"I. The Canadian Champion, Fniday, Apnil 5, 2002- Police Blotter Man hurts hip while under truck A 35-year-old Milton man working at a construction site on Lawson Road injured his hip when a latch fell off the truck hie was working under March 28. The mani was taken to Milton District Hospital and later transferred to Hamilton General Hospital, where hie remained at press lime with non-life threatenmng injuries. The Minist-y of Labour continues to, investigate. Impaired charge A 29-year-old Moffat mani waa charged with care and control of a vehicle while impaired Sunday after a tow truck driver observed a motorist sleeping as the wheel of bis car. .Halton Regional Police were called 10 the Sunoco gas bar on Guelph Line at 3 arn. and found a maxi sleeping while the car was running. Bar ight Halton police arrested a 20-year-old Milton maxi last Friday after a fight broke out at the Naacar Pit Sports Bar on Main Street. Police were called to the bar at 2 arn. and charged the maxi witb causing a public dis- turbance. Car broken into A 1988 Oldsmobile waa broken into on Millside Drive ovemight March 20. Suspects entered the car from an unlocked door and stole a stereo, bockey skates anid a stick, glasses and a camera, valued at $2,«0. Police auction held tomorrow It's spring cleaning lime for Halton Regional Police. Police will hold an auction tomnorrow in the underground garage of police head- quartera, 1151 Bronte Rd., in Oakville. Viewing and registration will be held from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. followed by thse auc- tion. items up for graba include bicycles, van seats, jewelry, VCRs, CD players, tools, roller blades, lawn mowers, skateboards and a fax machine. I Photo by GRAHAM P'AINE --'Daffodils on sale Members of the Bats Sigma Phi Sorority like Joanne Dundess are selling daffodils et Milton Mali on behaif of the Canadien Cancer Society. The sale of the sprlng flower continues today and tomorrow as part of Cancer Month. '99 MERCURY SABLE WAGON Finîshed in blue matching interiar, 24V, V6, Ioaded Cai To t Us Car 90s 83-23 VWith more than a dozen program choices and camp sites în the Greater Toronto Area, there's a, camp that is rîght for your child. 418-128-8822 or 1-800-223-8024 X'CA Cail now to register. The If you can't find on street parking during construction, there is pienty of free parking to the north and south of Main Street and many stores have access through to Mantre Thank you for thse feedback... We want to hear about ... the construction workers who stop work 10 help you :-.the way you ended up browsing mi a new store because you came through fromn a back parking lot... Ansd if you encounter any difficulties, please let us know about that too! Cai thse DBIA office at 905-876-2773 and leave a message. ne"e and the anessre about the "Main Event." titre's afîat'e happening, next week downtown. Crews are making very good progress and will be completing the first phase of replacing the sani- i tary sewers between Commercial 1 bî , and Martin. They will stars movîng west up the centre of the street and following behind, they will begîn replacing the service connectors into the buildings. 'his will mean cutting across sidewalks but again, they have promised to keep disruptions to a minium. Crews have been working into the evening hours to speed up work and keep daytime traffic flowing smoothly. Watmore detaila about what's happening on Main Street downtown? Check out the information display boards in th onHall lobby and watch this space every week for details. but