisould bu able ta itestify a specific caase of coagis in 88% to0100 of cases and ta provide successfut treatnent in 84% to 98% of tisose misS an identifiable cause. Respoase ta tonal- ment may offer diagnostic confirmation bat can bu slow in cuming. tn olter woets. patients just bave ta bu patient. If you have any questions tnese - pr4eq-onl ca -inswer, please write to: "Ask I he t rofessaoalv d/o The Canadian Champion 191 Main Street E. Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 or Fax toi: 878-4943 ,A&en TANNINO SPAZ- 5O Wt e' 005 7Sm4 lna Donay 86 Main St., Milton' p . Saà~.v (90) 135-050 H TS 876-1515 e. Other than cosmetic, what benefits, does ultravio- let light exposure provide? A:A tan is obviolusly cosmetically pleasing and can give a person more self-confidence. Look good, feel great. However thero are many other benefits of ultra- violet light exposure which include: * Our primary source of vitamin D. * Vitamin 0 helps in the absorption of calcium which strengthens bone density. (Ostoorosis prevontion) * Colon, ovanian and broast cancer rates are twice as high in northem regions as compared to southem regions; lack of vitamin D is thought to be the link. " Decreases blood pressure and reduces cholesterol. * Can holp control psoriasis, eczema and acne. * A tan is your bodys natural sunbum protection. * Helps in the provention of seasonal affected disorder (S.A.D.), also known as the winter blues. * Tanning is very relaxing and is a great way to relieve stress. Ail these benefits can be enjoyed aIl year round at Sun Hayon Tanning Spa, whero we provide the most advanced tanning technology for our clients. Doere is mucli more ta tanning Mhn mee& Mhe oye... expeienco ljgMttherapy at8iSun Haven. Milton Therapeutic Massage CIinIc 75 Main St., Ste. 10 lacrna trure Zahs Pharmansi 878-0800 Jilin uad ROgisterOd WAynWm (Hom.) B. Se., Massage Therapy AhS., RUT Q Last Ilumnesr 1 deveioped goifer'o or tennis eibow due to atb- ietic activity aad yard work. What is goifer's and tannin eibow and bow do t prevent it front contiag back thia oummîer? A Tennis elbow or lteraI epicoadyltiis occurs mioro tisere iv len- donitis of the extenor muscles tif the weisi. Il ix causeti or appra- vateti by repelitive weist extension mosements such as raisiag a illammner, asing a raiciset or moecci, scrubbing floors, typinp or roc- quel sports. Gotfer's elbow or medial epicondylitis is tentionitis of lte wrisl flerior muscles. I ix causeti or appravateti by repetitive wrt flexion suris as sîriking a isammer, scrubbing pots, typiog or gotf. Tendonilis devetops wben tise tendon (amachinent of tise mus- cle to tise banc) becomes inflameti due ta repeateti micratbamra. Il ix characterizeti by painfut tcarriog mithin tise tendon anti pain mith the use of tise affecteti muscle. Your massage therapist con isetp ta prevent lihn reoccuerence of golfer's/tennis gîboe itis summier Ibrougs massage anti specifin stretchsing anti strengtisening exercis- ns. It ix important ta knep lte involveti mascles stmong anti stretris belote anti after tise aggravating octivily. Unfoetunatety, once teationitis sets in, it ix a stubisar condition ta gel rid af. Oftnn il is ncnssary ta campletety reat front tise uggra- vating activity inortier ta give lise muscle anti tendon time ta bel. A massage tiserapisl con iselp ta speeti ap lise heatina proceos by relaxina lise involved muscles anti toonening anti stretching any anar tisane tisat bas developeti within lise tendon. Ibis is ocimvnd ltrongi deep massage techniques, stretching andtihie use of hina anti colti. Your liserapint wili also prescribu important isomecare exercises ta help retieve pain anti intilamtmation anti speeti yoar recavery anti retarn 10 activity. For aay qneanlono caneernina massage theeapy, nr ta book an appoibnont, pieaire cailRyan Weaeer or Jldaa Gnard ai Miou Therapeune Massage CAati, 878 -080. laid that is is related to the artbritis in my big toe. How wouid my big toe affect my arch? There is a compticateti anti coortinateti movement betmeen the tons. bncI, anrte, tomer legs. linighs, hips, tom back anti uunk when you walk. Because of Ibis, a change in your big toc con ot onty bu retated 10 arch pain, il can atso cause pain in parts of your body that are mach further away, such as yosr kaoee, hip, or back. When you stand or malk, the bottes of your foot are supporteti anti cootrotteti hy ligaments anti mus- cles. Il is important that att of the joints and muscles of tihn foot anti tower tep work logettier 10 control the foot properly when watking. Thnis way, att oif the joints anti muscles fonction ut their optimum wit the leasi stress. When you hase arthriiis in your big toc, the toc can become paînful, change il's position or bu slighly tieformeti. hecomne sîiff anti los motion, or may lose it's support if the muscles oif the fotit anti lower teï weaken. These changes can mean that you walk tiiffrrenly, perhapr avoitiing pressure or meigot on the toc. This resaîts in forces buinl placeti on the foot in a different way, thal overtime, con cause othe painful conditions such as tentionilis or ptatarfascilitis becasse the foti bas no optimum movemneft or support. You con visit a physiotherapisi 10 have yoar footwear, walking pattern foot position, movement anti strenpth assesseti. Your physiotherapist cat make recomrioctiations repartiing physiatherapy treatmnent avaitabte ti imoprove your foot anti redace pain. Etiacation about proper foot suppot or a recommentiatioi for orthotics may bu pivert. Please contact Tina or Conmit ai the Halton Communiy Rehabilitatioat Centre, 86 Main Street East, Miton 876-1515, for questions about physiotherapy._____ Briarwood Cosmetic Surgical Centre Dr. S. C. Brown M.D., FRCSC 408 North Service Rd. E. OakviIIe 905-849-4282 Q: N'e heard a lot about Botox recentty, how does it work? A: The physica effeat of injecting Botox is to temporar- iIy and sately immobilize muscles. You can see how 11,15 might be helpful to anryone who has frown lines. Botox has been used for more than ton years for the troatment of facial muscle spasms and strabismus (oye squint). There are no knwn permanent side-etfects. Approval has been given by Heafth Canada for use as a cosmeic treatimenit AI Briarwood Cosmetic Surica Centr e mhave suc- cessfuly used Botox to treat frown & forehead hm as well as creases or Ilaugh lines" around the oyes. These muscles whon injected wilh a tiny amounit of Botox stay immobilized anywhero from 3-6 morilhs. We wull be happy to anser any of your questions or to book afree conlsultationl. Call Michelle or Sharon at 905- 849-4282. il

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